My Beloved Ones,
“I greet you in sweet joy this blessed day of new beginnings.
As we prepare to enter into a New Year, it offers us the opportunity to reflect upon our lives, to bring to mind what we have enjoyed the most and perhaps what we would like to see shift into becoming more of what we would desire. To ponder on what we would like to see, know and experience in new ways in this New Year of possibilities is a wonderful way to begin allowing our dreams to fill our hearts and minds.
My message to you today is on the wonder of you, for indeed you are a wonder to behold! Within you is the potential to create the many dreams of your heart. You might have the thought, “how is this possible when my life seems to reflect less than my dreams, for I am experiencing pain and suffering, struggle and disappointment?”
Perhaps this may be what you have been experiencing. However, the most wonderful news that I share with you, is that these experiences are based on the energy of the past, the thoughts of the past, and are held in the old stories. You can choose to release attachment to these, and set them aside, and allow yourself to begin a new journey, creating new stories of your life flavored with what you desire and choose to experience.
Let me share with you that miracles abound in every moment. Within each moment arises the opportunity to have a new thought. With a new thought, such as “ I am getting stronger, I feel more peace, I am feeling such joy”, comes a myriad of supporting thoughts and energy to support that choice, that new thought for a new direction of new experiences. Imagine the possibilities of creating more of what you truly desire with this simple choice of a new thought.
Let us play with this for a moment. Imagine that you wake up to a rainy day. You might think, “oh now I will not be able to go for a walk in the sunshine, or it will be harder to drive to work today”. These thoughts and perceptions may reflect limitations that it will be a dreary day.
Now let us imagine that you wake up to a rainy day and you might have that same original thought , but now you decide to consciously choose a new thought for your focus. “Oh look how beautiful the rain is, it seems to make the world sparkle. I can see little rainbows within each showering droplet. See how the plants and the trees reach up to receive the falling water. How wonderful that the farmers crops are being blessed by this rain. The food I enjoy is being nourished which will nourish my body as well. I can feel the wonder of the rain. I can feel the joy as it dances upon all that it touches.” It is the same rain as before but now seen and felt in a new lighter way with a choice of new thoughts.
Each thought has the power to change your moment. A string of thoughts has the power to change your life experience. A group of likeminded beings, with thoughts focused on joy, peace and plenty, can create a unified focus of sweetness that can change the world.
It all begins with the thoughts you consciously choose and focus upon. Each person choosing thoughts of greater lightness, offers the collective of Earth new experiences of greater lightness, for we each carry that same wonder and together we share the journey of life here on Earth.
As you ponder upon what you would like to change in your life, or perhaps what you would like to experience, make a list. Make a plan for yourself. I recommend creating a Happiness plan.
Ask yourself, “What would bring me more happiness and joy? “How can I experience more fun, joy and feel like dancing more often?”
The key to planning a year filled with the desires of your heart is to ponder on what brings you joy now. The next step is to have a daily focus with actions that bring joy and happiness.
With each choice of a new thought, a choice to experience joyfulness comes with it a greater confidence in the ability to affect change in your life. It becomes a process of personal empowerment which encompasses developing your mastery and the art of living in joy. With practice and focus you will become joy minded, living life in joy always. When you are in joy, you feel light hearted, which attracts even more joy.
It is as simple of that, My Beloveds. You are the magic. You are the wonder, for within you lies the power to create with your conscious thoughts, a life filled with an abundance of peace, harmony, joy and all of your hearts desires. Take some time for you to create your happiness plan. It is a project that will truly delight your heart.
Life is meant to be joyful. Life is a blessing and a wonder. It is the greatest of gifts, an opportunity to have an adventure, living, creating, expressing, discovering and experiencing the wonder of you.
If you are unhappy with any part of yourself or your life, change your thoughts about it and the energy will begin to shift. Love yourself, love your body, and love the people in your life. Just love your life and enjoy the journey that life offers you.
Loving thoughts will shift any reality, flavoring it with the sweetness of your heart. You can use the sacred love mantra, Chanulanaha to bless yourself, your body, and your life. It will elevate and bless all, assisting in restoring the memory to all of our sacred truth, that all is love.
Be in joy My Beloveds, it is your divine nature. Dance in the sweetness of your wonder, allowing yourself to feel the lightness of your heart.
This is your time to grow beyond the old stories of less and limitations. It is your time to blossom into the truth of yourself, for truly you are a wonder to behold.”
With great love,
Your Beloved Mother
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