Message from the Goddess Mother channeled by Jan Diana:
My Beloved Children of Heart,
“Greetings of joy! It is a time for us to celebrate new beginnings,
new perspectives, new ways of seeing and experiencing our life
As I walk among the beautiful flowers in the garden of My Heart,
I can feel the songs of the many hearts. I feel the sweetness of the
vibrations as they dance upon the frequencies of lightness.
Yes Beloveds, you each have a heart song. It plays as a constant
singing to me, to you and to the all of us.
Your song is unique to you. It is always in perfect harmony, perfect
resonance with your true nature of self. This is truth.
However, during your journey of life on Earth you have and are
experiencing discordant energies. You can hear them. You can
feel them. They can be uncomfortable at times. They can even
be felt as pain.
It is a way for you to know that you are experiencing being out
of tune with your heart song. Your heart song is in perfect resonance
with love, with the divine
Everything is energy, frequency and vibration. Everything has a
frequency resonance.
When you are aligned and attuned to divine truth, you can
feel and hear your heart song very easily, in great clarity. As you
raise your light and vibration through entertaining higher
conscious thoughts, you also elevate your frequency resonance.
When you do this, you will feel the harmony on many levels.
This experience feels like bliss for this is the nature of being in
a unity resonance with your divine truth.
Living on this beautiful planet has offered you the experience
of an illusion of feeling separate from your heart song, your
resonance with the divine. As Earth and all living here move
into higher levels of consciousness, the opportunity to connect
to your heart song becomes ever easier.
When we look at life as an opportunity to have experiences, we
can begin to remember why we came here to Earth. To participate
in an opportunity to experience forgetting ourselves for
a while, to have an adventure in remembering ourselves through
discovery, offers opportunity to experience the self in new
ways. This is why you chose to come here, for indeed you
were excited for the opportunity to experience this evolving to
remember self-project.
Now with the lighter energies of Earth, it is easier to see and
feel more clearly what truth is. It is also easier for you to begin to
hear and feel your heart song.
Imagine the joy of reuniting your consciousness with your heart,
your divine truth! It is happening in a process based upon conscious
choice, timing of readiness, and of acceptance.
When you think of yourself and your life experiences from
the perspective of frequency, you will begin to see and know
possibilities leading to create greater harmony. You will begin to
feel, sense and know what is discord and the source of it.
You will also know the nature of harmony. Harmony flows, is
experienced as peace of mind, of joyfulness. It is a sense of surety
and completeness.
Peace can be felt in the present moment. Focusing on the now
moment brings mind to a point of balance where harmony
can be more easily felt and accessed. This offers opportunity
for greater clarity and connection to your heart song.
Whenever you feel distress of any nature, move your consciousness
into the present moment and focus on your heart. Listen to
the stillness. Feel into it. With practice you will be able to feel
sense and know your heart song, the true frequency of yourself.
This is the point of remembering truth, of self-recognition. The
more you focus on this point the more deeply you will sense and
feel your truth.
It is a simple practice that you may choose to do often. The
more you practice with focus, the more you will feel harmony
in your life experiences.
It is as if you are fine tuning a beautiful instrument. You are
consciously choosing to align and attune with your heart
As you raise your light and vibration, this allows you to be
able to access your heart song at even deeper levels. This elevates
and inspires you even more to choose pathways that
lead you to that destination of a conscious connection that
your heart desires.
You might ask “how do I raise my light? How do I raise my
vibration?” There are many ways, let me share a few.
Most important is to love yourself. To treat yourself with
kindness and to make choices which support you in honoring
Make it a focus to bring more joy into your life experiences.
Whatever brings you joy, makes your heart song even louder.
Joy elevates you and those around you. Thoughts and acts of
kindness to others elevate your light and vibration.
Another way to elevate is to let go of judgments of yourself or
others. Let go of old hurts, old stories from the past that are
filled with discordant energy.
Begin to allow yourself to see the beauty and wonder of you,
of life and within all people. See beyond the definers holding
lesser value held in the past or present of you and of others.
Open up to the greater vision of yourself. Let this vision
dance in your mind into the flavors of new possibilities and
potentials of lighter experiences.
Every choice you make to love, every choice you make to
experience joy, every step you take to make a light choice,
elevates and inspires you to become more. You become closer
and closer into resonance with your heart song.
It is a process, a journey of great wonder. The more you connect
to your heart song, the more joy and peace you will experience.
This is your time to choose a higher frequency, a higher resonance
with your heart song. The opportunity is here. The
choice is yours.
Remember your song. Allow yourself to flow in the sweetness
of silky harmony. Let yourself be uplifted into higher states of
knowing truth and the bliss that comes with this.
Your song is precious. Your song is most exquisite. It is unique
with the flavors of your specialness.
Each one’s song is perfection in harmony. Each song comes
together in unity to create a symphony of oneness of which
we are all a part of.
Enjoy your journey of remembering Beloveds. Know that you
are the songs of my heart. Dance in the joy of knowing our
great love, the song of our divinity. Shamon.”
With great love,
Your Beloved Mother
pdf by Eden Magazine
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