My Beloved Children,
“Greetings, My Dear Sweet Beloved Ones, it is with great delight that I share these moments with you. I am excited to share with you that now is a time where you can more easily embrace a greater vision of yourself and for your life.
As you look at your life, perhaps there are times in which all you see is what can be considered as travails. Whether there are issues of health, money or relationships, you may feel unrest, disharmony, struggle and suffering. Like thorns in your side, you desire to remove these issues. Please take them away and let them be no more, you say. I am tired of this struggling. I truly desire my life to be easier.
Your many prayers, your desires of your heart have been heard My Dear Ones, for the time is now. Within the new energies on Earth, you can easily release from the struggles of the past, while you embrace living in the present moment. This allows the opportunity for you to begin to create a new vision of your life’s journey, to prepare to embrace the idea of stepping into a new beginning of your life’s journey filled with possibilities that will excite your mind and delight your heart.
As you may be aware, even more so now, you are living on a world that is changing. This time is filled with the changes your many hearts have called out to be. Take a moment to ponder on this thought. As you do, your heart will witness to you of this truth.
And yet you may wonder as you look at your life, why everything seems much the same. There are elements of issues and struggles which seem to still be a part of your reality and the reality of others.
Take heart Dear Ones, for you are making shifts on many levels. There is a new energy on Earth, a lighter energy which supports elevating change into realms of greater possibilities.
You can ride the waves of change with openness, embracing each elevation, and celebrating it with joyful hearts. With this new elevated energy, there is an opportunity present for you to shift with a greater ease and grace into these higher realms by making a consciousness choice to do so.
You can begin this process by shifting your focus to noticing all of the wonder in your life. What is bringing you into moments of joyfulness, and sweet pleasures? As you notice each joyful moment, you will feel a sense of deep gratitude and appreciation. With your focus on these joyful moments, you will discover that the feelings of joy will begin to multiply and magnify, leading you into many more moments of joy and wonder.
Focusing on joy expands and elevates the heart into greater awareness of hope and possibilities. Begin to flavor your life experiences with joy, doing so on purpose. Shifting your perspective into joy, changes your view of your life, aligning you with your divine truth and nature.
Where there is struggle, release the energy cords attached to the topics. Set them down and look upon whatever was the source of struggle as having been seeded in the past. Let go of the ropes, the old stories, the past experiences of struggle and suffering and perceptions that you are less than your sweet truth.
Begin to bring your focus of being in the new energy, consciously. Live in the moment, free of the past, choosing new thoughts from a new perspective. As you consciously focus your choices to support a new beginning of your life experiences, those with a new flavor of joyfulness and unlimited potentials, you will feel a great sense of excitement. Your passion for life and living will expand as you begin to feel your personal power of choice in action. You will entertain thoughts of what is possible, free of the old stories of limitations and begin to open to the many dreams held in your heart.
You are ready to embrace more fully your great value as an evolving being on this blessed Earth. Imagine the possibilities of living all the dreams of your heart!
It is your time to shine ever so brightly. You are blessed with the gifts and abilities to move through these times of change into the realms of great and greater joy. There is a treasure of experiences you have been dreamed about, and now preparing to express and experience.
Be in joy My Beloveds. Take your steps on your journey, knowing you are lovingly supported. You are always being guided. Listen to the sweet whispers of your heart and allow yourself to receive. As you recognize your personal power within your divine right of choice, know that you and your choices are always honored.
You have the power to shift with the winds of change into the New World. A New World filled with opportunities of new beginnings for your life experience. A world of peace and plenty awaits you, where all your life experiences will be free from the past of limiting thoughts. You and all of humanity have been dreaming and preparing for this time. Celebrate this accomplishment for it is the family of humanity which has made this possible.
Make choices which bring you joy. Flavoring your life with joy will open up pathways of such a lightness your heart will truly sing.
With a new perspective of life, you will become passionate about living each moment. With new excitement and a heart filled with joy, you will move forward, living the grand adventure of your life to the fullest.
I celebrate each of you. You are my champions of heart, moving forward into the sweet tomorrows with a greater awareness of your wonder. It is time to live your dreams and remember the vision of your truth. Great joy awaits you as embrace that truth, for in that truth lies the greatest of joy.”
With great love,
Your Beloved Mother
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