Message from the Goddess Mother channeled by Jan Diana:
My Beloved Children of Heart,
“Greetings at this time of great wonder! The days ahead
are filled with joyful expectations of the greater visions of
your heart.
As we come upon this time of year, it is a great opportunity
to prepare to receive the many blessings of the season.
These afford opportunities for a more joyful heart, fun
times shared with friends and family, and the entertaining
of hopes and dreams unfolding.
Perhaps as you ponder on your life experiences up to this
point, you feel a bit of a pull toward a grander vision. It may
be that you are starting to entertain new thoughts of dreams
that have been buried deep within your heart.
Imagine them as seeds that are starting to wiggle so that
you may take notice of them. Dreams you had forgotten
about, new beginnings about to awaken. How can this be
you might ask? It is as if they have been sleeping, waiting for
something to awaken them.
You are the one calling for the awakening of your dreams.
You knew this time would come one day. The time is now.
Oh the glory of these words as you heart hears them spoken.
It is as if a big light just got switched on, shining on the
pathways of remembering.
You are remembering what you tucked away until you and
the world were ready. Celebrate this truth My Beloveds, for
as you are elevating in your awareness, so are the many jewels
in your heart beginning to awaken as well.
After all, you prepared your plan well before you stepped
into this life. The great master self, knowing fully your
heart’s desired dreams, knew also that you would go about
this in your ideal timing.
Sit for a moment and ponder on this great wonder. You can
feel the truth as you heart speaks to you of this joyful time.
Accept the greater awareness without questioning it. It
flows from your heart and just is.
Your heart has been guiding you all of your life back to the
awareness of your true self. It is a journey of self-discovery,
advancements and exploration.
The wonder of you blossoms with every thought fueled of
greater lightness. It blossoms with every acceptance of your
You are who you are no matter what experiences you have
had or will have. You expand upon that through your many
choices which flavor your consciousness in the process of
knowing the greater you, and your limitless loving nature.
Imagine you as the artist creating the masterpiece of your
heart’s dreams. There really are no words to communicate
the fullness of this great wonder. It is known in the language
of love, the language of the heart. Deep within yourself you
know this language. You can feel it on many levels as it
speaks to you in sweet whispers.
Consider greater ease and grace in your life now. What
would that feel and look like? How would it be for you if
the struggle no longer existed?
So much of the definers of self and your life have been
met with limitations. What if you were free of these?
Take time to ponder on these topics deeply. What if
you could define your life as you would like it to be?
What if it was easy and graceful to do so?
The gift of choice is given to all. It always has been and
always will be.
Now the opportunity to make conscious directions of
what you desire are more easily recognized and fueled.
Many tools are available to assist you. Open to receive
and you will recognize the guidance of your heart.
You very nature is perfect. You are already perfect. You
are in the process of remembering this holy truth.
Each of you chose to be here on Earth at this time.
Each of you plays important roles in the evolution of
humanity and of Earth.
It is a journey, a wonderful process. We allow each their
choice and timing. Yet with your personal advancements
and the roles you play, you have the power to
not only create your dreams, you also have the power to
love, and to shine your light onto the world blessing all.
What a glorious gift. What a glorious time. What a glory
you are.
Remember always you are not alone. You are greatly
supported by many who love and adore you.
Have fun on this journey of self-expansion and exploration.
Have fun nurturing the dreams seeded in your
heart Have fun living and being.
You are destined for greatness because that is who you
are. Accept this truth and fuel your dreams into reality.
You are My Children of Heart. You are the jewels that
are sparking the lightness. Let yourself feel my love as
it showers upon you forever more. Be the joy that you
are. Shamon.”
With great love,
Your Beloved Mother
pdf by Eden Magazine
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