Message from the Goddess Mother channeled by Jan Diana:
My Beloved Children of Heart,
“Greetings on this glorious day! Each day of life offers us
many gifts. Each moment comes with blessings to be felt,
experienced and discovered.
As we look upon our life experiences, we can begin to see
the nature of life itself. Life is in motion, flowing, changing,
becoming. Change is a constant.
Just as the seasons change, so does life. Nothing stays the
same. All is in a flowing motion of constant change.
To become aware of this wonder, allows us to sense and
feel the nature of life. You are a divine being experiencing
many different realities all playing out simultaneously,
both individually as well as collectivity. Ponder on the
wonder of this for a moment.
You are experiencing your life. It is unique to you. Each
one’s life is unique to them also.
Only you truly know what you are feeling,
sensing, and experiencing. You flavor your
life by your very thoughts and perceptions.
Imagine the wonder of this truth. The nature
of what can influence a happy day or a
day filled with travail.
What brings the same day that comes to
all living, a different flavor? Why do some have more days
filled with joy and others more days of pain and struggle?
Of course there are many factors involved that can have
influence over what is experienced. It can be simply based
on what the weather is and how that is perceived or what
perhaps is spoken about on the local news.
It may seem to many that there is no choice involved in the
weather. It just is what it is and perhaps that is the reality
for many.
Consider this, a person who wakes up greeting the day with
the perspective that another great opportunity to experience
life is here. They are looking to discover what wonder
will present, having an outlook of hopefulness for the day.
They are open to receive the blessings and have a bit of
an excitement to what may present. Perhaps even thoughts
of what opportunities can take them closer to their dreams
they have been envisioning
Another person might be concerned about what kind
of day it will be based on the weather report projected.
They may have many thoughts about how it may limit
their activities they had planned. Even perhaps they may
wake up and decide to just not plan on anything good
Two different people, two different perceptions, two different
days experienced. And that is using just one topic
as an example.
Imagine how many factors are at play in every moment that
can potentially influence the day, too numerous to mention.
However the most important fact is that you always
have a choice over your perceptions of life, of possibilities
and the vision you hold for yourself.
The person, who decided each day was an opportunity,
took that flavor of vision and opened their mind to possibilities.
They were open to new ways, and new ideas which
allowed them to be ready to experience
more wonder.
The other person felt limited and
allowed that to flavor their experience.
All choices are honored. It
is more about what each one truly
desires to experience in their
life journey and becoming aware
of the truth that they truly do have the power of choice to
In both cases each person is a master in the process of
remembering that truth. Each has chosen a different
perspective, a different path. Each is exercising their divine
right to choose, to experience what they desire. The
difference is the flavor of choice and how it affects their
experience, and the level of awareness of the power of
choice they have to make changes.
The pathway to remembering mastery is flavored by focus
and choice. It is a process of developing a focus that consciously
fuels choices that you really desire to experience
verses feeling that there is no choice but to endure.
Humanity is now in the process of moving beyond limited
thoughts and perceptions. The process of releasing from
the old history of experiences of suffering, struggle, less
than desirable into a greater acceptance of the power of
choice of focus is happening.
Perhaps you have heard it said before that what you focus
your thoughts on are fueled and become reality. This truth
exists for all. Experiences are flavored by choices that are
You can begin now to more consciously choose thoughts to
focus on what will uplift and enhance your life experiences.
It is a shift in conscious application of choosing thoughts
to focus on, that fuel your hearts desires rather than create
what is no to your pleasing.
To remember your divine nature, to recognize that you
have power to create and influence your life experience is
a great discovery. To acknowledge this process of growing
and becoming more brings great satisfaction and joy. To
create the dreams of your heart brings fulfillment, leading
to living a life of passion and purpose.
Today you can choose another thought another action another
focus. You can begin with the decision to experience
more joy right now.
What would I enjoy doing today? Let the thoughts of
choices flow and pick one that you are drawn to. Continue
this focus for several days and you will begin to notice the
flavor of your days changing.
What would you truly love to experience? What vision do
you have that would make your heart sing? Let the thoughts
flow. Open to receive the guidance from your heart and let
yourself choose pathways that support that vision.
This is your time to shine, to blossom and to develop your
mastery, in greater awareness than ever before. There are
many tools available for you to seek out which will assist
you. You have the answers within your heart, just allow
yourself to receive them.
Blessed ones, why not make your journey reach the stars
of delightfulness. You are offered life as a gift to experience
and grow. Flavor it as you truly desire it to be.
Know that the paths are lighting up before you. Step on
them in confidence knowing that you are finding your
way back to the truth of yourself. You are the wonder.
With great love,
Your Beloved Mother
pdf by Eden Magazine
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