A message from the Goddess Mother channeled by Jan Diana:
My Beloved Children of Heart,
“May this message bring peace to your hearts as we begin
to create many new beginnings. Yes of course it is the
New Year where many make plans and goals to create
and experience the desires that come to their hearts and
What I speak of today, is a new beginning of life for
you on this glorious planet Earth. The way has been
made for all to step more lightly through life experiences.
The choices have been made which has allowed this
great achievement. Congratulation to each of you, for
every one has participated in this great wonder.
Though it may appear that there are some wishing to
remain in the old stories, their wisdom knowing part
of self has chosen the greater vision. It is only a matter
of time that will bring each to their higher awareness.
As we move into these glorious light energies, be of
no concern of what seems to be the unknown to you.
Your heart knows of the truth that lies ahead and
will guide each of you accordingly.
It is time to trust yourself. Your loving essence within
your heart is fully aware of the divine truth of
you, of your sacred purpose and the desires you hold for
your life experience.
Begin to consciously listen with openness to the whispers
of your heart. As you do you will start to recognize
more of your divinity, your loving nature as well as your
divine attributes and innate gifts and abilities.
How exciting it will be for you to recognize your great
wonder. To feel the sense of acceptance as you become
aware of the love that is constantly supporting and
embracing you free of any judgments of lesser value.
You will be able to take this feeling of acceptance and
move with greater confidence into creating the desires
of your heart.
Heightened levels of clarity and focus are available as
you become ready to embrace them. Releasing from
the old stories and perceptions of judgments of lesser
value is an important key to elevating your consciousness
in ease and grace.
Prepare to release the old stories, utilizing many of the gifts
and tools that are available to you. You may seek them
out as a means to bring you into higher states of joy,
wisdom and peace.
Your journey into higher consciousness is your path of
mastery. Learning how to master your conscious thoughts
and direct energy in a focused manner will be your destiny.
As you free yourself from beliefs and perceptions that do
not support your personal advancement, you will have
greater peace. This will assist you to move more easily into
the realms of infinite possibilities.
Imagine what it will be like when in your great mastery,
you have come to the place where if you desire to taste
a fresh ripe strawberry, it will appear in your hand instantly!
The opportunity for this and more will be available
for you as you dream your visions of greatness, master your
thoughts and direct energy in a focused manner.
It is all about aligning with your truth, that sweet essence
within that is perfect love. The more you align with the
frequencies and vibrations of divine truth, your personal
advancements will lead you into higher states of conscious
The road to your mastery is paved with gold. Your heart
will continually guide you, illuminating opportunities that
you may choose and are ready for.
It is a journey of many steps, and yet it is all within the
grand design you hold as the greatest dream of your
heart. Ponder on these words My Beloveds, for as you
shift focus into your heart, with a desire to know the truth
of these words, it will be made known to you.
Live in your present moment accessing through your heart
that passion you hold so dearly. Allow yourself to move
into greater awareness of your sacred truth. Celebrate these
times as they present for each one the opportunity to be
living their truth.
I celebrate each of you. My love forever shines upon you,
leading you to that place of remembering your glory.
Enjoy these times of new beginnings, as you step lighter on
your journey. You are ready. Shamon”
With great love,
Your Beloved Mother
pdf by Eden Magazine
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