Message from the Goddess Mother channeled by Jan Diana:
My Beloved Children of Heart,
“I welcome you today into our circle
of hearts. May you be blessed with
peace, joy and an abundance of your
heart’s desires.
Certainly it is a time of celebration at
the wonder of you. Each of you has
risen to a placement on your journey
where you are now ready to walk in
your own power. Yes, these words fill
your hearts with excitement at knowing
this truth and the possibilities.
Imagine now that you have been given
and accepted the keys to a brand new
automobile. It is a vehicle you have
longed to have, to take you on many
new experiences.
As you now step into that beautiful
new car, you feel it start up as you
place the key into the ignition and
turn it on. How exciting to hear
the motor as it shifts into a glorious
Where will you drive to first? What
journey have you longed to take?
Who would you like to go with you?
Or perhaps you plan this first journey
to be just for yourself. Whatever you
choose is perfect.
As you start to drive down the roads
of choice, you will begin to feel a new
sense of yourself. You will have awareness
that you can now experience life
in a new way. It is like a whole new
world has opened up for you to explore
and enjoy.
You feel a sense of freedom, as well as
a greater connection to your sacred
self. You have coming to your mind
thoughts, helping you to know where
and when to make the turns on the
roadways of your life.
You begin to feel a greater connection
to your life purpose. You feel a sense
of knowing why you are here, and
what your heart desires to experience,
to create, and to be.
Many have prayed for this moment,
this moment of empowerment. A
time when you would begin to consciously
accept your true nature and
all that goes with that glorious truth.
Yes, My Beloveds, you are ready to
drive that shiny new vehicle. As you
take your journey, you will have clearer
vision, new insights inspiring you
to choices that lead you to your destinations
of choice.
You have been preparing for this time.
Releasing in grace what you might call
road blocks that kept you from the
fulfillment of your dreams.
Now that you have been handed the
keys, you are ready to begin your life
in wonderful new ways. You will feel
a sense of freedom, as if you have the
windows down and are feeling the
cool breeze as you drive along.
You have been sleeping angels and
now you are awake and awakening
to your sweet truth. You are allowing
the light to spark and dance upon
you. It feels wonderful!
Yes, there may still be some bumps along the road.
However you will be able to maneuver around these
as you continue to allow the light to bless and guide
you. It is for you to choose for yourself. You are
To become ready to receive these keys you have journeyed
through many obstacles and moved beyond
them. Yes, you have received loving assistance along
the way and will continue to receive as you allow of
course. You are never alone.
However, now begins a new journey with more conscious
awareness. This allows you to choose how you will flavor
your life experiences.
What is it you would like to attract into your life? How
can you align with those beautiful dreams so that they
become your realities of choice?
Always begin with your focus from your heart. This is a new
era. It is powered by love, by heart consciousness.
When you ponder anything about your life, direction, guidance,
possibilities, begin with focusing from your heart.
Do this until it becomes your natural way of being.
From this perspective you will be able to access your
divine gifts and abilities which are your birthright, waiting
for you to recognize, claim and develop. These many gifts
and blessings will help you in developing these higher states
of consciousness, coming from your heart always.
Your heart contains all wisdom and knows the pathways
that are ideal for you. It is always aligned with authentic
truth, always speaks in peace and always offers wisdom.
It holds all the answers that you seek. As you develop your
heart consciousness, you will be able to access the jewels
within your heart’s treasury.
Imagine taking journeys you perhaps had forgotten were
your dreams. Perhaps you had set them aside thinking they
were not possible for you. Or perhaps you hold such big
dreams you haven’t even entertained the concepts of them,
Well now is the time to open up to the possibilities. To
allow yourself to dream big dreams free of any perceived
limitations. To imagine what was thought impossible as
now possible.
Your keys to your new vehicle have potentials that are limitless.
It is a matter of being open, learning how to work
with the higher principles and systems of truth, and then
applying that knowledge. Be open to the guidance of your
heart and you will be lead to the answers that you seek to
support your journey of choice.
Celebrate the wonder of reaching this time in your personal
evolution as well as the evolution of the collective of Earth.
Your many rewards are here for you to notice and accept.
The keys have been handed to you. You have the power and
freedom to drive yourself where you would like to go. All
choices are honored. You are honored and celebrated.
My heart is filled with joy at your great achievement in
arriving at this new place. Believe in your wonder. Accept
the successes along the way. Know that you are already
Make your journey become that glorious dream you have
held for this time in your life. It is your new beginning and
you are ready as well as deserving of all blessings.
Walk in confidence knowing you are loved and supported.
Love yourself most. Honor your
life, and bless those who share journeys with you.
May you always feel the sunshine in your heart and know
of my great love for you. You are the jewels of my heart.
With great love,
Your Beloved Mother
pdf by Eden Magazine
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