Message from the Goddess Mother channeled by Jan Diana:
My Beloved Children of Heart,
“Greetings! It is with great joy that I speak with you
today. We are heading into a new era for humanity.
It is exciting news for us all.
As we reach into the heavens, our prayers to express
greater joy, peace and harmony are being answered.
The light shines upon us now preparing us
for a shift into a new opportunity to experience the
greater lightness of our hearts.
It is known to us of what is to come for it has been
written into our hearts from the beginning. We
welcome this time of great change as it propels us
into the greater lightness we have desired.
Look upon yourselves with great pride. It has not
been an easy journey, and yet you have prevailed.
You will continue to strengthen and advance in
your understanding of the higher principles of
truth. As you embrace and integrate these principles,
the way will be made for you to create and live
your dreams in greater ease.
The pathways of grace will light up before you.
The ease of reaching your dreams will come as a
pleasant surprise and yet you knew this time would
become your reality.
Take a moment to take in the truth of my words
as I speak them to your heart. Open to receive the
confirmation of their truth and validity.
Prepare to receive the blessings as they unfold in
their timing. The abundance of the many gifts of
truth shall fall upon you like a rainbow of glory as
you open your heart to allow yourself to receive.
Many of you have been working diligently for
these times to be. Many of you are just now awakening
to the greater light.
Whatever your path is or has been you are now
ready for the next steps. Your personal evolution
to higher consciousness will be met with opportunities
to glide into new ways of living, being, and
You will see the fruits of your labors come forth
in great joy. As you continue to focus from your
heart, the expansion and elevation of your spirit
will soar.
It is a time of gratitude for all who have supported
the lighter pathways and chosen their personal
sovereignty. To be free to live your truth is the
dream of your heart now and always.
The blossoming of your higher consciousness
opens you to receive the light as it is offered in
greater abundance now more than ever before.
Receive and allow these blessings to fill you up
with the hope of all your dreams being your reality.
Each choice to receive the light blesses you. It
feeds and fuels your very existence to be elevated.
To live an inspired life is to live your dreams. To be in your
heart consciously affords the opportunity to be aligned with
truth, for all light carries the seeds and promise of authentic
Let the light rain upon you. Receive it in gladness. Celebrate
your readiness.
Take no concerns over the past. Live in the present moment.
Be in your heart with your focus directed to your lightness.
It is the way of the heart.
In the days ahead you will be making many new choices.
It will become easier to see what your ideal is as the lightness
shines upon you making it easier to recognize authentic
You will be able to rise above the minutia and see what is
really of value to your life purpose and plan. Each step and
choice of lightness will assist and prepare you for the next.
Every step comes with a gift.
The treasure that is prepared for you is beyond words. However
it is known in the language of love, the language of the
Think of heart consciousness as a golden rose beginning to
open its petals and blossom fully. The golden rose delivers a
frequency of love that satiates you in ways perhaps you have
never experienced before in this lifetime,
Allow the golden rose frequency to flow into your heart and
outward into your reality. Feel the unconditional love of this
glorious wonder.
It is a gift offered for all to receive as they will. It will assist
you by blessing you with the ability to reconnect more easily
to your heart consciousness.
To live your life as an enlightened master is your deepest
dream held within your heart. It is your divine right and
destiny to do so. It is now easier to create and live this reality
in this time of greater lightness.
Celebrate these great times of change. Though they may
have their challenges you have the ability to rise above them
with all that you have been endowed with by the Creator.
These changes offer rewards never before experienced here
on Earth.
It is a wonder to behold. You are a wonder. Within your
heart is held the truth of you. Yes My Beloveds, you are truly
magnificent. You will know this more as you rise up to meet
that greater vision of the truth of yourself.
Let yourself receive the lightness. Allow yourself to shine
bright. Expand and elevate, enjoying your life experiences.
Dance in the lightness of your heart consciousness. We
dance together.
With great love,
Your Beloved Mother
PDF by Eden Magazine.
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