Author Archives: Jan Diana

A Family of Heart
Greetings, My Beloved Children of Heart, “You are of such sweetness! To touch upon you with my thoughts brings me such joy, such delight. We are truly a family of heart. As we move through this moment in time together, we embark upon a great and glorious journey. Our adventure which we share is made…

Remembering The Wonder of You
Greetings, My Beloved Children of light, “My message today is from my heart to yours. As we approach this union of time with each other, let us take a moment to ponder on the wonder of ourselves. We are such delightful beings are we not! Imagining this wonder will open your hearts to receive my…

The Gift of the Golden Rose
Greetings My Beloved Children of light, “Welcome to our time of sharing. Today I come with a message that will uplift and inspire, leading you to a greater sense of your joyful nature. Within the realms of Earth there now exists a wonderful new energy. This energy emanates from a Sacred Ray, new to all…

The Heart Blossoms
Greetings My Beloved Children of light, “In this moment in time, there arises an opportunity unprecedented. I bring to your conscious awareness something you will be able to experience. This great wonder is a new fresh way for you, a new beginning for humanity. As we open the gateway during this time of equinox, there…

Acceptance, a Jewel of Promise
Greetings My Beloved Children of light, “It is time for us to gather together to share in a sweet message of truth. Today my message to you will help pave the way for a greater understanding of your great wonder. In this time of sweetness, there is much loving assistance being offered to support the…

Chanulanaha, From My Heart to Yours
Greetings My Beloved Children of light, “I bring to you today a message from my heart to yours. It is a love message sung to you in the language of the heart, the language of love. You will know this message on many levels as it sings to you of truth, your truth and the…

The Wonder of You
My Beloved Ones, “I greet you in sweet joy this blessed day of new beginnings. As we prepare to enter into a New Year, it offers us the opportunity to reflect upon our lives, to bring to mind what we have enjoyed the most and perhaps what we would like to see shift into becoming…

The Greatest Gift
Greetings My Beloved Ones, “During this time of year there are wonderful celebrations of the many blessings of life. Families and friends gather together to share great food and memorable experiences. Communities of heart gather throughout the world with a unified focus in their own ways to give thanks to the Creator for their many…

Whispers of The Heart
Greetings My Beloved Ones, “Today I wish to share with you a truth that will bring you comfort and peace as you journey through your life experiences. It is a gift from my heart, given to all my children. From the very beginning in the early moments of your life as you began your experience…

A Vision of Hope
My Dear Hearts, “I greet you today in the spirit of great joy. I feel your sweetness as your eyes and hearts gaze upon the words I share with you today. In this position of time, you are experiencing many doors of opportunity presenting before you. Opportunities, which were perhaps not known to you before,…