Harmony, The Key to Riding the Waves of Change in Grace

My Beloved Children,

“It is with great heart that I greet you this day. These are the times of great change. It is a time you have been waiting for with great anticipation and excitement, though you may not have the full awareness of this at this time. This is about to change as you choose the time of your readiness.

Your very nature is of such a sweetness, always flowing, like a wonderful dance. You might say that change is part of your divine nature, for you are flowing always in this dance of delight. Though you may not remember it fully yet, never the less it is your truth and only a matter of moments until you do.

As you look upon your life at this time, you might have a sense of much change in the energies, in the way people are thinking and perhaps even a sensing that there are some new opportunities that are knocking at your door.

Sometimes you might even feel a bit overwhelmed as it seems like some of the ways you used to approach things don’t seem to be working anymore. In truth this is part of the reality that is in presence at this time on our Beloved Earth.

It is not something to be feared, though it may bring up thoughts that are disconcerting to you. It is a time that you have longed for. Your very hearts know of what I am speaking.

Remembering your heart and your truth is in a process for you. It is part of your personal evolution, which you are experiencing most wonderfully.

As you spend time in quiet reflection, you will feel this connection to your heart ever more and begin to have a greater awareness of what it is that you have been dreaming about, what it is that you are beginning to have a greater sense of.

In your moments of awareness, you may even wonder how you can change, or what your life might look like. Imagine that you and every part of the family of Gaia is in this evolutionary process, some more aware than others. With all parts of Gaia, all people and yourself making changes in your thoughts, in how you perceive your life and the world, we can say with great certainty that there are big changes in process at this time.

With so much in this flow of change, how can you move through these waves and feel the greatest ease and balance? The answer is quite simple my sweet ones, it is to find harmony. To be in harmony, in accord with yourself and your reality, will assist you in being in harmony within a world of change.

You might ask, how can I be in harmony when my very life feels so uncertain and I don’t know what tomorrow might look like? The key is to find your harmony within yourself, to let go of any energy that has a tug of war or resistance energy. To come into acceptance with what is, while you are remembering and learning how to create what you really desire in your life to express and experience. Let me share with you a simple way to find that inner harmony which can assist you to be in ease and grace as you move forward in a world of much change.

Spend some time taking notice of what your thoughts are about. Are you in fear or in joy?

Notice what was it that triggered these feelings? If you have something which is creating feelings and thoughts of fear fear, look at it in a different way. See it as a beautiful golden energy, like sparkly gold dust. As you look upon it in this way, you will notice that you feel differently, it is as if that very fear has softened and transformed before your very eyes. You see in truth, everything is created from beautiful golden light. If it appears different than that, it is playing a role within the illusion. You have the capacity to recognize what is the real truth and see it as such. Imagine how your life can change with this simple change in focus?

It is a simple shift in perspective, yet will open up doorways of infinite potentials for self- discovery and awareness. As you spend more of your moments in harmony with yourself, your life and the world, you will find greater peace and joy. Things in your life will seem to work so much easier for you.

Being in harmony, will help you not only to move through all the waves of change in grace, it will prepare you for the next stages of your evolution. You have been dreaming of these opportunities and now it is here. Open your heart and mind to embrace the changes that are here and coming. Your heart will sing in such joy as you begin to more fully recognize your own golden light.

It is time my children for you to choose. You are ready, you are remembering. Much is being offered to assist you and yet you are the great Master that is privileged to choose your path. You are always honored in your choices. As you move into greater self-awareness of your lightness, you will rediscover what you have always known, that you are a being of great love and capacity with the innate gifts and abilities to create all your dreams held within you hearts.

I am here cheering you on always. I know each of you. I know what you are capable of. You are my Beloved Children of great promise, in my heart always.

May you be in the joy of sweet harmony as you move through these glorious times.”

With great love,

Your Beloved Mother

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