Message from the Goddess Mother channeled by Jan Diana:
My Beloved Children of Heart,
“Greetings of joy! My heart is smiling today with the anticipation of
what joy is about to reach your awareness. You can claim it now if
you choose.
Yes My Beloveds, joy is a choice. Though it is your divine nature to
be joy, it has been mostly forgotten during your life experience on a
dual plane.
However, the great time of awakening is occurring. Many little sparks
of awareness are lighting up your todays and tomorrows.
Each little spark brings its own blessing in that moment of acceptance.
The awareness opens up the mind to sense and feel each little
spark of lightness.
More sparks, more awareness. Thus the blossoming of awakening becomes
a known reality to you.
Each spark has its own special gift. Everyone receives what they are
ready for.
Lightness always rains upon each person as love is a constant. However
these sparks I am talking about are about your own personal
evolution to higher consciousness and awareness of your divine self.
If you are someone who desires a greater understanding, a greater
connection to truth, you can actively choose to come into greater
awareness. Choosing opens the doorway to receive. Accepting and
allowing these sparks of light, leads you to feel a greater connection
to your divinity.
The quest to a greater awareness of truth of self is a most delightful
journey. You may feel some challenges at times based upon your present
reality, past experiences and perceptions, but gradually you will be
drawn deeper into your heart.
It truly is a journey to restore heart consciousness. To have that full
awareness of knowing truth and the nature of the divine is a heart
Your road is unique to you. Your life story is unique to you. And yet
all stories are part of the greater story, the story of us.
As more people open up and accept the sparks of light, the world
elevates as a collective. The day will come when there will only be
a focus based upon the principles of heart consciousness for that is
divine truth.
We journey individually and together. There is value for each individual
expression of life. There is value in the collective expression of life.
The great plan of the journey of lives is a divine plan of the Creator.
There is a great sacred purpose which will bring such joy to all.
Now you might ask, “How may I accept more of these sparks of light
to further my personal expansion? What are the ways to master my
thoughts and actions to further my personal advancements?”
There are many pathways and all are honored. If you are seeking
greater wisdom and understanding in your life, ask for
Connect to your heart in a quiet space and ask for guidance.
Allow yourself to be still and receive what comes forth.
You have the divine right of choice. You also have been given
many other gifts. One of these gifts is the privilege to ask for
There is much shining upon you always. Each of you has also
been given masters, angels and guides to assist you. You also
have divine attributes which are innate abilities and gifts.
It is about you deciding what you would choose for yourself
and asking for guidance. Being open to receive, will allow you
the blessings of divine inspirations that will uplift and guide
you to reach the next steps of higher awareness on your sacred
Each of you has within you a great capacity to expand and
elevate. It is only a matter of choice and readiness, as you are
honored in all ways.
Many of you are aware of some of the great masters that have
lived on Earth, masters such as Buddha, Jesus, Mary and St.
Germaine to name a few. These great ones followed the same
They received sparks of light. They were open and allowed the
lightness to fill and inspire them.
They took each spark and built upon it. They had a great thirst
for further light and knowledge. Thus their thirst to know
was their sacred quest which drove them to constantly seek for
greater wisdom and understanding.
They learned divine principles of truth and applied them to
their lives. This was their choice which was fueled over and
over until they reached the heightened levels of consciousness
that they desired. They connected to their hearts, and let themselves
by guided through divine communication.
This is how they reached their mastery. It is the same for all
However today it is even easier for you if you desire it to be.
Earth has elevated. We are no longer on 3rd dimension. The
lighter energies here now make it easier to connect to your
We have reached this great time of awakening together. It is
because of the readiness and choice to release from the old stories
of limitations and move into the freedom that you choose
to experience.
Yes Beloveds, I celebrate each of you and where you are in your
personal journey. Your time to flourish in the many sparks of
light is now. You can choose your mastery. You can choose to
be consciously on the pathway to great wisdom and joy.
I celebrate your greatness. I celebrate the joy and wisdom that
is your destiny. I celebrate you.
You are the jewels of my heart. Enjoy your life journey. Allow
the sparks of light to rain upon you, elevating you onto the
golden bridges of light. Shamon.”
With great love,
Your Beloved Mother
pdf by Eden Magazine
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