Receive the Gift

Message from the Goddess Mother Channeled by Jan Diana:

My Beloved Children of Heart,
“Yes, it is our special time once again. I celebrate with you
as we walk upon the pathways of light together.
Indeed it is a time to celebrate. What unfolds for us now
can be considered a great marvel.
What you are offered today in your perfect timing is of such
splendor. It will certainly delight your hearts.
Today we embark upon a journey of the heart. Let me take
you back to a defining moment in your past.
First, place your hand on your heart and take in a breath of
air. Relax, and now breathe out. Do this three times, relaxing
more into your heart with each breath
Now, with your focus centered in your heart, follow my
words as we journey to that moment when you took your
first breath upon this world. Feel yourself there in that sacred
Yes My Beloveds, you were in such joy at your time of birth.
Although being in a body was a new experience for you and
required you to learn how to be, you were in joy. You had
the full awareness of your truth and were in great delight
that your time to experience life on Earth had begun.
Take some more gentle breaths and feel the truth of these
words. Feel into that moment of great joy at your arrival,
the beginning of the dreams of your heart.
Be with this for a moment. Yes, you planned what you desired
to accomplish and experience before your arrival. You
waited patiently for your appointed time, celebrating the
wonder of it all.
As you focus on your first breaths in a body, feel into that
joy. Tune into it with your intention. Feel the sweetness of
love that filled you to over filled ness.
Joy is your divine nature. Even though you began an adventure
of discovery how to be “you” in a body, you still
knew joy.
With that joy, you also had full awareness of yourself, your
divine nature, the truth of you and of all that is. Take another
focused breath and feel with your heart into these truths.
Ah, the joy of life filled you with such excitement at the
infinite possibilities that lay before you.
You knew it was going to be amazing. Your knowing self
was not attached to time and knew that during your journey,
you would at some point fully remember yourself.
Feel the sweetness of this as you began breathing life into
your beautiful little body. As you now are experiencing the
pleasure of life, you are filled with such joyfulness. Your
heart turns to gratitude for this gift from the Creator.
Now as this moment in the past has made a new imprint
for you to reflect upon, the threads of remembering are
strengthened. Take a moment to allow these words to be
accepted into your conscious awareness.
Now take another breath, breathing into your heart and
center back into the present moment. Feel yourself now
wherever you are, comfortably becoming aware of your surroundings.
You have just made a conscious connection to your beginning
breath of life. Now as you continue to breath, know
that you are always connected to that sweet all-knowing
self, your true self. This will assist you in feeling this connection
as a constant, knowing that you are always connected
to your divine self.
Yes, you are here on a glorious adventure with opportunities
to experience and express all that you desire. And yes,
you are always connected to your knowing self, that part
of you who is guiding you, loving you, assisting you on
your journey.
You are remembering. Oh the joy in this. To discover your
truth brings you into the conscious awareness of the divine
nature of yourself. This allows you to know that sweet
peace which can be sensed and known through your heart.
Remembering your truth is a gift. Allow yourself to receive
each little spark of inspiration, each jewel that lights up
another piece of discovering that truth.
It is a glorious journey. Yes it has had some challenges, but
you knew it would be as such. And you knew you would
find your way.
Let yourself bask in the light of your truth. Allow the
sweetness to enter into your daily life.
Celebrate your magnificence as you connect to the truth of
your perfect loving essence. You are children of the Creator,
perfect in every way.
Enjoy the process of remembering. Each step, each breath,
takes you closer and closer to the fullness of knowing yourself.
Celebrate these times. Though the world may seem a bit
uncertain to some, each one is in the process of remembering,
in their own readiness and timing.
Grasp the greater vision of yourself and hold it in your
thoughts and actions. Allow yourself to accept this truth
and watch as your world shifts in ease and joy.
As you hold the higher vision of yourself, your divine nature
will shine onto you, and through you, blessing those
around you. When you become more aware of the divine
truth, it will bless others and assist them to also see and
know the light.
We are a family of heart. Each one contributes to the
wholeness. Each one blesses the all, and the all blesses the
Peace on Earth, abundance for all is only a thought away.
Focus on your dreams and allow that sweet knowing self to
guide you to their full realization.
Open to receive all the gifts offered to you. Allow yourself
to accept the greater vision, the unconditional love and the
lightness of truth that is always flowing to you.
It is your time My Beloveds, to walk upon the Earth in
lightness, knowing of your greatness.
Rejoice in your truth. Shamon.”
With great love,
Your Beloved Mother


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