Jan Diana – Jan Diana http://www.jandiana.com Intuitive Healer • Spiritual Teacher • Master Practitioner Mon, 04 Nov 2019 21:15:25 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.2 214957115 Life’s Journey http://www.jandiana.com/2019/11/04/lifes-journey/ Mon, 04 Nov 2019 21:04:59 +0000 http://www.jandiana.com/?p=882 Message from the Goddess Mother channeled by Jan Diana:

My Beloved Children of Heart,
“As I ponder upon you on this glorious day, I am
reminded of your sweet commitment to our sacred
plan. I celebrate in gratitude your participation in
the story we share together in the many journeys
of life.
Your choice to live and experience offers you and
us so many treasures. The blessings are becoming
so grand there is no way to fully take measure of
them for they are perpetually expanding into the
ever more of us.
As I speak to your many hearts on this topic, the
message comes to mind of what is most important
to share with you at this point in the journey. There
is so much to share and yet this is the piece that
your heart calls out to hear, to feel, and to receive
a validation of.
You desire most of all to know if you are fulfilling
your plan you made in our council before your
journey began. And of course the answer is a resounding
Yes, you are. It is a journey of many choices, many
steps and many experiences. Each leads to the next
and the next. Each is fulfilling in and of itself, and
yet each one fits into the bigger picture, creating
the greater vision which we share together.
You might feel as if you are missing the connection.
You may feel a bit disconnected from the awareness
of truth that you desire that feels so close, yet perhaps
just out of reach.
This feeling is an indication of your growing awareness
that something more for yourself exists. Even
if it feels out of reach at this time, you know it.
Your heart knows your plan. You know your plan.
You know it on many levels of awareness.
And thus here you are, on a grand journey of
remembering your truth. What you felt you forgot
is making itself known to you in ever expanding
ways and means.
This is very exciting for all of us. Each spark of
awareness leads to another and then another and
another. It continues on until that glorious moment
when the fullness of self is remembered.
What a glorious journey of self-discovery! To experience
yourself in this way opens up for advancements you will
experience that are even beyond your imagination at this
However, you will grow into it in your readiness. Thus the
journey unfolds to lead you to the greatest discovery of all,
your truth, your divine nature and your sacred destiny.
How wonderful it is to know, that whatever step you are
on, whatever you are experiencing now, whether it is one
bringing you joy or one with some challenges, it is leading
you to that ultimate awareness of yourself. You can take
this truth in and allow it to bring you encouragement. You
can accept the peace that comes with this understanding.
Recognizing that each choice has the power to take you
to that place you have been dreaming about, brings great
excitement to your heart. It can also free you from any
judgments of self of lesser value for having some bumps
along the road.
All experiences of all choices, all journeys, will lead to that
same wonderful destination at some point in our glorious
future. All of us reaching the completion of our journey of
love, returning fully into our oneness, and yet with all we
have experienced adding into our flavor as we prepare for
the next step in our grand adventure together with our ever
more loving selves.
The wonder of it all. The wonder of each of you fills my
heart with great joy. You simply are magnificent.
Nothing of lesser value in your experience can alter you
truth, your divinity. You are who you are, living and experiencing
the journey of lives.
May you open your heart and allow yourself to feel the
witness to this truth. May you begin to have more kindness
and patience with yourself and with others. May you begin
to feel the connection to truth in the greatest of openness,
with ease and grace.
You are fulfilling your destiny. You are rising up to dance to
the song of your heart.
As you continue going forward, let it be known to you that
you are living your dream. Yes you have many dreams and
desires of your heart to live and experience. And yet the
fullness of all of these is held within the wholeness of your
life journey.
You can move forward now and always with a greater awareness
of your purpose as it begins to make itself known to
you consciously. To know your purpose is delightful. To
purposefully walk in that awareness is your birthright.
To achieve that now is within your reach.
Open up your heart to receive the greater awareness. Let
yourself be guided in the lightness of heart.
It is now easier than perhaps you thought possible. Flow
in the streams of lightness that is dancing upon the Earth
now, relaxing into that sweetness. It will uplift and inspire
Accept each joy that comes your way, knowing you deserve
it. You are worthy to receive all you are being blessed with.
Choose joy. Choose the abundance of all that brings you joy
and know it is yours to claim.
You are ready for the next steps leading into the greater
awareness, into the lightness of heart.
I celebrate you as you reach for the stars, for truly you are
reaching for your own lightness. Be accepting of the love, for
as you do you will feel the sweetness of your heart song as it
calls to you, guiding you to that place of home. Shamon.”

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Your Divine Destiny http://www.jandiana.com/2019/10/04/your-divine-destiny/ Fri, 04 Oct 2019 17:19:21 +0000 http://www.jandiana.com/?p=873 Message from the Goddess Mother channeled by Jan Diana:

My Beloved Children of Heart,
“Today is a grand day. Every day is a
celebration of life. Life is a gift for us to
explore pathways of new experiences. It
is an opportunity to expand and grow into elevated consciousness.
Of course, your plans for expansion are designed by
you. You are the orchestrator of each thought. Each
thought leads to action or no action. However, the
source of their projection is you.
You may feel as if your thoughts are not your own. And
sometimes this is truth due to the nature of a history
of living on a duality planet where much has been conditioned.
You have a rich history of your genetic lineage as well
as the collective of humanity, as you share in this grand
adventure of life on Earth. Agreements were made with
great excitement well before you made your journey
And so here you are now living in this time of great advancements.
Yes, you are awakening in a time of greater
awareness, a time for beginning to recognize your truth.
Navigating through these times of change can be an
interesting challenge. You may find it to be a bit uncomfortable
in these new Earth energies. You may even
feel unsure of your footing as things don’t feel the same
to you.
Change has always been a constant. All you have to do
is observe the seasons of life to know this truth. Now
more than ever you are beginning to realize that this is
the way of things.
Change is a part of your divine nature. The passion for
having more wonderment, more joy, a greater understanding
comes from within you.
This passion propels you into taking steps onto pathways
perhaps you have never dreamed possible before.
When you look upon your past experiences with a
reflective mind, you can begin to see how you have
moved to new levels of experiences, which allow you to
see beyond, the “what used to be” mentality.
You will begin to entertain new ideas, new perspectives
and open to the idea of new thoughts and actions.
This then allows you to feel into the potential of a
new thought, a new choice, a new experience, a new
Imagine if you master your thoughts. What if you purposely
chose and fueled with a focus what you desire
most to experience? What if you could achieve your
dreams through pathways of self-discovery of what
is possible, simply by choosing new thoughts with a
focused purpose?
This is the same pathway taken by the many greater
masters in the history of humanity. These are the masters
you know about, such as St Germaine, Buddha,
Mary, Jesus, St. Anne and many others.
They each walked a path of self- discovery. Then through
that greater awareness, they began to develop their
innate abilities. They learned to choose their thoughts
of what was desired and with focus were able to create
their dreams. They became great masters of thought and
energy fulfilling their sacred purpose.
The same is possible for you. You have also been endowed
with these same master abilities. It is merely a
matter of having a greater awareness, and of learning
the higher principles associated with these. Then with
practice, you develop them as with any other gift, or
talent innate to you.
Take for example how child discovers an interest in
painting. Perhaps through an activity at school or at
home, they find that they really enjoy creating pictures.
With practice they become more proficient. Their
paintings may start out simple but as they continue
on practicing and enjoying this activity, they become
more confident in their abilities.
They can now begin to challenge themselves to create
even greater masterpieces.
It is a process of discovery, reflection, practice, and of
focusing thoughts and energy. All this comes together
to create the desired masterpieces, the realities of choice.
It is the same steps for any personal development
on the path of mastery. It is a process of developing
your divine gifts and abilities, your divine attributes.
Many of these have been dormant waiting for your time
of discovery.
Now with the new elevating energies of Earth, it is
even easier to make these discoveries. Perhaps you feel a
longing for something. Perhaps you are drawn to
something of great interest.
You are being guided and prompted to feel these connections.
These are little whispers from your heart, that
part of you that knows your truth and that it is time to
pursue these dreams held within your heart.
Take note of these as they are of great value and will lead
you to a greater sense of self. They will guide you into
experiencing the joy of a life fulfilled, living the dreams
and passions of your heart.
Your true self is constantly lighting pathways of possibilities
for your todays and your tomorrows. Following
the light will be a great source of joy to you.
It all starts with noticing the whispers, entertaining new
ideas and new thoughts. And then practicing choosing
those higher thoughts and fueling them in confidence.
There are many tools offered to assist you on your path
of mastery. You will be guided to what is your ideal
when you choose thoughts that support that concept.
It is that simple.
Becoming the consciously aware master that you are,
developing your innate gifts and abilities and then
directing energy to create your dreams is your deepest
desire to achieve. You knew the time would come
when you would be able to break free from the past
stories of lesser value and begin to see the truth with
greater clarity.
The elevating light of Earth dances and uplifts each with
the opportunity to see the greater vision. The potential
to know the greater value of self, that sweetness that is
truly free to be and live whatever dreams and desires are
held within the heart.
Now is the time to claim your destiny. To walk upon
Earth as an enlightened being, to develop all those
beautiful gifts of wonderment that you have been given.
It is your time to begin to create more of what you
desire, letting go of lesser perceptions of self that really
are not your truth. It is a time to play more, to dream
more, to envision new and greater possibilities and
It is a time to dance to the music of your heart. To let
go of beliefs and perceptions that create the illusion of
you feeling or being less than who you really are.
It is time to recognize your divine truth, to accept
the fullness of the gift of life in gratitude. It is time to
explore the many possibilities you desire to experience.
It is time for you to know that you are a being of infinite
love, of infinite potential. This is your time to be
consciously fueling your divine destiny, your birthright,
and to be that master of love that you truly are.
With great love,
Your Beloved Mother

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A New Journey Begins http://www.jandiana.com/2019/08/27/a-new-journey-begins/ Tue, 27 Aug 2019 23:05:50 +0000 http://www.jandiana.com/?p=868 Message from the Goddess Mother channeled by Jan Diana:

My Beloved Children of Heart,
“I welcome you today into our circle
of hearts. May you be blessed with
peace, joy and an abundance of your
heart’s desires.
Certainly it is a time of celebration at
the wonder of you. Each of you has
risen to a placement on your journey
where you are now ready to walk in
your own power. Yes, these words fill
your hearts with excitement at knowing
this truth and the possibilities.
Imagine now that you have been given
and accepted the keys to a brand new
automobile. It is a vehicle you have
longed to have, to take you on many
new experiences.
As you now step into that beautiful
new car, you feel it start up as you
place the key into the ignition and
turn it on. How exciting to hear
the motor as it shifts into a glorious
Where will you drive to first? What
journey have you longed to take?
Who would you like to go with you?
Or perhaps you plan this first journey
to be just for yourself. Whatever you
choose is perfect.
As you start to drive down the roads
of choice, you will begin to feel a new
sense of yourself. You will have awareness
that you can now experience life
in a new way. It is like a whole new
world has opened up for you to explore
and enjoy.
You feel a sense of freedom, as well as
a greater connection to your sacred
self. You have coming to your mind
thoughts, helping you to know where
and when to make the turns on the
roadways of your life.
You begin to feel a greater connection
to your life purpose. You feel a sense
of knowing why you are here, and
what your heart desires to experience,
to create, and to be.
Many have prayed for this moment,
this moment of empowerment. A
time when you would begin to consciously
accept your true nature and
all that goes with that glorious truth.
Yes, My Beloveds, you are ready to
drive that shiny new vehicle. As you
take your journey, you will have clearer
vision, new insights inspiring you
to choices that lead you to your destinations
of choice.
You have been preparing for this time.
Releasing in grace what you might call
road blocks that kept you from the
fulfillment of your dreams.
Now that you have been handed the
keys, you are ready to begin your life
in wonderful new ways. You will feel
a sense of freedom, as if you have the
windows down and are feeling the
cool breeze as you drive along.
You have been sleeping angels and
now you are awake and awakening
to your sweet truth. You are allowing
the light to spark and dance upon
you. It feels wonderful!
Yes, there may still be some bumps along the road.
However you will be able to maneuver around these
as you continue to allow the light to bless and guide
you. It is for you to choose for yourself. You are
To become ready to receive these keys you have journeyed
through many obstacles and moved beyond
them. Yes, you have received loving assistance along
the way and will continue to receive as you allow of
course. You are never alone.
However, now begins a new journey with more conscious
awareness. This allows you to choose how you will flavor
your life experiences.
What is it you would like to attract into your life? How
can you align with those beautiful dreams so that they
become your realities of choice?
Always begin with your focus from your heart. This is a new
era. It is powered by love, by heart consciousness.
When you ponder anything about your life, direction, guidance,
possibilities, begin with focusing from your heart.
Do this until it becomes your natural way of being.
From this perspective you will be able to access your
divine gifts and abilities which are your birthright, waiting
for you to recognize, claim and develop. These many gifts
and blessings will help you in developing these higher states
of consciousness, coming from your heart always.
Your heart contains all wisdom and knows the pathways
that are ideal for you. It is always aligned with authentic
truth, always speaks in peace and always offers wisdom.
It holds all the answers that you seek. As you develop your
heart consciousness, you will be able to access the jewels
within your heart’s treasury.
Imagine taking journeys you perhaps had forgotten were
your dreams. Perhaps you had set them aside thinking they
were not possible for you. Or perhaps you hold such big
dreams you haven’t even entertained the concepts of them,
Well now is the time to open up to the possibilities. To
allow yourself to dream big dreams free of any perceived
limitations. To imagine what was thought impossible as
now possible.
Your keys to your new vehicle have potentials that are limitless.
It is a matter of being open, learning how to work
with the higher principles and systems of truth, and then
applying that knowledge. Be open to the guidance of your
heart and you will be lead to the answers that you seek to
support your journey of choice.
Celebrate the wonder of reaching this time in your personal
evolution as well as the evolution of the collective of Earth.
Your many rewards are here for you to notice and accept.
The keys have been handed to you. You have the power and
freedom to drive yourself where you would like to go. All
choices are honored. You are honored and celebrated.
My heart is filled with joy at your great achievement in
arriving at this new place. Believe in your wonder. Accept
the successes along the way. Know that you are already
Make your journey become that glorious dream you have
held for this time in your life. It is your new beginning and
you are ready as well as deserving of all blessings.
Walk in confidence knowing you are loved and supported.
Love yourself most. Honor your
life, and bless those who share journeys with you.
May you always feel the sunshine in your heart and know
of my great love for you. You are the jewels of my heart.
With great love,
Your Beloved Mother

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Harmony, the key to peace http://www.jandiana.com/2019/07/28/harmony-the-key-to-peace/ Sun, 28 Jul 2019 22:00:47 +0000 http://www.jandiana.com/?p=863 Message from the Goddess Mother channeled by Jan Diana:

My Beloved Children of Heart,
“Greetings of joy! It is always a time for joy when we connect in our hearts.
As we gather together to share this moment, let us open to receive a greater feeling of connection to each other. Let us allow our hearts to be open to receive a validation of the sweetness of our divine relationship.
Each of us has a unique energy frequency. You might say we have our own song. Call it a soul song if you like.
It is a way of being known as our individual self, and yet
we are part of the bigger soul song. It is as if you are a
beautiful instrument playing in an orchestra consisting
of many different instruments. We each play our parts together creating a symphony of great harmony, joy and peace.
Harmony is the key note that we all have within our personal
soul song. It is a resonance with our heart that plays
notes of delight and lifts us into the heights of forever bliss.
Harmony is the natural way of being. It is a unified resonance
that blends in such a way to uplift and enhance one’s
experiences and expansion potentials. With harmony there
is no discord. There is only peace. There is a flowing energy
that lightly dances wherever it is directed.
Where there is harmony, the energy will flow freely, joyfully,
peacefully lifting and expressing in the most exquisite ways.
It is a lightness of spirit expressing itself as it desires.
Harmony is a divine attribute. It is always recognized by
our spirit, our soul, as our true nature.
When in harmony you feel the connection to your divine
presence. Within harmony you have the feeling of the familiar,
a sense of being home.
In these glorious times of great change, we are moving into
greater harmony. This is happening based on
each one’s personal choice of harmony as well as
the collective of Earth.
The history of humanity has taken place on our
beautiful Earth. We have experienced living in
the fields of polarity where there has been opposing
forces. This has offered us the opportunity
to experience many things which could not
have been experienced in any other way.
So we celebrate this. We are grateful to Mother
Earth for providing us with this wonderful place
to live and to have many experiences.
Now we are on pathways of change. We have
chosen to move out of the duality plains into the
greater harmony.
Imagine a New World free of conflict and discord.
Imagine there being no lack of any kind.
Image living in peace and joy as a constant in
every moment.
This is our focused vision. This is our ultimate
destination, it is our destiny.
You might ask how can I feel more harmony in
my life now? What are some ways I can enhance
my life experiences in my every day moments?
First, it is important to recognize what is out of harmony in
your life. What feels uneasy, upsetting, perhaps frustrating.
Anything that comes to mind as some kind of issue that
bothers you has associated with it some discord.
Discord in and of itself is upsetting as it doesn’t resonate
with you or with your soul song. It creates a feeling of
dis-ease in many forms.
Recognizing what elements are creating these feelings helps
you to identify areas you can choose to bring your focused
attention to. Then you can actively seek solutions to harmonize
these situations.
Sometimes it might be a process of letting go of something
that doesn’t resonate with you. Or perhaps it is a matter
of you shifting how you feel about something or how it is
To begin to bring greater harmony into your life it must be
a choice. You desire it and make the choice to take steps to
create that reality for yourself.
You have the ability to do this. It is part of your divine
makeup. Take any issue or situation that you would like
to bring harmony to. Spend a few moments focusing in
your heart on this topic. How would it feel to have harmony
about this? What would that look like? Ponder these
thoughts while focused in your heart.
Let your heart whisper to you. Make a simple plan of action
steps to take and begin. Always hold the vision of resolution
and how that would feel as you move forward.
As you focus on harmony you become a peacemaker. You
bring peace to yourself and to others.
Developing these innate gifts and abilities will strengthen
your connection to your divine self. The new resonate frequency
will shift to support your focus, bringing greater joy
and peace into you and to your life experiences.
With harmony as your focus, you allow yourself to become
an enlightened being. Your life becomes filled with the joy
and lightness that your heart desires.
Each element of harmony you bring into your life brings
more harmony into the world. Greater harmony blesses the
collective of humanity.
You have within you the power to change your life into
one of great peace through harmony. You have the power
to assist all of Earth to reach and fulfill the destiny of a
New World, where all beings live in the sweetness of love,
joyfulness and peace.
This is your destiny. It is the destiny of all the children of
Let us walk this pathway together with open hearts, loving
ourselves, and loving all. Let us be in gratitude for all that
we have been blessed with. Let us each choose to move into
the higher harmony and walk the pathway to fully remembering
our sacred selves. Shamon.”
With great love,
Your Beloved Mother

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A Vision of Lightness http://www.jandiana.com/2019/06/21/a-vision-of-lightness/ Fri, 21 Jun 2019 04:14:11 +0000 http://www.jandiana.com/?p=852 Message from the Goddess Mother channeled by Jan Diana:

My Beloved Children of Heart,
“Welcome! As we gather together, let us radiate our heart’s
light to each of us. Let us focus on our love for one another.
It is a time of great advancements. Each advancement moves
us into the greater light of understanding and is considered
of great value, for each step leads to the next and the next.
Take a moment to ponder on how wonderful it feels to share
your heart’s light to each of us. Now shine it back upon yourself
and your life. Feel the wonder expand ever more.
This is a wonderful way to begin and to end each day. It reflects
your awareness and recognition of your sacred truth, for
indeed you are that light.
Imagine living in the lightness as a constant. Imagine the
wonder of feeling the joy, of basking in the delight of your
heart’s countenance, and sharing your joy with your brothers
and sisters.
Indeed it is a time for great celebrations as you recognize
deeper and deeper your true nature and intrinsic value. It is
the key to all the happiness and joy that you desire to experience.
You may wonder how this can be that I can feel so much joy.
Well, joy is the nature of your essence. It is who you are.
Feeling joy is like coming home. It feels familiar. It is what you
desire most to feel and enjoy in all of your life experiences.
You are beginning to develop the ability to live and express joy.
It is the way of the heart. It is the way to your pathways of
discovering your truth.
As you experience joy by conscious choice, opportunities to
develop further expansion of your natural abilities will present
for you to partake. Each time you consciously choose further
development, you will enhance your wisdom and knowledge
of your divine nature.
It is a journey of discovery. It is a journey that you design. Now
more than ever before you can consciously choose the many
flavors of your experience that you desire.
Imagine yourself in a great beautiful field. There is space in
all directions to build whatever you would like. There are the
foundational elements, blue sky, air, water, sunshine, land. The
terrain can vary but the basics are there for you.
Now what would you like to have in your life if you could
choose it free of constraints or thoughts that might limit your
dream? Let your mind connect with your heart through focus,
and ponder on this.
Imagine this field now, filling up with your heart desires. If
something appears and you change your mind, release it and
replace it with another thought. See how easily you can add
to or remove from this field.
It is fun to play. Take some time as often as you desire to play
in your field. Build yourself whatever you desire, and then feel
you in the picture experiencing it.
Imagination is a great tool to utilize to create dreams. It takes
a vision clearly defined to focus upon to create the dreams of
your heart. You can have fun playing with imagination while
at the same time developing your abilities to direct energy.
Imagine if it was that simple. Vision the dream and then live
it. What if I told you the only thing that limits this reality
are limiting thoughts, beliefs, concepts and conditioning that
is and has been the history of humanity.
It is the old story that has been the path that has flavored all
journeys. Now with the many lighter energies on Gaia, much
is shifting and preparing to shift, to elevate into the greater
As you and the We of Earth release from the old stories of limitations,
letting them go in gratitude, you can allow yourself
to be blessed by the lighter energies. These will assist you to
see more clearly the truth.
As you see and feel the greater truth, your new dreams will
unfold in grace. You are developing your abilities to make this
your reality, your new elevated life journeys.
With choice and practice you can prepare yourself for further
advancement. This will enhance your innate abilities and gifts.
This is your destiny.
You may choose to consciously prepare for it now by opening
your heart to the possibilities. Let your heart guide you. Spend
time focused in joy, experiencing this for yourself and sharing
joy with others.
These are foundational steps. Each works with the next. Each
step enhances as it lights the way for the pathways of further
It is a grand adventure. You are the one deciding how you
want that adventure to be, to feel.
what it looks like, and where it will lead you next.
It is a time to shift from focus on issues and concerns. Now
you can consciously choose to focus on your heart, on joy and
the infinite possibilities.
It is a time to consciously choose and focus your thoughts on
what you desire rather than what is or has been troubling you
or that you feel is missing. As you do this, you will begin to
see the power of your shift in focus unfold in great wonderment.
You have been endowed with all the abilities to do this and so
much more. It is for you to choose in your readiness. There
are no judgments of timing or choices. There just are opportunities
to know the lightness of heart.
Shifting the focus to your heart brings you into a greater
awareness of the divine in yourself. It also brings awareness
to the connection of lightness that you share with all that is.
Beloved Ones, I celebrate your glory. I know of your greatness.
Each of you has your own uniqueness, and yet all of you
are of one heart.
Remember you are loved and supported always. Know that
the lighter pathways are ready for you to choose to walk upon
May you journey forward, knowing of the great love that
flows to you always. You are the lightness. Shamon.”
With great love,
Your Beloved Mother

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Communing with the Heart http://www.jandiana.com/2019/06/06/communing-with-the-heart/ Thu, 06 Jun 2019 03:14:51 +0000 http://www.jandiana.com/?p=846 Message from the Goddess Mother channeled by Jan Diana:

My Beloved Children of Heart,
“Greetings of joy! I welcome you today to our meeting of
hearts for it truly is through our hearts that we communicate.
As we look upon the world today, it appears perhaps as if
there is much that is resisting the greater lightness. Let me
assure you that the many hearts of our brothers and sisters
are truly beginning to open up and embrace the greater light.
Yes, there is a residue of conflicting energies based upon old
patterns and choices to uphold. However there are more elevations
in acceptance of the lights of truth as they shine upon
us and our Beloved Earth.
As we begin to recognize the lightness, there is a process that
unfolds of releasing from what was, to what is and can be.
This process involves adjusting our minds to embrace more
of what our hearts have always known to be truth.
Therefore, as we focus on the attributes of our heart we can
become attuned to the higher frequencies of truth more
easily. This assists to smooth out our experiences as we move
through the shifting energies to embrace the higher principles
of lightness and truth.
These are exciting times filled with opportunities to make
great shifts in our consciousness and our life experiences. To
be able to recognize your personal truth and what you are
capable of creating to experience, is the beginning of your
greatest dream held within your heart.
To return to heart consciousness and the ability to direct
energy is your divine right and privilege. It is what you have
dreamed of before you even entered this life.
How can you move into heart consciousness? What is the
For each one the pathways are unique and yet similar to
everyone. The plan you created before entering your life is
truly in full effect.
You laid out the steps from that place of knowing. You knew
that you would forget yourself. You also knew that the way
would be made for you to remember.
It is a journey, a process of connecting deeper into your
heart, to feel the sweetness that is your truth. To allow
yourself to feel that sweet unconditional loving acceptance of
your holy self is the connection you desire above all else.
As you move through your personal life experiences, you
are offered opportunities to feel, sense and know little sweet
messages from your heart. They are like little phone calls from
home, always hopeful that you will make the connections and
feel the conversing that is in a perpetual flow.
You heart is always in constant communication with you.
Leading, guiding, inspiring, and blessing you with frequencies
set to uplift you to your next level of understanding and
Your journey is unique to you, designed by you for you.
As you reach the greater awareness there will be a sense of
more peace and contentment in your life. You will notice what
brings you joy more frequently.
This is a natural occurring process. We are all here elevating
together along with Mother Earth.
Each one is elevating based on their choices and focus. As you
are ready for more light, it is offered to you.
You develop in each stage of experience and move into greater
conscious awareness. It is like someone turned on the lights
and you can now see what was there all along yet seemed
hidden from you.
Celebrate each step and stage as it leads you through your adventure
of discovering truth. There is always more to discover
and experience. Each step and stage leads you to even greater
joy and possibilities.
Moving through these experiences is your life purpose unfolding.
You are as if a beautiful lotus flower beginning to open up
and develop your many petals of beauty.
You might ask “how can I commune with and recognize my
heart transmissions with a greater awareness?” I would suggest
first that you choose this as your focused desire.
Than center yourself into your heart by bringing attention
to it, breathing into it, and becoming calm and centered. Be
in the stillness and allow the flow of connection to come from
your heart to your awareness.
Sit with the flow in a state of pondering. Feel into it. Experience
the flow as loving, feeling that joyful reunion.
Now as you take in the flow, allow yourself to be guided, to
be inspired. What thoughts come to mind? Make notes if
you desire to refer to them as focus points.
Notice the sweetness of the connections. It is within the quiet
stillness that you will hear these sweet whisperings. If there
are no words that come to mind, just enjoy the experience
of transmission, knowing you are receiving on many levels.
You can develop this connection through practice, through
mediation and with focus. You can open up to a new
perspective for yourself on your life and your truth, beginning
with this simple yet profound practice.
It is as if you have a personal guide that knows you and is
here to assist you in every step of your life journey. Indeed
this is truth. For you are the one guiding yourself from that
place of the fully remembered self, your true self.
Ponder on these topics if you desire. What would I like to
experience in my life? How may I feel more connected
to my true self? What is my life purpose? These are topics
you can begin to explore through these times of communing
with your heart.
A whole new world awaits your discovery. A life filled with the
excitement of exploration, discovery and realization of dreams
is yours to claim.
It is your time to begin the blossoming process. Acceptance is
the key. Accept the loving and the lightness. Allow yourself to
receive for you are both deserving and ready.
Accept that you are loved. Know that you are that beautiful
perfect true self, living a life on an amazing journey of
Celebrate your truth. Live your life in great joy. It is your divine
right and privilege to do so.
Your heart holds the vision of your greatness. I also hold this
vision with you.
Enjoy your life My Beloveds. Know that it is your destiny to
remember. Live your dreams and blossom within the vision of
your truth. Shamon.”
With great love,
Your Beloved Mother

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The Lightness of Heart Consciousness http://www.jandiana.com/2019/04/28/the-lightness-of-heart-consciousness/ Sun, 28 Apr 2019 23:49:56 +0000 http://www.jandiana.com/?p=840 Message from the Goddess Mother channeled by Jan Diana:

My Beloved Children of Heart,
“Greetings! It is with great joy that I speak with you
today. We are heading into a new era for humanity.
It is exciting news for us all.
As we reach into the heavens, our prayers to express
greater joy, peace and harmony are being answered.
The light shines upon us now preparing us
for a shift into a new opportunity to experience the
greater lightness of our hearts.
It is known to us of what is to come for it has been
written into our hearts from the beginning. We
welcome this time of great change as it propels us
into the greater lightness we have desired.
Look upon yourselves with great pride. It has not
been an easy journey, and yet you have prevailed.
You will continue to strengthen and advance in
your understanding of the higher principles of
truth. As you embrace and integrate these principles,
the way will be made for you to create and live
your dreams in greater ease.
The pathways of grace will light up before you.
The ease of reaching your dreams will come as a
pleasant surprise and yet you knew this time would
become your reality.
Take a moment to take in the truth of my words
as I speak them to your heart. Open to receive the
confirmation of their truth and validity.
Prepare to receive the blessings as they unfold in
their timing. The abundance of the many gifts of
truth shall fall upon you like a rainbow of glory as
you open your heart to allow yourself to receive.
Many of you have been working diligently for
these times to be. Many of you are just now awakening
to the greater light.
Whatever your path is or has been you are now
ready for the next steps. Your personal evolution
to higher consciousness will be met with opportunities
to glide into new ways of living, being, and
You will see the fruits of your labors come forth
in great joy. As you continue to focus from your
heart, the expansion and elevation of your spirit
will soar.
It is a time of gratitude for all who have supported
the lighter pathways and chosen their personal
sovereignty. To be free to live your truth is the
dream of your heart now and always.
The blossoming of your higher consciousness
opens you to receive the light as it is offered in
greater abundance now more than ever before.
Receive and allow these blessings to fill you up
with the hope of all your dreams being your reality.
Each choice to receive the light blesses you. It
feeds and fuels your very existence to be elevated.
To live an inspired life is to live your dreams. To be in your
heart consciously affords the opportunity to be aligned with
truth, for all light carries the seeds and promise of authentic
Let the light rain upon you. Receive it in gladness. Celebrate
your readiness.
Take no concerns over the past. Live in the present moment.
Be in your heart with your focus directed to your lightness.
It is the way of the heart.
In the days ahead you will be making many new choices.
It will become easier to see what your ideal is as the lightness
shines upon you making it easier to recognize authentic
You will be able to rise above the minutia and see what is
really of value to your life purpose and plan. Each step and
choice of lightness will assist and prepare you for the next.
Every step comes with a gift.
The treasure that is prepared for you is beyond words. However
it is known in the language of love, the language of the
Think of heart consciousness as a golden rose beginning to
open its petals and blossom fully. The golden rose delivers a
frequency of love that satiates you in ways perhaps you have
never experienced before in this lifetime,
Allow the golden rose frequency to flow into your heart and
outward into your reality. Feel the unconditional love of this
glorious wonder.
It is a gift offered for all to receive as they will. It will assist
you by blessing you with the ability to reconnect more easily
to your heart consciousness.
To live your life as an enlightened master is your deepest
dream held within your heart. It is your divine right and
destiny to do so. It is now easier to create and live this reality
in this time of greater lightness.
Celebrate these great times of change. Though they may
have their challenges you have the ability to rise above them
with all that you have been endowed with by the Creator.
These changes offer rewards never before experienced here
on Earth.
It is a wonder to behold. You are a wonder. Within your
heart is held the truth of you. Yes My Beloveds, you are truly
magnificent. You will know this more as you rise up to meet
that greater vision of the truth of yourself.
Let yourself receive the lightness. Allow yourself to shine
bright. Expand and elevate, enjoying your life experiences.
Dance in the lightness of your heart consciousness. We
dance together.
With great love,
Your Beloved Mother

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Your Heart Song http://www.jandiana.com/2019/04/03/your-heart-song/ Wed, 03 Apr 2019 03:20:09 +0000 http://www.jandiana.com/?p=835 Message from the Goddess Mother channeled by Jan Diana:

My Beloved Children of Heart,
“Greetings of joy! It is a time for us to celebrate new beginnings,
new perspectives, new ways of seeing and experiencing our life
As I walk among the beautiful flowers in the garden of My Heart,
I can feel the songs of the many hearts. I feel the sweetness of the
vibrations as they dance upon the frequencies of lightness.
Yes Beloveds, you each have a heart song. It plays as a constant
singing to me, to you and to the all of us.
Your song is unique to you. It is always in perfect harmony, perfect
resonance with your true nature of self. This is truth.
However, during your journey of life on Earth you have and are
experiencing discordant energies. You can hear them. You can
feel them. They can be uncomfortable at times. They can even
be felt as pain.
It is a way for you to know that you are experiencing being out
of tune with your heart song. Your heart song is in perfect resonance
with love, with the divine
Everything is energy, frequency and vibration. Everything has a
frequency resonance.
When you are aligned and attuned to divine truth, you can
feel and hear your heart song very easily, in great clarity. As you
raise your light and vibration through entertaining higher
conscious thoughts, you also elevate your frequency resonance.
When you do this, you will feel the harmony on many levels.
This experience feels like bliss for this is the nature of being in
a unity resonance with your divine truth.
Living on this beautiful planet has offered you the experience
of an illusion of feeling separate from your heart song, your
resonance with the divine. As Earth and all living here move
into higher levels of consciousness, the opportunity to connect
to your heart song becomes ever easier.
When we look at life as an opportunity to have experiences, we
can begin to remember why we came here to Earth. To participate
in an opportunity to experience forgetting ourselves for
a while, to have an adventure in remembering ourselves through
discovery, offers opportunity to experience the self in new
ways. This is why you chose to come here, for indeed you
were excited for the opportunity to experience this evolving to
remember self-project.
Now with the lighter energies of Earth, it is easier to see and
feel more clearly what truth is. It is also easier for you to begin to
hear and feel your heart song.
Imagine the joy of reuniting your consciousness with your heart,
your divine truth! It is happening in a process based upon conscious
choice, timing of readiness, and of acceptance.
When you think of yourself and your life experiences from
the perspective of frequency, you will begin to see and know
possibilities leading to create greater harmony. You will begin to
feel, sense and know what is discord and the source of it.
You will also know the nature of harmony. Harmony flows, is
experienced as peace of mind, of joyfulness. It is a sense of surety
and completeness.
Peace can be felt in the present moment. Focusing on the now
moment brings mind to a point of balance where harmony
can be more easily felt and accessed. This offers opportunity
for greater clarity and connection to your heart song.
Whenever you feel distress of any nature, move your consciousness
into the present moment and focus on your heart. Listen to
the stillness. Feel into it. With practice you will be able to feel
sense and know your heart song, the true frequency of yourself.
This is the point of remembering truth, of self-recognition. The
more you focus on this point the more deeply you will sense and
feel your truth.
It is a simple practice that you may choose to do often. The
more you practice with focus, the more you will feel harmony
in your life experiences.
It is as if you are fine tuning a beautiful instrument. You are
consciously choosing to align and attune with your heart
As you raise your light and vibration, this allows you to be
able to access your heart song at even deeper levels. This elevates
and inspires you even more to choose pathways that
lead you to that destination of a conscious connection that
your heart desires.
You might ask “how do I raise my light? How do I raise my
vibration?” There are many ways, let me share a few.
Most important is to love yourself. To treat yourself with
kindness and to make choices which support you in honoring
Make it a focus to bring more joy into your life experiences.
Whatever brings you joy, makes your heart song even louder.
Joy elevates you and those around you. Thoughts and acts of
kindness to others elevate your light and vibration.
Another way to elevate is to let go of judgments of yourself or
others. Let go of old hurts, old stories from the past that are
filled with discordant energy.
Begin to allow yourself to see the beauty and wonder of you,
of life and within all people. See beyond the definers holding
lesser value held in the past or present of you and of others.
Open up to the greater vision of yourself. Let this vision
dance in your mind into the flavors of new possibilities and
potentials of lighter experiences.
Every choice you make to love, every choice you make to
experience joy, every step you take to make a light choice,
elevates and inspires you to become more. You become closer
and closer into resonance with your heart song.
It is a process, a journey of great wonder. The more you connect
to your heart song, the more joy and peace you will experience.
This is your time to choose a higher frequency, a higher resonance
with your heart song. The opportunity is here. The
choice is yours.
Remember your song. Allow yourself to flow in the sweetness
of silky harmony. Let yourself be uplifted into higher states of
knowing truth and the bliss that comes with this.
Your song is precious. Your song is most exquisite. It is unique
with the flavors of your specialness.
Each one’s song is perfection in harmony. Each song comes
together in unity to create a symphony of oneness of which
we are all a part of.
Enjoy your journey of remembering Beloveds. Know that you
are the songs of my heart. Dance in the joy of knowing our
great love, the song of our divinity. Shamon.”
With great love,
Your Beloved Mother

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Sparks of Light http://www.jandiana.com/2019/03/05/sparks-of-light/ Tue, 05 Mar 2019 19:15:30 +0000 http://www.jandiana.com/?p=827 Message from the Goddess Mother channeled by Jan Diana:

My Beloved Children of Heart,
“Greetings of joy! My heart is smiling today with the anticipation of
what joy is about to reach your awareness. You can claim it now if
you choose.
Yes My Beloveds, joy is a choice. Though it is your divine nature to
be joy, it has been mostly forgotten during your life experience on a
dual plane.
However, the great time of awakening is occurring. Many little sparks
of awareness are lighting up your todays and tomorrows.
Each little spark brings its own blessing in that moment of acceptance.
The awareness opens up the mind to sense and feel each little
spark of lightness.
More sparks, more awareness. Thus the blossoming of awakening becomes
a known reality to you.
Each spark has its own special gift. Everyone receives what they are
ready for.
Lightness always rains upon each person as love is a constant. However
these sparks I am talking about are about your own personal
evolution to higher consciousness and awareness of your divine self.
If you are someone who desires a greater understanding, a greater
connection to truth, you can actively choose to come into greater
awareness. Choosing opens the doorway to receive. Accepting and
allowing these sparks of light, leads you to feel a greater connection
to your divinity.
The quest to a greater awareness of truth of self is a most delightful
journey. You may feel some challenges at times based upon your present
reality, past experiences and perceptions, but gradually you will be
drawn deeper into your heart.
It truly is a journey to restore heart consciousness. To have that full
awareness of knowing truth and the nature of the divine is a heart
Your road is unique to you. Your life story is unique to you. And yet
all stories are part of the greater story, the story of us.
As more people open up and accept the sparks of light, the world
elevates as a collective. The day will come when there will only be
a focus based upon the principles of heart consciousness for that is
divine truth.
We journey individually and together. There is value for each individual
expression of life. There is value in the collective expression of life.
The great plan of the journey of lives is a divine plan of the Creator.
There is a great sacred purpose which will bring such joy to all.
Now you might ask, “How may I accept more of these sparks of light
to further my personal expansion? What are the ways to master my
thoughts and actions to further my personal advancements?”
There are many pathways and all are honored. If you are seeking
greater wisdom and understanding in your life, ask for
Connect to your heart in a quiet space and ask for guidance.
Allow yourself to be still and receive what comes forth.
You have the divine right of choice. You also have been given
many other gifts. One of these gifts is the privilege to ask for
There is much shining upon you always. Each of you has also
been given masters, angels and guides to assist you. You also
have divine attributes which are innate abilities and gifts.
It is about you deciding what you would choose for yourself
and asking for guidance. Being open to receive, will allow you
the blessings of divine inspirations that will uplift and guide
you to reach the next steps of higher awareness on your sacred
Each of you has within you a great capacity to expand and
elevate. It is only a matter of choice and readiness, as you are
honored in all ways.
Many of you are aware of some of the great masters that have
lived on Earth, masters such as Buddha, Jesus, Mary and St.
Germaine to name a few. These great ones followed the same
They received sparks of light. They were open and allowed the
lightness to fill and inspire them.
They took each spark and built upon it. They had a great thirst
for further light and knowledge. Thus their thirst to know
was their sacred quest which drove them to constantly seek for
greater wisdom and understanding.
They learned divine principles of truth and applied them to
their lives. This was their choice which was fueled over and
over until they reached the heightened levels of consciousness
that they desired. They connected to their hearts, and let themselves
by guided through divine communication.
This is how they reached their mastery. It is the same for all
However today it is even easier for you if you desire it to be.
Earth has elevated. We are no longer on 3rd dimension. The
lighter energies here now make it easier to connect to your
We have reached this great time of awakening together. It is
because of the readiness and choice to release from the old stories
of limitations and move into the freedom that you choose
to experience.
Yes Beloveds, I celebrate each of you and where you are in your
personal journey. Your time to flourish in the many sparks of
light is now. You can choose your mastery. You can choose to
be consciously on the pathway to great wisdom and joy.
I celebrate your greatness. I celebrate the joy and wisdom that
is your destiny. I celebrate you.
You are the jewels of my heart. Enjoy your life journey. Allow
the sparks of light to rain upon you, elevating you onto the
golden bridges of light. Shamon.”
With great love,
Your Beloved Mother

pdf by Eden Magazine

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The Seeds of Wisdom http://www.jandiana.com/2019/01/28/the-seeds-of-wisdom/ Mon, 28 Jan 2019 04:32:12 +0000 http://www.jandiana.com/?p=824 Message from the Goddess Mother channeled by Jan Diana:

My Beloved Children of Heart,
“Greetings! Welcome to this gathering of hearts.
As with all of our gatherings, we begin with a connection to
our heart. This is the place of wisdom, of great love and of the
divine truth of self.
We begin today with a focus on the many opportunities
presenting to you for great advancements in your personal
journey of progression. Yes indeed, you are on a journey
designed to gently lead you back to the full awareness of the
truth of yourself.
It is an exciting journey filled with opportunities to develop
and expand, perhaps even beyond what you have dreamed
of. Now at this position, in this time, much is being made
available so that you can stretch to reach as you choose into the
greater connections of awareness you have desired.
It truly is a time to celebrate yourself. You have collectively
chosen this time to reach that positon of greater potentials
of knowing truth.
As you develop your greater awareness, you will be led to
pathways filled with great discoveries. These experiences will
assist you to learn, and to develop further your abilities to
expand and elevate your consciousness. This then leads to
even greater awareness and the development of wisdom and
understanding,Wisdom is the ultimate connection to divine truth. It is also
the way to utilize knowledge in great understanding based
upon heart consciousness, based upon divine love.
Your heart consciousness leads you to the truth, free of illusion
formations within the field of duality. The heart leads you back
into the oneness of self, your sacred truth of self which lives
in the forever realms of joy, love and serenity.
Wisdom is a key to developing the innate master abilities that
you have. These are gifts that each of you have and are developed
by yourself in your choosing and time of readiness.
You might have the question come to mind, “how can I develop
wisdom while I feel uncertainty of my life and of my
future, for I am living in a world that feels the struggles of
life?” It is an interesting thought is it not.
Let me share with you first that you have within you the seeds
of wisdom. These were planted before you incarnated into this
Now in this frame of time, these seeds are beginning to awaken.
Just as the seeds of your dreams are lighting up, so are
the seeds of wisdom. They are taking in the lightness and
beginning to blossom.
You will find that these seeds will speak to you as little whisperings
to your mind. They will come to you in peaceful
moments. They will come to you in moments of joy.
They come through the heart. The heart consciousness awareness
is stimulated during peace and joy. So this is the timing
when you will hear and be aware most of wisdom.
Wisdom will come as little insights. Thoughts of suggestions
perhaps of a different perspective on how to proceed with
a project, or how to respond to an interaction with a family
member to create a more harmonious relationship
Wisdom has knowledge and understanding flavored by the
heart. Our hearts are based in the truth of our divine nature
which is unconditional love.
Loving is the key to everything divine. It is the answer to
all resolutions. It is the way back to fully remembering your
divine self. Wisdom assists us by steering us in the direction that will guide
you onto the pathways of light. These pathways lead you back
to the awareness and acceptance of your divine truth.
Now let me share with you some simple steps on how you
can develop your wisdom through heart consciousness. First,
set aside some time to connect to your heart. You can do this
in many ways. One way is to just focus your attention on your
heart, holding peaceful, joyful thoughts.
The next step is when you feel you have connected, to ask a
question to your heart. Perhaps you might ask “how may I feel
more connected to my heart?”
Now relax and allow yourself to receive the answer. You may
hear words, see an image or have a sensing. You may feel the
answer. This is the whispers of the heart offering you the
wisdom you have asked for.
With your connection in flow, you might take this deeper
with another question. Or you might just follow whatever
guidance you have received and feel the wonder of the loving
counsel you have taken in.
You are opening up a line of communication through the
heart to receive wisdom. This will become strengthened each
time you utilize this gift.
You may utilize these steps as you desire, for whatever topic
you choose. You are developing your innate ability to communicate
with the divine through your heart.
Always know that there is never fear or less ness in any wisdom
from the heart. There is only truth based on divine principles
and unconditional love.
If you feel fear or confusion, take time to center yourself
again with your heart. Focus on joyful thoughts that lead you
back into peace.
You will find as you utilize these gifts that you will become
more proficient in your communications. This than will lead
you to further develop other innate gifts and abilities.
You have been given all the tools to discover and develop to
navigate in grace through these times of great change and
elevation potentials. This is your path of mastery. This is
your path of remembering your greatness. Celebrate it. Celebrate
I celebrate with you this time of blossoming. It is with great
excitement as we share together in these great achievements.
The time is now for you to move more easily on your path.
You can direct and choose in greater grace than ever before.
Whatever you choose is perfect for you. You learn and remember
from your experiences. Your choice to experience is a
divine gift. Your choices are honored. You are honored always.
Know that you are perfect. In my heart I know your truth.
You truly are the jewels lighting up the pathways of lightness
and joy.
Beloveds, let yourself shine. Shower your light upon the seeds
of wisdom and let them blossom. Accept in grace the wisdom
whispers of your heart. Dance in the joyful radiance of your
sweetness. I adore you. Shamon.”
With great love,
Your Beloved Mother

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