My Beloved Children,
“On this glorious day, I am in joy for you, each one of you, as you bring to my heart such sweetness. As we enter into a new time upon your beautiful world, I desire for you to have a greater awareness of what you are in the process of remembering and what is to come for you.
In this time of awakening, as you collectively choose to bask in the light of your dreams, you may feel or sense even now your heart center expanding. Yes, there is a blossoming going on within you. Your heart is dancing in the light of your forever embracing of joyfulness, your divine nature. You are the light dancing, you are the joy, you are the sweetness that lives and expresses itself in unlimited capacities.
You may feel as if you are in new territory, the terrain feels perhaps different and even at times uncomfortable. We may look upon this as growing pains, and yet these are not pains but the moving from one way of being into a lighter way of being.
The key to riding these changes is always harmony, finding your balance within the change. To be centered in your heart and move in flow with all that is flowing along with you. You see each one is in the flow and though each is evolving at their own pace and choosing, never the less, all are in the flow. When the focus is on being in heart, being in the moment, allowing yourself to flow and be in the flow, there is a release
to resistance and an embracing of greater harmony.
To be living at this time on Earth is the grand adventure. To be able to be a part of this glorious shifting that is occurring is a wonder. To be a witness as well as a participant in the grand evolution of humanity and of our blessed Gaia is the greatest of dreams.
So you might ask, how can we be in the greatest of harmony on this grand adventure? I will share with you now perhaps a new focus that will assist you to shift your perspective of life and living.
When you think of your life, think of it as a collection of experiences that make up a story. Each experience has led you to where you are in this moment. As you look upon each of these experiences, there are some that were of great joy; some perhaps that were not so joyful.
You might be hanging onto the pain of experiences that were perhaps difficult and unpleasant.
Carrying around all this old energy of discomfort is like carrying a pack of stones on your back, weighing on your heart and mind. It is time to put this pack of rocks down, love them, bless them and let them go. It is time to fill your pockets with the magic of new times, new experiences and your new awareness.
Let me share with you a story. There once was a woman who loved to garden.
She grew the most beautiful flowers, many varieties in a rainbow of colors. In the spring, all of the people in the countryside would come to view her garden as it brought them such joy.
One year a great storm came and the garden was destroyed. The woman was quite sad as it was too late in the season for her to replant. She had taken some wonderful pictures of the gardens in the past which she had displayed upon the walls of her home. As she looked upon these, she felt great joy and comfort in these memories, the experiences of the gardens of moments of the past.
As the time came for her to prepare the soil for replanting, she began to dig the soil and made an amazing discovery. She dug just a few inches deeper than before as she was hoping to create a better bed for the rooting of the plants. Her shovel reached something that made quite a lovely sound. What could this be? As she moved the soil away she discovered in this beautiful place, just a few inches deeper was a grand bed of crystals. As she moved the soil away, the light touched upon them igniting brilliant shining lights. She sat there in amazement and joy. She had found such a treasure. She took some of the crystals to place in her home and kept most to be around her new garden.
In an experience of what seemed like a loss at first, was a discovery of greater light and joy. Her heart opened to the wonder of her life and the blessings of joy distilled upon her as dew from the heavens.
Each of you has your own experiences in your life. Within each is a hidden treasure of lightness and joy. As you see the value in all experiences, the spark of light shining forth, you open to the greater understanding of the joy of life. As you focus on the light, your life experiences will be filled with the sweetness of joy.
This is your divine nature to experience joy, for you are joy My Beloved Children. This is your time to dance, to dance in the rainbow streams of forever lightness.
May you begin to taste the sweetness of life in all your experiences, allowing the sweetness to elevate you into even greater joy. When you are in joy, you are remembering your divine truth. Within joy, your heart expands bringing even greater sweetness.
Celebrate you and your life. There is only one you, and though you belong to a family of many of same heart, you have your own sweet flavor.
Yes My Beloveds, it is time for you taste the sweetness of life. It is time for you to dance. I dance with you always.”
With great love,
Your Beloved Mother
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