Message from the Goddess Mother channeled by Jan Diana:
My Beloved Children of Heart,
“Greetings of joy! It is always a time for joy when we connect in our hearts.
As we gather together to share this moment, let us open to receive a greater feeling of connection to each other. Let us allow our hearts to be open to receive a validation of the sweetness of our divine relationship.
Each of us has a unique energy frequency. You might say we have our own song. Call it a soul song if you like.
It is a way of being known as our individual self, and yet
we are part of the bigger soul song. It is as if you are a
beautiful instrument playing in an orchestra consisting
of many different instruments. We each play our parts together creating a symphony of great harmony, joy and peace.
Harmony is the key note that we all have within our personal
soul song. It is a resonance with our heart that plays
notes of delight and lifts us into the heights of forever bliss.
Harmony is the natural way of being. It is a unified resonance
that blends in such a way to uplift and enhance one’s
experiences and expansion potentials. With harmony there
is no discord. There is only peace. There is a flowing energy
that lightly dances wherever it is directed.
Where there is harmony, the energy will flow freely, joyfully,
peacefully lifting and expressing in the most exquisite ways.
It is a lightness of spirit expressing itself as it desires.
Harmony is a divine attribute. It is always recognized by
our spirit, our soul, as our true nature.
When in harmony you feel the connection to your divine
presence. Within harmony you have the feeling of the familiar,
a sense of being home.
In these glorious times of great change, we are moving into
greater harmony. This is happening based on
each one’s personal choice of harmony as well as
the collective of Earth.
The history of humanity has taken place on our
beautiful Earth. We have experienced living in
the fields of polarity where there has been opposing
forces. This has offered us the opportunity
to experience many things which could not
have been experienced in any other way.
So we celebrate this. We are grateful to Mother
Earth for providing us with this wonderful place
to live and to have many experiences.
Now we are on pathways of change. We have
chosen to move out of the duality plains into the
greater harmony.
Imagine a New World free of conflict and discord.
Imagine there being no lack of any kind.
Image living in peace and joy as a constant in
every moment.
This is our focused vision. This is our ultimate
destination, it is our destiny.
You might ask how can I feel more harmony in
my life now? What are some ways I can enhance
my life experiences in my every day moments?
First, it is important to recognize what is out of harmony in
your life. What feels uneasy, upsetting, perhaps frustrating.
Anything that comes to mind as some kind of issue that
bothers you has associated with it some discord.
Discord in and of itself is upsetting as it doesn’t resonate
with you or with your soul song. It creates a feeling of
dis-ease in many forms.
Recognizing what elements are creating these feelings helps
you to identify areas you can choose to bring your focused
attention to. Then you can actively seek solutions to harmonize
these situations.
Sometimes it might be a process of letting go of something
that doesn’t resonate with you. Or perhaps it is a matter
of you shifting how you feel about something or how it is
To begin to bring greater harmony into your life it must be
a choice. You desire it and make the choice to take steps to
create that reality for yourself.
You have the ability to do this. It is part of your divine
makeup. Take any issue or situation that you would like
to bring harmony to. Spend a few moments focusing in
your heart on this topic. How would it feel to have harmony
about this? What would that look like? Ponder these
thoughts while focused in your heart.
Let your heart whisper to you. Make a simple plan of action
steps to take and begin. Always hold the vision of resolution
and how that would feel as you move forward.
As you focus on harmony you become a peacemaker. You
bring peace to yourself and to others.
Developing these innate gifts and abilities will strengthen
your connection to your divine self. The new resonate frequency
will shift to support your focus, bringing greater joy
and peace into you and to your life experiences.
With harmony as your focus, you allow yourself to become
an enlightened being. Your life becomes filled with the joy
and lightness that your heart desires.
Each element of harmony you bring into your life brings
more harmony into the world. Greater harmony blesses the
collective of humanity.
You have within you the power to change your life into
one of great peace through harmony. You have the power
to assist all of Earth to reach and fulfill the destiny of a
New World, where all beings live in the sweetness of love,
joyfulness and peace.
This is your destiny. It is the destiny of all the children of
Let us walk this pathway together with open hearts, loving
ourselves, and loving all. Let us be in gratitude for all that
we have been blessed with. Let us each choose to move into
the higher harmony and walk the pathway to fully remembering
our sacred selves. Shamon.”
With great love,
Your Beloved Mother
pdf by Eden Magazine
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