Category Archives: Featured Articles

Life’s Journey
Message from the Goddess Mother channeled by Jan Diana: My Beloved Children of Heart, “As I ponder upon you on this glorious day, I am reminded of your sweet commitment to our sacred plan. I celebrate in gratitude your participation in the story we share together in the many journeys of life. Your choice to…

Your Divine Destiny
Message from the Goddess Mother channeled by Jan Diana: My Beloved Children of Heart, “Today is a grand day. Every day is a celebration of life. Life is a gift for us to explore pathways of new experiences. It is an opportunity to expand and grow into elevated consciousness. Of course, your plans for expansion…

A New Journey Begins
Message from the Goddess Mother channeled by Jan Diana: My Beloved Children of Heart, “I welcome you today into our circle of hearts. May you be blessed with peace, joy and an abundance of your heart’s desires. Certainly it is a time of celebration at the wonder of you. Each of you has risen to…

Harmony, the key to peace
Message from the Goddess Mother channeled by Jan Diana: My Beloved Children of Heart, “Greetings of joy! It is always a time for joy when we connect in our hearts. As we gather together to share this moment, let us open to receive a greater feeling of connection to each other. Let us allow our…

A Vision of Lightness
Message from the Goddess Mother channeled by Jan Diana: My Beloved Children of Heart, “Welcome! As we gather together, let us radiate our heart’s light to each of us. Let us focus on our love for one another. It is a time of great advancements. Each advancement moves us into the greater light of understanding…

Communing with the Heart
Message from the Goddess Mother channeled by Jan Diana: My Beloved Children of Heart, “Greetings of joy! I welcome you today to our meeting of hearts for it truly is through our hearts that we communicate. As we look upon the world today, it appears perhaps as if there is much that is resisting the…

The Lightness of Heart Consciousness
Message from the Goddess Mother channeled by Jan Diana: My Beloved Children of Heart, “Greetings! It is with great joy that I speak with you today. We are heading into a new era for humanity. It is exciting news for us all. As we reach into the heavens, our prayers to express greater joy, peace…

Your Heart Song
Message from the Goddess Mother channeled by Jan Diana: My Beloved Children of Heart, “Greetings of joy! It is a time for us to celebrate new beginnings, new perspectives, new ways of seeing and experiencing our life journeys. As I walk among the beautiful flowers in the garden of My Heart, I can feel the…

Sparks of Light
Message from the Goddess Mother channeled by Jan Diana: My Beloved Children of Heart, “Greetings of joy! My heart is smiling today with the anticipation of what joy is about to reach your awareness. You can claim it now if you choose. Yes My Beloveds, joy is a choice. Though it is your divine nature…

The Seeds of Wisdom
Message from the Goddess Mother channeled by Jan Diana: My Beloved Children of Heart, “Greetings! Welcome to this gathering of hearts. As with all of our gatherings, we begin with a connection to our heart. This is the place of wisdom, of great love and of the divine truth of self. We begin today with…