Acceptance, a Jewel of Promise

Greetings My Beloved Children of light,

“It is time for us to gather together to share in a sweet message of truth. Today my message to you will help pave the way for a greater understanding of your great wonder.

In this time of sweetness, there is much loving assistance being offered to support the elevation of consciousness of those living on our beloved Earth, Gaia. As you may be aware there arises many times a questioning of what is real and what is not.

Your minds are sorting out new pathways of discovery. Perhaps you are pondering in quiet moments of reflection about yourself, your life, and why you are living as you are.

Indeed it is a time of searching for answers. It is a time of questioning what is and what might be more to your liking.

As you search for answers, let me share with you a jewel that will open many doors, leading you to the wisdom which you long to know. This jewel is acceptance. Now you may be wondering how can this be? What can acceptance offer to me?

When you choose to accept a situation as it is, this brings you into the present moment. Within the present moment, you will find yourself in sweet stillness, free of conflict.

Within this peaceful place, you will be able to become aware of the answers to whatever queries you may have. Acceptance is like a door, allowing you to reach into that moment of now. When consciously in the present moment, you can hear the sweet whispers of the heart, leading you to the wisdom, to the answers which you seek.

Be prepared for magic in your life as you master this simple step. Acceptance brings peace, allowing you to have greater clarity. With clarity, the vision of what is possible will become known to you.

Acceptance also paves the way for a release of the energies of resistance. You have been living in a world of duality, where resistance is a constant way of being. Now in this time of great change, the choice of your heart is peace, to live a life free of struggle, suffering, poverty and disease.

When you learn to accept, to be in the present moment and ponder new choices, you will find it easier to be able to let go of the resistance, to the old ways of being, the old stories. This release allows you to more freely move into greater peace and clarity.

As you reach higher levels of peace and clarity, your consciousness rises up to align more fully with higher vibrations and frequencies of thoughts. As this happens you can hear, let us call them, the higher thought forms, new ideas and visions of how to be and live.

Becoming aware of these higher thoughts opens you to the possibility of accessing new information. When you are ready to accept the wisdom of these higher thoughts, it will become easier for you to make choices which support you in what you would like to experience in your life. This will allow you to be and know the lighter energies of harmony, peace, joy and an abundance of what you would truly desire to experience.

There is a treasure chest of knowledge deep within your heart. All truth lies within. Being able to access these truths is part of your mastery path. As you become more proficient in developing this ability, you will find your life experiences unfold in a magical way.

Acceptance of truth as it becomes known to you, will also help you to more easily let go of the old stories, the past experiences, which have perhaps reflected a vision of lesser value of who you really are and what you are capable of accomplishing.

You might ask how can I become more accepting and utilize this principle to help me reach my heart’s desires. I recommend that you begin by spending some time in focused intention on the principle of acceptance, free of judgements of lesser value. Accepting what is, does not mean that you are going to continue to live with what is reflected as less than you desire, it means accepting the reality as it is, to release the resistance. Then you are able to focus on allowing yourself to develop a new reality that is more to your liking.

A simple way to begin is to place your hand on your heart and focus on breathing into your heart, taking some slow relaxed deep breaths. Allow yourself to accept the flow within the present moment, quieting the mind. Now ask yourself, how may I be more accepting of truth, peace, love and joy? Then listen for the sweet whispers as they flow to you. Be open to receive and allow yourself this great blessing of loving communication. Know that I will assist you to feel this sacred connection to your heart.

With practice and intention, you will strengthen your awareness of this flow of information. This treasure of sweet truth is always available for you to receive in your choice of timing and readiness.

With acceptance of what is, you release the bonds of resistance. This frees you to move into the next stages of your personal evolution. There is much wonder that awaits your discovery as you accept this process of connecting and remembering your sacred truth.

This is your time to shine, My Beloveds, to know your sweetness and to live your many dreams held within your heart. Enjoy the process of remembering, for this journey is a priceless gift which you will treasure always.”

With great love,

Your Beloved Mother

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