My Beloved Children,
“Greetings on this most glorious day! As we approach the spring equinox it is a time of great celebration.
Take a moment to ponder on this. Breathe into your heart and feel the wonder of this thought. Your heart knows the meaning of this time of celebration.
As you ponder, allow the brightness of your heart to shower golden light upon your mind so that you may connect more fully with this happy news.
It is with joy that this message is delivered to your awareness. You may feel it as a whisper of lightness that elevates you with a sense of hope, joy and deep gratitude.
As you continue to ponder on this celebration, your heart will guide you to the awareness of the blessings that are about to unfold for you and your life. You have chosen this glorious path My Beloveds, and now you are about to step forth into a new adventure. Your life will take on a greater meaning for you. You will know more of the wonders of the truth of your divine nature and your sacred purpose.
Continue to ponder on these words. As your eyes fall upon them, as you hear their message with your heart, allow them to bless your countenance.
Breathe into your heart and feel the flavor of my words. They are a song to your heart. They are a song of joy, a song of love, a song of celebration. You will know this truth as you open to accept this message of love which I share with you today. Be in the flow of this message of heart My Beloveds, for it will open your heart and mind to the infinite nature of your true self. Your nature is most delicious as it is the flavor of joyful awareness and ever expanding bliss.
Touch upon it now. As you allow yourself to ponder on this message, you will begin to feel a sacred seed begin to shine golden light as it begins to sprout with aliveness. This golden seed is a gift I offer to you today. It is a seed which is held in your heart and as it is nurtured with loving thoughts, will begin its journey of moving from a sprout, to a bud and then into a blossom of such beauty continuing to blossom into a golden flower.
This blossoming flower is the remembering of your sacred self, the truth of you which is filled with great wonder and glory. Your truth shines ever so brightly and carries the infinite potentials that lay ahead for you to choose to experience with such delight.
Focus your loving thoughts on this golden seed and allow it to grow. Open your heart and mind to new ways of seeing and knowing yourself. As you hold the vision of the golden seed blossoming, you will begin to feel a sense of joy as your heart guides you to remember.
The dreams of your heart are at the door My Beloveds. You are ready to open that door into the greater understanding of your truth.
Accept this gift My Beloveds, for it is your divine birthright. It is your destiny to remember your truth and to experience living your true nature.
The time is now for you to choose to take the next steps within your journey in a greater awareness of the divine self.
To assist you with your journey of remembering, I offer you the sacred mantra, Chanulanaha.
Chanulanaha is a love mantra in the language of love. From the Sacred Heart to your heart, remember you are love, in blessing you, I bless myself, I bless all for all is love. This mantra assists in shifting energy into greater harmony and balance, and alignment with your authentic self.
It will assist you to nurture your golden seed of truth to blossom and shine greater awareness to you and the many lives you touch. Sing it to yourself. Sing it to your golden seed and watch how your life unfolds into greater joy and lightness.
May you dance in the joy of your blossoming self My Beloveds as you journey into the glorious new phase of your life’s journey.
Chanulanaha, remember your truth, for you are love.”
With great love,
Your Beloved Mother
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