A Family of Heart

Greetings, My Beloved Children of Heart,

“You are of such sweetness! To touch upon you with my thoughts brings me such joy, such delight. We are truly a family of heart.

As we move through this moment in time together, we embark upon a great and glorious journey. Our adventure which we share is made up of your own individual adventures. You are never alone on your journey, as we of course are always connected through our hearts. It can be no other way. Knowing this connection to each other is part of your adventure, to discover and remember this truth and the truth of your divine nature, your true self.

Today, as we share in this communion of spirit, let us look upon each other from the perspective of our hearts. Our hearts know of our connection to the oneness, to our family of heart. This knowing of our heart connection is a constant held within our hearts. It is a purpose of our journey for us to remember the fullness of that sweet joy.

To begin to see the connection to all that is, is a glorious journey of discovering pathways of light. Each pathway assists us in making connections from our minds to our hearts, opening up to that place where all is known within.

When you take a walk in nature, look upon the beauty of the sky, the trees standing tall, the flowers blossoming. As you see their beauty, think to yourself we are one family in heart. We share the same source of our beauty and wonder. When you intentionally make this connection, you will begin to feel the nature of the divine, this flowing of joy and lightness.

As you develop a greater awareness of this connection, you will also begin to notice your connection with the birds that sing, as well as all the blessed animals and creatures that share our Earthly home. Making these connections of heart helps us to remember our true self. This leads us to knowing the nature of our divinity, our soul purpose, and our forever connection to our one loving source.

I joyfully sing to each of you My Beloveds that you will feel our connection and find your way back to our center of oneness. We are A Family of Heart, now and forever more.”

With this awareness comes a greater reverence for life, for all living creatures and for all people. Making these heart connections, allows us to feel our own divinity. How precious and beautiful is all life. How precious and beautiful are you. Each life is a beautiful reflection of the divine source.
We can feel and sense this more as we ponder on these sweet thoughts. With pondering comes inspiration. Having a reverence for all life opens us up to pathways of awareness to loving and respecting ourselves in new ways.

All of life is precious, beautiful and perfect as it was created from divine love and is love. All that may appear as less is simply playing a role within an illusion for a short time in the journey. The illusion will release in time allowing the truth to reflect in greater ease and clarity.

This is your grand adventure, to discover your truth and remember. You will find value in reflecting upon questions such as these. “Who am I and what is my nature? What does it mean to be so beautiful and wonderful? What am I capable of dreaming and experiencing?”

These are many wonderful thoughts to ponder on. As you reflect on these and others that come to mind, you will begin to have a greater sense of who you are and the direction you desire to take. You will feel like a magnificent magnet is pulling you deeper and deeper into your heart. Step by step you come closer and closer to knowing more of your sacred self. Ah, the excitement of discovery brings such joy.

The glory of the journey is that as you discover more, you will desire more, reaching even deeper into the sweetness of your forever heart. Let your heart guide you. Feel the sweetness of the wonder as it enlivens you, elevating you and propelling you ever further onto pathways of golden light.

All pathways lead to the heart. Each of you are following your heart at your own pace and choosing. All hearts are connected to the One Source Heart. As you become aware of your heart connection, you will also feel the connection to each other, to all life and all that is. You will feel the oneness and flow in the joy of knowing and sensing Our Sacred Heart. Be at peace on your glorious journey, for you will all succeed. There is no failure, only choices of experiences and timing.

Allow yourselves to open and receive the great wisdom and love that is guiding you through your heart. Let yourself bask in the sacred rays of the heart and flow within the sweetness of the golden river of light.

I joyfully sing to each of you My Beloveds that you will feel our connection and find your way back to our center of oneness.

We are A Family of Heart, now and forever more.”

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artwork by Maryam Morrison
pdf by Eden Magazine