Message from the Goddess Mother channeled by Jan Diana:
My Beloved Children of Heart,
“Welcome! As we gather together, let us radiate our heart’s
light to each of us. Let us focus on our love for one another.
It is a time of great advancements. Each advancement moves
us into the greater light of understanding and is considered
of great value, for each step leads to the next and the next.
Take a moment to ponder on how wonderful it feels to share
your heart’s light to each of us. Now shine it back upon yourself
and your life. Feel the wonder expand ever more.
This is a wonderful way to begin and to end each day. It reflects
your awareness and recognition of your sacred truth, for
indeed you are that light.
Imagine living in the lightness as a constant. Imagine the
wonder of feeling the joy, of basking in the delight of your
heart’s countenance, and sharing your joy with your brothers
and sisters.
Indeed it is a time for great celebrations as you recognize
deeper and deeper your true nature and intrinsic value. It is
the key to all the happiness and joy that you desire to experience.
You may wonder how this can be that I can feel so much joy.
Well, joy is the nature of your essence. It is who you are.
Feeling joy is like coming home. It feels familiar. It is what you
desire most to feel and enjoy in all of your life experiences.
You are beginning to develop the ability to live and express joy.
It is the way of the heart. It is the way to your pathways of
discovering your truth.
As you experience joy by conscious choice, opportunities to
develop further expansion of your natural abilities will present
for you to partake. Each time you consciously choose further
development, you will enhance your wisdom and knowledge
of your divine nature.
It is a journey of discovery. It is a journey that you design. Now
more than ever before you can consciously choose the many
flavors of your experience that you desire.
Imagine yourself in a great beautiful field. There is space in
all directions to build whatever you would like. There are the
foundational elements, blue sky, air, water, sunshine, land. The
terrain can vary but the basics are there for you.
Now what would you like to have in your life if you could
choose it free of constraints or thoughts that might limit your
dream? Let your mind connect with your heart through focus,
and ponder on this.
Imagine this field now, filling up with your heart desires. If
something appears and you change your mind, release it and
replace it with another thought. See how easily you can add
to or remove from this field.
It is fun to play. Take some time as often as you desire to play
in your field. Build yourself whatever you desire, and then feel
you in the picture experiencing it.
Imagination is a great tool to utilize to create dreams. It takes
a vision clearly defined to focus upon to create the dreams of
your heart. You can have fun playing with imagination while
at the same time developing your abilities to direct energy.
Imagine if it was that simple. Vision the dream and then live
it. What if I told you the only thing that limits this reality
are limiting thoughts, beliefs, concepts and conditioning that
is and has been the history of humanity.
It is the old story that has been the path that has flavored all
journeys. Now with the many lighter energies on Gaia, much
is shifting and preparing to shift, to elevate into the greater
As you and the We of Earth release from the old stories of limitations,
letting them go in gratitude, you can allow yourself
to be blessed by the lighter energies. These will assist you to
see more clearly the truth.
As you see and feel the greater truth, your new dreams will
unfold in grace. You are developing your abilities to make this
your reality, your new elevated life journeys.
With choice and practice you can prepare yourself for further
advancement. This will enhance your innate abilities and gifts.
This is your destiny.
You may choose to consciously prepare for it now by opening
your heart to the possibilities. Let your heart guide you. Spend
time focused in joy, experiencing this for yourself and sharing
joy with others.
These are foundational steps. Each works with the next. Each
step enhances as it lights the way for the pathways of further
It is a grand adventure. You are the one deciding how you
want that adventure to be, to feel.
what it looks like, and where it will lead you next.
It is a time to shift from focus on issues and concerns. Now
you can consciously choose to focus on your heart, on joy and
the infinite possibilities.
It is a time to consciously choose and focus your thoughts on
what you desire rather than what is or has been troubling you
or that you feel is missing. As you do this, you will begin to
see the power of your shift in focus unfold in great wonderment.
You have been endowed with all the abilities to do this and so
much more. It is for you to choose in your readiness. There
are no judgments of timing or choices. There just are opportunities
to know the lightness of heart.
Shifting the focus to your heart brings you into a greater
awareness of the divine in yourself. It also brings awareness
to the connection of lightness that you share with all that is.
Beloved Ones, I celebrate your glory. I know of your greatness.
Each of you has your own uniqueness, and yet all of you
are of one heart.
Remember you are loved and supported always. Know that
the lighter pathways are ready for you to choose to walk upon
May you journey forward, knowing of the great love that
flows to you always. You are the lightness. Shamon.”
With great love,
Your Beloved Mother
pdf by Eden Magazine
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