Greetings My Beloved Children of light,
“In this moment in time, there arises an opportunity unprecedented. I bring to your conscious awareness something you will be able to experience. This great wonder is a new fresh way for you, a new beginning for humanity.
As we open the gateway during this time of equinox, there shall be a flow of such love released upon you and your world. Though you may read these words after this event, the message of this truth shall meet you at the perfect timing.
A beautiful river of golden rose light shall begin to flow upon you and your world. Showering sparkles of light crystals of such sweetness upon you, as if soft petals of a beautiful golden rose are falling upon you.
This blessing offered is a gift to each of your hearts. It signals a message which your hearts have longed to hear.
The softness of this sweet message shall wrap around your minds, your bodies and all particles of earth. It will be as if you are in the arms of the Mother, embraced in my Heart.
This is a time of great celebration. This is the moment of new beginnings foretold since the beginning of time.
You are here now, ready and preparing to receive this gift of great wonder. Prepare to receive the greater vision of yourself and your purpose. In the days to come, it shall unfold magnificently.
Allow your minds to relax and focus on your heart as we move into this new era. This is a new beginning where you shall be able to feel and know in greater ease the flowing messages from your heart. These sweet messages are guiding you into the greater vision you have been waiting to know.
Yes, you are living on a world of great change. All is evolving and shifting, releasing in readiness from the old stories of lesser value. It is like old skin which has served its purpose and is no longer relevant.
Your hearts have been longing for this moment in destiny and now it is here. We celebrate this great wonder together for it is the choice you have made deep within your hearts.
As the days ahead unfold, you will feel a greater sense of connection to your heart, to your true self. It will be easier for you to understand your divine nature, the glory of yourself and of all that is.
With greater understanding you will feel more connected to your truth. This will allow you to experience being in peace with a sense of surety, perhaps you haven’t felt before in your life.
You will find yourself having a greater awareness of the many paths of joy and wisdom which you have planned to experience in your life. It will be as if someone has turned on the lights, making it easier for you see and know what lies within reach before you.
Oh, the celebrations of joy that are about to ring in your hearts. Hear the many choirs of angels singing, as we near this great moment in time together.
Yes, My Beloveds, we all make this shift together and yet each in our own time of choosing. Though your minds may not fully understand this message, know that your heart does. In truth, you understand these truths on many levels.
Begin to spend time in quiet reflection on the wonder of you. Focus on the joy in your life. Recognizing all that brings you joy, allows you to move into gratitude. Gratitude opens the heart to receive more joy. Greater joy brings a sense of knowing and feeling a closer connection to the divine self. Imagine living every moment in joyful wonder, just as young children do! When you are being present, living in the moment, you will experience pleasure in the simplest of tasks.
Whenever you desire to feel that greater connection to your heart, just place your hand on your heart and breathe into your heart. Relax into the flow of the golden rose. Know the sweetness of it as it blossoms, filling your heart with such sweetness of unity and forever love.
Remembering the sweetness of your truth is delicious, for you are love. Your essence is love. Love is eternal, flowing sweetness. Love is filled with joyfulness. Love offers an abundance of infinite potential and possibilities for you to experience and evolve within. There are no limits in divine love, for love is unconditional and ever expanding.
Take some time to ponder on this message today My Beloveds. The time you have prayed for is here. Celebrate the wonder of this.
Allow yourself to be nourished by the flowing energy of the beautiful golden rose. It will bless you in ways that will uplift your spirit and restore your countenance.
Oh, the beautiful golden rose, how magnificent! Bask in the illuminating sweetness of it. Experience the gentle blossoming of your heart as you celebrate the wonder of you. Remember always you are loved.”
With great love,
Your Beloved Mother
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