Message from the Goddess Mother channeled by Jan Diana:
My Beloved Children of Heart,
“Greetings! Welcome to this gathering of hearts.
As with all of our gatherings, we begin with a connection to
our heart. This is the place of wisdom, of great love and of the
divine truth of self.
We begin today with a focus on the many opportunities
presenting to you for great advancements in your personal
journey of progression. Yes indeed, you are on a journey
designed to gently lead you back to the full awareness of the
truth of yourself.
It is an exciting journey filled with opportunities to develop
and expand, perhaps even beyond what you have dreamed
of. Now at this position, in this time, much is being made
available so that you can stretch to reach as you choose into the
greater connections of awareness you have desired.
It truly is a time to celebrate yourself. You have collectively
chosen this time to reach that positon of greater potentials
of knowing truth.
As you develop your greater awareness, you will be led to
pathways filled with great discoveries. These experiences will
assist you to learn, and to develop further your abilities to
expand and elevate your consciousness. This then leads to
even greater awareness and the development of wisdom and
understanding,Wisdom is the ultimate connection to divine truth. It is also
the way to utilize knowledge in great understanding based
upon heart consciousness, based upon divine love.
Your heart consciousness leads you to the truth, free of illusion
formations within the field of duality. The heart leads you back
into the oneness of self, your sacred truth of self which lives
in the forever realms of joy, love and serenity.
Wisdom is a key to developing the innate master abilities that
you have. These are gifts that each of you have and are developed
by yourself in your choosing and time of readiness.
You might have the question come to mind, “how can I develop
wisdom while I feel uncertainty of my life and of my
future, for I am living in a world that feels the struggles of
life?” It is an interesting thought is it not.
Let me share with you first that you have within you the seeds
of wisdom. These were planted before you incarnated into this
Now in this frame of time, these seeds are beginning to awaken.
Just as the seeds of your dreams are lighting up, so are
the seeds of wisdom. They are taking in the lightness and
beginning to blossom.
You will find that these seeds will speak to you as little whisperings
to your mind. They will come to you in peaceful
moments. They will come to you in moments of joy.
They come through the heart. The heart consciousness awareness
is stimulated during peace and joy. So this is the timing
when you will hear and be aware most of wisdom.
Wisdom will come as little insights. Thoughts of suggestions
perhaps of a different perspective on how to proceed with
a project, or how to respond to an interaction with a family
member to create a more harmonious relationship
Wisdom has knowledge and understanding flavored by the
heart. Our hearts are based in the truth of our divine nature
which is unconditional love.
Loving is the key to everything divine. It is the answer to
all resolutions. It is the way back to fully remembering your
divine self. Wisdom assists us by steering us in the direction that will guide
you onto the pathways of light. These pathways lead you back
to the awareness and acceptance of your divine truth.
Now let me share with you some simple steps on how you
can develop your wisdom through heart consciousness. First,
set aside some time to connect to your heart. You can do this
in many ways. One way is to just focus your attention on your
heart, holding peaceful, joyful thoughts.
The next step is when you feel you have connected, to ask a
question to your heart. Perhaps you might ask “how may I feel
more connected to my heart?”
Now relax and allow yourself to receive the answer. You may
hear words, see an image or have a sensing. You may feel the
answer. This is the whispers of the heart offering you the
wisdom you have asked for.
With your connection in flow, you might take this deeper
with another question. Or you might just follow whatever
guidance you have received and feel the wonder of the loving
counsel you have taken in.
You are opening up a line of communication through the
heart to receive wisdom. This will become strengthened each
time you utilize this gift.
You may utilize these steps as you desire, for whatever topic
you choose. You are developing your innate ability to communicate
with the divine through your heart.
Always know that there is never fear or less ness in any wisdom
from the heart. There is only truth based on divine principles
and unconditional love.
If you feel fear or confusion, take time to center yourself
again with your heart. Focus on joyful thoughts that lead you
back into peace.
You will find as you utilize these gifts that you will become
more proficient in your communications. This than will lead
you to further develop other innate gifts and abilities.
You have been given all the tools to discover and develop to
navigate in grace through these times of great change and
elevation potentials. This is your path of mastery. This is
your path of remembering your greatness. Celebrate it. Celebrate
I celebrate with you this time of blossoming. It is with great
excitement as we share together in these great achievements.
The time is now for you to move more easily on your path.
You can direct and choose in greater grace than ever before.
Whatever you choose is perfect for you. You learn and remember
from your experiences. Your choice to experience is a
divine gift. Your choices are honored. You are honored always.
Know that you are perfect. In my heart I know your truth.
You truly are the jewels lighting up the pathways of lightness
and joy.
Beloveds, let yourself shine. Shower your light upon the seeds
of wisdom and let them blossom. Accept in grace the wisdom
whispers of your heart. Dance in the joyful radiance of your
sweetness. I adore you. Shamon.”
With great love,
Your Beloved Mother
pdf by Eden Magazine
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