My Dear Hearts,
“I greet you today in the spirit of great joy. I feel your sweetness as your eyes and hearts gaze upon the words I share with you today.
In this position of time, you are experiencing many doors of opportunity presenting before you. Opportunities, which were perhaps not known to you before, or even entertained by your sweet minds. These opportunities are flowing in a gentle stream, allowing you to take notice as you choose in your ever advancing readiness.
At this time you are adjusting to the lighter energies of the Earth plane. Finding your footing and beginning to realize on many levels that you are changing, that your life is changing and that the world is changing. Indeed it is a time of celebration as these changes are leading you and all of Earth into that sweet destiny which is known to you within your heart.
With this greater awareness you are questioning more what has been. Perhaps you feel at times as though you are waking up, and rubbing the sands of the old stories from your eyes.
Moments of ponder and reflection come to your mind, wondering who you are and what really is your reality and truth. Thoughts flow in of perhaps what might be possible, stirring within you a sense of something wonderful coming, like little lights that spark some deep inner knowing.
It is a time where hope is elevating and expanding. A greater sense of stability within these new energies is emerging for you to grasp hold of, helping you begin to experience a greater sense of confidence.
Perhaps there are moments of feeling overwhelmed with everything in your life. Perhaps you are even feeling confused as this new arena feels different to you than your life journey has been experienced thus far. Take heart My Beloveds for you are finding your way. It is your destiny to progress into greater understanding and acceptance, to enjoy living in a state of joyfulness. Let me share with you a beautiful truth which will assist you to elevate your vison to one which offers you great hopefulness.
You are being loved in every moment by those of us who adore you. This is the truth always. You are also being guided by a very special being, a being that knows you intimately and loves you with a pureness of heart.
This blessed one is your true self. Yourself that knows all truth, knows the truth of you and the purpose you designed and desire for your life experiences.
Imagine if you will, yourself in perfection. Your master self, which is all-knowing, all-loving and all-wise. Yourself has a full vision and knowledge of the journey of lives, the grand plan and your part within it. Your true self knows the desires of your heart and the ideal pathways which can lead you to fulfilling each of these.
To assist you in knowing this greater vision of yourself, your true master self is standing before you, a reflection of your holy self which abides within your heart. See and feel that beautiful reflection of you, shining the light of loving wisdom for you to choose as you desire. Offering you a true vision of hope to know and aspire to.
Hope blossoms into knowing. Knowing leads you closer into higher states of mastery which will offer you infinite possibilities, many perhaps which you have never experienced before. Hope leads you gracefully to align with your sacred purpose, to live the passion of your heart’s desires.
As you keep your focus on that beautiful light, that reflection of your beautiful true self shining before you, you will begin to notice more wonderment coming into your life experiences. This is your time to grow into a greater acceptance of your sweet truth. A time to begin to accept a greater vision of yourself. Hold this vision in your heart and mind. Allow the splendor of your sweet self to guide you into all the dreams of your heart. Embrace this vision and open yourself to receive the wisdom and the love.
Begin the process to fully remember that you loved and that you are love. This is the dream of your heart fulfilling. This is your time to remember. It is your time to dance in celebration of the many flavors of your sweet truth.
Know that you are a wonder. Know that you are loved and adored. Know that you are celebrated throughout all times, worlds and dimensional planes.
Each of you has your own space within my heart. Each of you is unique with your own special flavor. Each of you have unlimited potentials for personal expansion and growth.
You are endowed with all the abilities to create and fulfill all your desires of your heart. You have the power to live all your dreams of splendor, and as you remember more, you will find all to support you in realizing these truths. It is your destiny My beloveds, for truly you are my sweet children of great wonder.”
With great love,
Your Beloved Mother
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