Category Archives: Free Classes

Free Class – The Gift of the Golden Rose
What is the Golden Rose Ray and how will it benefit you? In this class you will: -Learn the nature and wonder of this wonderful gift. -Experience the Golden Rose Ray on a journey to the Sacred Gardens of Light. -Learn how you can use this sacred ray to expand your conscious awareness, assisting to…

Free Class – 11 Minutes of Magic
Class “11 MINUTES OF MAGIC” This will be an amazing opportunity for you to raise your vibration and frequency! Learn how to implement a sacred tool to manifest the dreams of your heart. Experience a journey to a place that will instill pathways of illumination. Enjoy the sweetness of peace as you create magic in…

Free Class – Living in a Garden of Joy
“LIVING IN A GARDEN OF JOY” Take a Journey to the Garden of joy and experience the seeds of your heart blossoming before your eyes. Take in the wonder of the sweetness of a joyful heart and learn how to express this in your life. Become acquainted with a sacred tool that will enable you…

Free Class – Grace, The Way of The Heart
“GRACE, THE WAY OF THE HEART” Take a journey to connect at a very deep level with your heart mind, allowing this imprinting to create a clear pathway for you. Experience flowing in grace within the Crystalline Waters of the Sacred Pool of Grace feeling uplifted within the sacred flowing essence that is your truth.…

Free Class – Crystal Magic
“CRYSTAL MAGIC” Learn about crystals and how they can help you in Tasting the Sweetness of Life. Take a Journey to a beautiful Garden where crystals grow in the sacred waters of the rainbow fountains.Choose your own special crystal as a gift. It will be blessed specifically for you. Learn how to use your crystal…

Free Class – Free To Be
“FREE TO BE” Learn how to release much of what is blocking your true vision of purpose and self. Open to a new empowering perspective of you and your life. Take a Journey to the Goddess Mother Temple, experiencing the Radiance of the Heart as you witness the creation of your golden map for your…

Free Class – Journey to the Sacred Heart
“Journey to the Sacred Heart” Take a Journey on pathways into the Sacred Heart, where you will feel the connection to the source of wisdom that lies within, feeling unconditional love, peace and serenity which is your birthright to experience and know. Experience being in the heart, connecting to the wisdom presence within. Open up…

Free Class – The Sparkle in Your Eye
“The Sparkle in Your Eye” In this fun class, you will have the opportunity to observe the sacred moment of your birth, feeling the sweet connection of heart. Witness the love of the blessed ones who come to celebrate you as your life journey begins. Experience the love of the Goddess Mother as she holds…

Free Class – Dancing in Joy
Dancing in Joy Open Your Connection to joy. Recognize your sacred attributes. Take a Journey to the Goddess Mother Temple and enter the Golden Rainbow Falls, where you will bask in the midst of these sacred waters, dancing in joy with bubbles of bliss. Experience the love of the Goddess Mother as she gently guides…

Free Class – Living in the Flow
“Living in the Flow” Discover and experience how to align more fully within the Golden Flow. Receive tools that will assist you with having a greater connection to your divine nature, empowering you to open up to the conscious designing of your life experience. Begin to recognize the wonder of you.