Message from the Goddess Mother channeled by Jan Diana:
My Beloved Children of Heart,
“Today is a grand day. Every day is a
celebration of life. Life is a gift for us to
explore pathways of new experiences. It
is an opportunity to expand and grow into elevated consciousness.
Of course, your plans for expansion are designed by
you. You are the orchestrator of each thought. Each
thought leads to action or no action. However, the
source of their projection is you.
You may feel as if your thoughts are not your own. And
sometimes this is truth due to the nature of a history
of living on a duality planet where much has been conditioned.
You have a rich history of your genetic lineage as well
as the collective of humanity, as you share in this grand
adventure of life on Earth. Agreements were made with
great excitement well before you made your journey
And so here you are now living in this time of great advancements.
Yes, you are awakening in a time of greater
awareness, a time for beginning to recognize your truth.
Navigating through these times of change can be an
interesting challenge. You may find it to be a bit uncomfortable
in these new Earth energies. You may even
feel unsure of your footing as things don’t feel the same
to you.
Change has always been a constant. All you have to do
is observe the seasons of life to know this truth. Now
more than ever you are beginning to realize that this is
the way of things.
Change is a part of your divine nature. The passion for
having more wonderment, more joy, a greater understanding
comes from within you.
This passion propels you into taking steps onto pathways
perhaps you have never dreamed possible before.
When you look upon your past experiences with a
reflective mind, you can begin to see how you have
moved to new levels of experiences, which allow you to
see beyond, the “what used to be” mentality.
You will begin to entertain new ideas, new perspectives
and open to the idea of new thoughts and actions.
This then allows you to feel into the potential of a
new thought, a new choice, a new experience, a new
Imagine if you master your thoughts. What if you purposely
chose and fueled with a focus what you desire
most to experience? What if you could achieve your
dreams through pathways of self-discovery of what
is possible, simply by choosing new thoughts with a
focused purpose?
This is the same pathway taken by the many greater
masters in the history of humanity. These are the masters
you know about, such as St Germaine, Buddha,
Mary, Jesus, St. Anne and many others.
They each walked a path of self- discovery. Then through
that greater awareness, they began to develop their
innate abilities. They learned to choose their thoughts
of what was desired and with focus were able to create
their dreams. They became great masters of thought and
energy fulfilling their sacred purpose.
The same is possible for you. You have also been endowed
with these same master abilities. It is merely a
matter of having a greater awareness, and of learning
the higher principles associated with these. Then with
practice, you develop them as with any other gift, or
talent innate to you.
Take for example how child discovers an interest in
painting. Perhaps through an activity at school or at
home, they find that they really enjoy creating pictures.
With practice they become more proficient. Their
paintings may start out simple but as they continue
on practicing and enjoying this activity, they become
more confident in their abilities.
They can now begin to challenge themselves to create
even greater masterpieces.
It is a process of discovery, reflection, practice, and of
focusing thoughts and energy. All this comes together
to create the desired masterpieces, the realities of choice.
It is the same steps for any personal development
on the path of mastery. It is a process of developing
your divine gifts and abilities, your divine attributes.
Many of these have been dormant waiting for your time
of discovery.
Now with the new elevating energies of Earth, it is
even easier to make these discoveries. Perhaps you feel a
longing for something. Perhaps you are drawn to
something of great interest.
You are being guided and prompted to feel these connections.
These are little whispers from your heart, that
part of you that knows your truth and that it is time to
pursue these dreams held within your heart.
Take note of these as they are of great value and will lead
you to a greater sense of self. They will guide you into
experiencing the joy of a life fulfilled, living the dreams
and passions of your heart.
Your true self is constantly lighting pathways of possibilities
for your todays and your tomorrows. Following
the light will be a great source of joy to you.
It all starts with noticing the whispers, entertaining new
ideas and new thoughts. And then practicing choosing
those higher thoughts and fueling them in confidence.
There are many tools offered to assist you on your path
of mastery. You will be guided to what is your ideal
when you choose thoughts that support that concept.
It is that simple.
Becoming the consciously aware master that you are,
developing your innate gifts and abilities and then
directing energy to create your dreams is your deepest
desire to achieve. You knew the time would come
when you would be able to break free from the past
stories of lesser value and begin to see the truth with
greater clarity.
The elevating light of Earth dances and uplifts each with
the opportunity to see the greater vision. The potential
to know the greater value of self, that sweetness that is
truly free to be and live whatever dreams and desires are
held within the heart.
Now is the time to claim your destiny. To walk upon
Earth as an enlightened being, to develop all those
beautiful gifts of wonderment that you have been given.
It is your time to begin to create more of what you
desire, letting go of lesser perceptions of self that really
are not your truth. It is a time to play more, to dream
more, to envision new and greater possibilities and
It is a time to dance to the music of your heart. To let
go of beliefs and perceptions that create the illusion of
you feeling or being less than who you really are.
It is time to recognize your divine truth, to accept
the fullness of the gift of life in gratitude. It is time to
explore the many possibilities you desire to experience.
It is time for you to know that you are a being of infinite
love, of infinite potential. This is your time to be
consciously fueling your divine destiny, your birthright,
and to be that master of love that you truly are.
With great love,
Your Beloved Mother
pdf by Eden Magazine
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