Message from the Goddess Mother channeled by Jan Diana:
My Beloved Children of Heart,
“As I ponder upon you on this glorious day, I am
reminded of your sweet commitment to our sacred
plan. I celebrate in gratitude your participation in
the story we share together in the many journeys
of life.
Your choice to live and experience offers you and
us so many treasures. The blessings are becoming
so grand there is no way to fully take measure of
them for they are perpetually expanding into the
ever more of us.
As I speak to your many hearts on this topic, the
message comes to mind of what is most important
to share with you at this point in the journey. There
is so much to share and yet this is the piece that
your heart calls out to hear, to feel, and to receive
a validation of.
You desire most of all to know if you are fulfilling
your plan you made in our council before your
journey began. And of course the answer is a resounding
Yes, you are. It is a journey of many choices, many
steps and many experiences. Each leads to the next
and the next. Each is fulfilling in and of itself, and
yet each one fits into the bigger picture, creating
the greater vision which we share together.
You might feel as if you are missing the connection.
You may feel a bit disconnected from the awareness
of truth that you desire that feels so close, yet perhaps
just out of reach.
This feeling is an indication of your growing awareness
that something more for yourself exists. Even
if it feels out of reach at this time, you know it.
Your heart knows your plan. You know your plan.
You know it on many levels of awareness.
And thus here you are, on a grand journey of
remembering your truth. What you felt you forgot
is making itself known to you in ever expanding
ways and means.
This is very exciting for all of us. Each spark of
awareness leads to another and then another and
another. It continues on until that glorious moment
when the fullness of self is remembered.
What a glorious journey of self-discovery! To experience
yourself in this way opens up for advancements you will
experience that are even beyond your imagination at this
However, you will grow into it in your readiness. Thus the
journey unfolds to lead you to the greatest discovery of all,
your truth, your divine nature and your sacred destiny.
How wonderful it is to know, that whatever step you are
on, whatever you are experiencing now, whether it is one
bringing you joy or one with some challenges, it is leading
you to that ultimate awareness of yourself. You can take
this truth in and allow it to bring you encouragement. You
can accept the peace that comes with this understanding.
Recognizing that each choice has the power to take you
to that place you have been dreaming about, brings great
excitement to your heart. It can also free you from any
judgments of self of lesser value for having some bumps
along the road.
All experiences of all choices, all journeys, will lead to that
same wonderful destination at some point in our glorious
future. All of us reaching the completion of our journey of
love, returning fully into our oneness, and yet with all we
have experienced adding into our flavor as we prepare for
the next step in our grand adventure together with our ever
more loving selves.
The wonder of it all. The wonder of each of you fills my
heart with great joy. You simply are magnificent.
Nothing of lesser value in your experience can alter you
truth, your divinity. You are who you are, living and experiencing
the journey of lives.
May you open your heart and allow yourself to feel the
witness to this truth. May you begin to have more kindness
and patience with yourself and with others. May you begin
to feel the connection to truth in the greatest of openness,
with ease and grace.
You are fulfilling your destiny. You are rising up to dance to
the song of your heart.
As you continue going forward, let it be known to you that
you are living your dream. Yes you have many dreams and
desires of your heart to live and experience. And yet the
fullness of all of these is held within the wholeness of your
life journey.
You can move forward now and always with a greater awareness
of your purpose as it begins to make itself known to
you consciously. To know your purpose is delightful. To
purposefully walk in that awareness is your birthright.
To achieve that now is within your reach.
Open up your heart to receive the greater awareness. Let
yourself be guided in the lightness of heart.
It is now easier than perhaps you thought possible. Flow
in the streams of lightness that is dancing upon the Earth
now, relaxing into that sweetness. It will uplift and inspire
Accept each joy that comes your way, knowing you deserve
it. You are worthy to receive all you are being blessed with.
Choose joy. Choose the abundance of all that brings you joy
and know it is yours to claim.
You are ready for the next steps leading into the greater
awareness, into the lightness of heart.
I celebrate you as you reach for the stars, for truly you are
reaching for your own lightness. Be accepting of the love, for
as you do you will feel the sweetness of your heart song as it
calls to you, guiding you to that place of home. Shamon.”
pdf by Eden Magazine
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