My Beloved Children of Light,
“Greetings from My Heart to yours. Today. I will share with you an important message of truth.
As you look upon our world, perhaps you feel as if there is much in distress. You may even sense and feel the struggle of your beloved brothers and sisters during this time of great transformation.
Be at peace, My Beloveds, for each one will find their way to their hearts in their own timing. It is the destiny for each one to remember their sacred truth, the peace, the joy, the sweetness of their divine essence, the truth of self, that they are love.
The journey you are on is an adventure filled with many experiences. Some have been perhaps happier than others.
You are now preparing to move into new realms of greater clarity. Within these golden realms, it will be easier for you to see and know the lighter pathways of choice.
Among these pathways is a destiny which will lead you to experience the greater joy and contentment that you long for. It has been a dream held deeply within your heart since before you entered this life time.
Ponder on this for a moment and feel the sweetness of this truth. Yes My Beloveds, your forever sweet self calls to you now through your heart, opening up the conduits of divine communication even more. This allows you to feel the truth of these words.
The voice of your true self speaks to you in the language of the heart, the language of love. Yes it feels familiar to you as you are already recognizing it easily on so many levels.
Empower yourself to receive these messages, trusting that you understand. Acceptance will open up gateways to the paths that you desire to follow.
These times are glorious ones. It is time to discover in greater ways your truth, your purpose, and your hearts desires. As we move forward in the days ahead, you will begin to notice through this language of your heart, a greater calmness, a greater peace. You will begin to feel a greater sense of knowing that all is well.
Oh what joy this brings to my heart, knowing that you are hearing the messages from your heart of truth. We celebrate together as we planned for this reality long before you were born.
My promise of heart was to allow you to experience, and when you were ready, to open the gateways to receive the messages of heart. Now is the time they will begin to flow within the frequencies of divine recognition.
This is occurring even now in your readiness and personal choice. As you desire, so shall it be.
Be of peace in knowing all sentient beings will find their way to the place of heart. Within our heart is held the divine truth and all answers you seek. You have access to this always. Now it is even more readily available.
Knowing yourself is the key to accessing the treasury within your heart. It is time for you to know your truth, for you are my Children of Heart, perfect in every way.
Acceptance is the next key to opening the heart to receive all that you desire. Accepting the truth of yourself will propel you into the golden realms of light. These realms hold the ways and means to reach the fulfillment of your divine destiny.
Yes, My Beloveds, celebrate yourselves, for you truly are of great stature. You are in the process of remembering your sweet truth, that you are love.
Some experiences you have had perhaps led you to believe that you are of lesser value than your truth. These were just a part of the journey. As you remember more of your truth, these will fade away into the past.
The present holds all the potential to reach your heightened states of consciousness which you desire. Focus within the present moment and be open to receive.
Accept the loving messages of your heart. Allow yourself to blossom in the streams of lightness.
Life is a dance. Flow within the dance, moving in the direction of your forward projections of lighter realities. These new realities dance easily and joyfully within the flow of life.
Joy will be your reward as you reach the greater truth. Dancing in joyfulness, in gratitude for your life, your gifts and your journey will bring you great happiness, even into states of bliss.
You are a unique blossoming flower. Though you are part of our one family of heart, there is none like you.
Hold the truth in your heart and mind. Take notice of your magnificence. Focus on loving yourself, for truly you are a precious jewel among many.
Each jewel adds to the flavor of the grand masterpiece we create together. Each one contributes in their own way to the beauty and expansion of us all.
We each paint on the canvas of life together. We celebrate in the experiences we share as we move closer to the completion of the grand journey of us all. How blessed we are to share in the wonderment of this journey of lives.
What lies ahead is glorious. What you experience now is priceless.
You live, you become, you experience, and express. Life is the greatest gift offered to each of you, for personal development and expansion.
I sing to you of your greatness now and always. You are the love of my heart. Know your sacred self. Feel the freedom of truth flowing within the joy of your heart.
It is time to be living within the realms of the heart. Listen to the messages of our heart of truth, as it will bring you the awareness of the divine, guiding you to the sweetness of your destiny.”
With great love,
Your Beloved Mother
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