“To look upon you, brings me to such a state of joy. Truly you are the sparkling jewels of my heart.
As we move through this marvelous adventure of life, we come to know and experience many different things. Sometimes these are gifts of joy, and some are moments of pain or disappointment.
You have done so well in your life journey, continuing to move forward in the direction of a greater knowing of truth, though it may seem at times that you are lost. The truth is you are being guided all the way. You are always receiving assistance by your masters, angels and guides who love and adore you. Your authentic self is always sending you loving guidance, gentle whispers of the heart, inspired thoughts to guide, uplift and bless.
In these times of greater awareness, you are noticing these connections more and allowing the greater light into your life experiences. Opening your heart and minds to receive this wisdom is a choice to honor yourself and your journey, and will open many windows that lay waiting for you to explore.
Celebrate this My Beloveds, for you truly are making your way up the beautiful staircase of illumination. Each step you take is lighting the way to the next and the next and so on.
It is like a circular staircase and each step moves you in a glorious circular flow of lighted pathways to greater wisdom and joy. Each step offers opportunities to reach more of your hearts desires and to fill that inner thirst of knowing more.
You can be likened to a glorious beautiful rosebud. Your petals are tightly held close to each other and yet shining such beauty. Now you are beginning to feel confident opening up a petal here and there, allowing more light to flow in and through you. The process of blossoming has begun. You are radiating more of your beauty.
Through your magnificent efforts and focus, the collective of you have made it possible to reach new levels of possibilities. The journey to reach higher levels of consciousness awareness is in flow.
The dimensional frames of Beloved Gaia are now such that more is available to support your advancements. This makes it even easier for you to climb that beautiful staircase.
The dreams you hold in your heart of remembering your true self and your divine nature are blossoming. Continue to nurture your beautiful rosebud with happy thoughts and acts of loving kindness to yourself and to others.
Joyfulness will lighten your steps upon the glorious staircase. Joy will lead you into the next stages of your advancements. Joy is the way of the heart and will guide you to assist you to flavor your life with the sweetness of all that you desire.
Whenever you feel you have stumbled, take a moment to center yourself and focus on joy. Anything that brings you joy. It can be a picture of a grandchild, a walk in the sunshine, stroking your beloved pet, or listening to the birds sing. Each of these and other joy bringers will lead you back to the heart, and the awareness of the love that is a constant, held within your heart and radiating its sweetness to you.
These are times of new beginnings for us all. Each of you has the opportunity to write new chapters in your life story. Each has the opportunity to dream and experience as never before. Know that you are always supported. The greater vision of what will be lies before us all. That glorious destiny for us and our Beloved Gaia is unfolding in grace and readiness.
The seeds for the elevated consciousness for our new world have been planted. The blossoming has begun for each in their timing and choice.
Think of the golden rose as it begins to open its petals to receive the greater light. Imagine what it will be like to live fully in the heart, aware of the loving nature of self and of all that is. Imagine reaching that space of Golden Rose Consciousness, the way of the heart, knowing your truth and living the sweetness of that truth.
It has begun My Beloveds. There is such excitement for this truth. Now it is for you to choose your steps and when to take them.
Enjoy the process for it is a gift of great magnitude offered to you from My Heart. Truly you are the sparkling jewels of my heart. We are a family of great wonder. Let us celebrate together, as the Golden Rose is blossoming.
With great love,
Your Beloved Mother
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