Author Archives: Jan Diana

A Time of Promise
My Beloved Children, “I greet you this day with a Message of Heart. As we begin this New Year, it is a time for great celebration for the past, yes, for the past has led us to this New Year, this new moment. Now we begin a new calendar year, filled with great promise. Let…

A Greater Vision
My Beloved Children, “Today I have a message of great heart for you to feast upon. It is a message that is quite timely and yet would be welcome in any position of time that you find yourself within. There is a vision, a great vision that is held within your heart. Within this vision…

A Sacred Quest
My Beloved children, As I greet you this day, I am in gratitude of heart for the blessings of joy that you bring to me, and to the oneness of our sacred family. Each of you has your own special flavor that delights my heart and sings a song into the oneness of all that…

Embracing the Light
My Beloved children, “It is with great joy that I greet you this day, as I wish to share with you a special message from my very heart to your heart. As we discussed last month, you are in the midst of great change on your sweet planet. These changes you have chosen, prayed for,…

Message of Love from the Goddess Mother
My Beloved Children, “It is with great joy that I present this message from my heart to your heart this day. You stand at the precipice of great change and wonderment. Your awareness is elevating as is your acceptance of the light that shines ever so brightly upon you. In this truth, there is great…

Living in the Heart
This morning as most mornings, I awoke to the sweetness of the birds singing their songs of joy.It is a wonderful way to greet the day, with a song in your heart, an expression of joy for another day of life and living. This morning was a little unique though in that I was carried…

Gaia our Sacred Home, a New Beginning
One of my favorite movies is the Field of Dreams. I love the beautiful landscape of the vibrant, green cornfields against the blue skies. The story is intriguing as it opens up to a dream reality that perhaps would not seem possible, yet succeeds at opening up our heart. The music lifts my imagination into…

Language of Love
Once upon a time there was young girl named Mary. She loved to play in the garden. She would dance, and sing to the flowers, the birds and the trees. It was her very own special place where she felt a freedom to just be as she desired. One day while she was playing, she…

Free Class – The Gift of the Golden Rose
What is the Golden Rose Ray and how will it benefit you? In this class you will: -Learn the nature and wonder of this wonderful gift. -Experience the Golden Rose Ray on a journey to the Sacred Gardens of Light. -Learn how you can use this sacred ray to expand your conscious awareness, assisting to…

Free Class – 11 Minutes of Magic
Class “11 MINUTES OF MAGIC” This will be an amazing opportunity for you to raise your vibration and frequency! Learn how to implement a sacred tool to manifest the dreams of your heart. Experience a journey to a place that will instill pathways of illumination. Enjoy the sweetness of peace as you create magic in…