Category Archives: Featured Articles

Harmony, The Key to Riding the Waves of Change in Grace
My Beloved Children, “It is with great heart that I greet you this day. These are the times of great change. It is a time you have been waiting for with great anticipation and excitement, though you may not have the full awareness of this at this time. This is about to change as you…

A Time to Remember
My Beloved Children, “It is with great joy that I greet you this day as we will embark upon a memory held in the deepest part of your heart. It is a time of celebration and joy, for it is the time you have been waiting for. This is a great moment for you my…

Sweet Peace
My Beloved Children, My Message to you today is filled with great excitement, for you stand on the precipice of a new realm of higher thought, within the sweetness of peace. What would it be like to have a greater view, a clearer insight into your life? Imagine having a higher awareness of what is…

The Lightness in Heart, a Recipe for Living in Joy
My Beloved Children, “It is with joy that I greet you this day. Today we shall talk about the beauty and joy that resides within your heart, the lightness which is a reality always and forever. Within your heart is the sacred spark of truth that is your divine essence, your authentic self. The nature…

Grace, The Way of the Heart
My Beloved Children, “It is with great heart that I greet you this day as our very subject is your heart! When we speak of your heart, of course you have your physical heart as part of your beautiful vessel. The heart we speak of today is your Heart Center, the place where within dwells…

Tasting The Sweetness of Life
My Beloved Children, “On this glorious day, I am in joy for you, each one of you, as you bring to my heart such sweetness. As we enter into a new time upon your beautiful world, I desire for you to have a greater awareness of what you are in the process of remembering and…

Hope Shines Brightly
My Beloved Children, “It is with joy that I greet you this day, for even just the thought of you brings me such delight! The message I wish to share with you today is one of hope, for your days of now and your days of tomorrow are filled with great promise. What do you…

The Sparkle in Your Eye
My Beloved Children, “I am flowing in the ripples of joy as I greet you. Today I will share with you a pathway to your heart where you will be able to explore in greater depth your divine nature. As I ponder on you, each of you, my heart fills with such joy of your…

A Flower Blossoms
My Beloved Children, “It is a delight to greet you in this moment with a Message from My Heart. Today there is an opportunity for you to take some new steps on the pathway to remembering your truth. A flower blossoms and the world feels the sweetness as its beauty unfolds. The sweetness of its…

The Golden Flow
My Beloved Children, “It is a delight to greet you in these special moments, to share messages from my heart to yours. Today we shall talk about the Golden Flow, for with a deeper understanding, you will be able to flow with greater ease and grace throughout your life journey, Many of you have heard…