My Beloved children,
As I greet you this day, I am in gratitude of heart for the blessings of joy that you bring to me, and to the oneness of our sacred family. Each of you has your own special flavor that delights my heart and sings a song into the oneness of all that is, creating a symphony of such delight.
You are on a sacred quest My Beloveds, a journey to experience what it is to know yourself outside of the oneness of our forever lightness. These times of awakening are illuminating the sweet memories of our unity, thus the quest to return into that oneness pushes you to reach further and further to attain more glimpses of that sweet memory of the truth of your being.
In truth you have never left the oneness; you have only forgotten it for a time. This has presented an opportunity to rediscover yourself, to remember again and perhaps see yourself through new eyes.
Imagine if you will, swimming in a pool of love, feeling the joy and unity of heart in every moment of existence, always knowing the joy of unconditional love and acceptance. There is no resistance, no brokenness, nothing of less ness, only fullness and ever-expanding lightness and love. To swim in this pool of love is the greatest joy.
In a great plan of heart, an opportunity was offered to experience what it would be like to have conscious awareness of yourself as an individual. Oh what a great gift this was My Beloveds, as this offered something which you had never experienced before, and so the great plan of the journey of lives began.
Now we are at a pinnacle time where you are choosing to remember the oneness, the unity of heart and spirit. In remembering this unity, there remains the individual self as well, offering the blessings of being your own sacred self as well as connected to the oneness of our sacred family.
This is been calling to your heart as you hear the voices, let us join together in oneness, let us have peace and prosperity and joy for one and all. Your voice joins with the collective of heart in this quest to re-establish this unity consciousness and so we celebrate. We celebrate this time of heart as you remember yourself and your family of heart.
You might ask, how can I remember more, how can I feel connected to my authentic true self and be in oneness? What are some steps on this quest that will assist me to more fully recognize this glorious truth that my heart calls out to remember?
I shall offer you a simple plan this day, which will become your greatest bringer of joy, for this truly is a sacred quest for joy. To love yourself is the golden key to opening the heart of remembering all that you desire. Loving you will bring about changes in your life which perhaps you have not even dreamed of.
Let me share with you why this is the golden key you have been in search of. Love is the great healer and restorer. Why is this? Well the essence of you is pure divine love. In fact, the source of all of creation is this same loving essence. It may be playing roles that appear to be other than love, but at the core, the essence is pure love.
When you consciously express love to something or someone, this magnetizes the heart connection, bringing a great joy to your awareness. Your heart is connected to the forever lightness and is always connected to my heart and the oneness of all that is. When you express love, this sends a message of heart to whatever or whomever you are focusing upon.
When you choose to spend time each day, loving yourself, this opens up your heart to hear and receive the messages more clearly. You will begin to attract more love into your life, whether it be loving relationships, beautiful surroundings or whatever your heart has been desiring to experience and express.
You might ask, can it be this simple and I will say yes it is. With effort and time you will see what appears as miracles presenting in your life.
You see everything is love, so when you love something it feels validated; it remembers and begins to feel the truth of itself more clearly. Love is your natural state of being. You divine essence is love, you are love, so loving comes naturally. Any resistance to this truth is part of the illusion of separateness which has been part of your journey on the duality dimensional planes.
Now is your time to shine evermore, to remember more easily your sacred truth. You can follow this plan as you choose. It is a simple plan and yet it will take some conscious choice and effort. Take heart in knowing that each of you will remember in time and complete that destiny that you chose so long ago.
If you are passionate about this quest, let us begin together today and I will assist you, always holding the vision of your truth in my heart and shining it out to you as a loving reminder.
Spend time each day in activities that nourish you. When you speak about yourself, speak in loving kindness, honoring yourself and your amazement. Choose thoughts which focus on the wonder that you are, on your wonderful life experiences and accomplishments.
Be kind to you. Be your greatest fan and friend. Practice kindness to yourself and to all that you come into contact with until it is just an automatic response of heart. Be patient with yourself through this process. Remember we are all one family in oneness of heart, so when you offer loving kindness to another, it offers this love to your sweet family, of which you are intimately a part of.
Much time has perhaps been spent in finding what you feel is missing with you or your life. Now switch that to gratitude for all in your life, and in recognizing your many gifts and blessings. Love yourself and your life, and watch yourself blossom just as a beautiful flower blooms as the sun shines upon it.
What you focus on grows and expands, so focus on loving, on your beautiful eyes that sparkle, your amazing mind, your body which carries you throughout this journey of life, your sweet spirit and your uniqueness. There is only one you, so celebrate that and know your flavor is delicious to us all.
As each one loves themself more this also sends a message into the collective stirring memories, Yes, I am love too, I am remembering, I shall love myself more.
Love is the golden key to illuminate your sacred quest of remembering your truth. In this sacred quest to remember yourself, once discovered you will find the quest continues to expand and become even more, for you are infinite in nature with limitless potentials and possibilities to elevate and expand ever more. How exciting this is to know you continue to become more illuminated and enlightened. Living in forever lightness, in the forever love is infinite bliss.
Always remember you are never alone in this quest. Your authentic self is guiding you. You also have many angels, guides and masters assisting you in your progression of remembering. I am here with you as well. Open your heart and feel the loving presence that is radiating love to you perpetually, and allow yourself to receive that love and follow the loving guidance.”
With great love,
Your Beloved Mother
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artwork by Maryam Morrison
pdf by Eden Magazine