My Beloved Children,
“I greet you this day with a Message of Heart. As we begin this New Year, it is a time for great celebration for the past, yes, for the past has led us to this New Year, this new moment.
Now we begin a new calendar year, filled with great promise.
Let us begin with a story of light. Many years ago in a very sacred space, you decided upon a desire to experience life in a singular consciousness, outside of the field of unity consciousness.
As your desire grew, a plan was made for this to be made manifest. The journey of lives was put into place with the opportunity for you as an individual self to be able to experience the joy of expression within your own field consciousness.
Of course, you would never be separate from the fields of the forever oneness of heart, and yet you would have an opportunity to develop your own uniqueness with expression through an embodied life experience.
Thus the journey of lives was put into place. Many of you my children experienced life on planes that were unified and had no expression of duality. As the journey unfolded through choice and experiences, new opportunities unfolded. Thus, an opportunity to live in a plane of duality became a reality. You my children, chose this opportunity, to live and express in this grand adventure of duality, where for a time you would forget who you really are.
As the journey here on Earth has unfolded much has been expressed and experienced in great wonder. Now, new opportunities unfold as we move fully into the time of promise. This time has been prophesied throughout the history of Earth. It is known deeply within your heart.
Let me share with you what this time of Promise means for you, my children. Within the promise is a lighthouse of information and truth that is unfolding into your present time. Many blessings are offered to assist you in accessing the loving flow that is singing to your hearts even now.
It is much like a wakeup call, accessing information held within your heart which you placed there before your birth to access in this time. The many ways and means are flowing for you to access truth in greater ease and clarity.
I can feel your excitement as you read these words, for within this message there is a stirring of remembering within your hearts. Yes, allow your hearts and minds to open, to flow within the sacred geometries of this message so that you will find the pathways to the gems that you planned to access within this very special time.
As the days unfold, you will find yourself accessing more and more of these hidden jewels. When you co-created your plan with the Creator for your life journey, you knew what gifts would assist you on your path.
Now, within the new Earth energies and the elevated dimensional planes, these gifts are more readily available for you to access and utilize. How your heart is singing with joy in recognition of this truth!
These times of Promise offer you advantages to reach these gifts, to find your freedom, to create free of resistance energies, and to live your dreams of heart which you planned for your life journey.
My promise to you my children of light from my heart to yours is that the ways and means are unfolding. Your life journey will become easier and filled with the promise of joyful expressions. It is your destiny to live your dreams, to be abundant in all ways, to be free of impediments or restrictive energies.
The pathways for the new ways of being are illuminating even now. As you open your minds and hearts, you allow yourself to embrace this truth. Can you feel your heart singing in joy as you hear these words? These are the times we have dreamed together. You are ready my beloveds.
I offer each of you now a gift. Prepare to receive into your heart. Place your hand over your heart and breathe into your heart. I say unto you “Shah amana shah”, allow this sacred mantra in the language of love to enter into your very heart. It is my gift to you, a fulfillment of promise and so it is.
This sacred mantra is in my sacred language, the language of love. It is the language of my heart and comprised of sacred geometries, tones and vibrations. You will recognize it on many levels as your heart knows this sacred language. This mantra simply means, “the Jewels of my heart are illuminating; you are my Jewels of heart.”
With this gift of promise comes the unveiling of many hidden treasures that you have been waiting for. The time of the discovery of these is at hand. You will enjoy this process as you find within each jewel lies infinite potentials and possibilities to explore. You will create the recipes that you desire to fulfill your life dreams. Each of you is unique with your own specialness, creating your very own flavor in all that you do, experience and express.
As you go forth now into your heart following the pathways of light to discover and explore, know that I am always with you, supporting your every choice, always loving you with fullness of heart. You are most precious My Beloveds, for you are My children of light, the Jewels of My Heart.”
With great love, Your Beloved Mother
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artwork by Maryam Morrison
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