Journey To The Heart

Message from the Goddess Mother channeled by Jan Diana


My Beloved Children of Heart,
“Greetings! I welcome you to our heart, our loving presence
of oneness, serenity, peace and joy. Yes My Beloveds, this is
our heart, our home within our heart.
As you reflect upon these words, may you feel your countenance
become lighter, bringing you a sense of simplicity
and completeness. The connections you are making through
these words and focus will set the intention of our message
May peace abide with you now and always as you center
yourself within the loving arms of your heart. Through your
heart, you connect to the One heart, our sacred heart of one,
our home.
This is a good place to be as we commune together this day
and always. It is a place that you can easily bring your focus
to res, free of what may be distractions to your peaceful
joyful nature.
One of the most simple ways to rest yourself within your
heart is to bring to mind a joyful experience. As you relive
the feelings of joy, this moves you into your heart.
Another way is through meditative practice. There are many
forms of meditation. You may find one that you enjoy and
are comfortable with.
You may also place your hand on your heart, breathing in a
relaxed manner to your heart. Then just allow your mind to
settle into the focus of heart.
Today I will teach you another way that will be very
useful for you in the days ahead. It is simple yet has
profound possibilities for your personal expansion.
Find yourself in a quiet place to be. Take a moment
to focus on your breath. Take your breaths, breathing
into your heart, very relaxed, very peaceful.
Feel into the flowing energy of your breath. As you
do this allow yourself to imagine being on a beautiful
ship. It can be a sailboat or a ship like the ancients of
Egypt floated upon the Nile many years ago. Whatever
you picture is perfect.
Now as you are in your ship, see the waters you are
floating upon as beautiful sparkling golden waters.
With each of your breaths, feel yourself floating ever
so smoothly on this glorious golden river of light.
Now that you are floating peacefully, look ahead to
what is before you. See a beautiful golden gateway.
As you come closer and closer to the gateway your
heart feels greater joy. You have a sense of awareness
as to what is about to happen as it feels very familiar
to you.
Continue to breathe in a steady easy flow. Your ship
moves in grace towards that golden gateway. As you
become closer, you feel great joy and excitement about
what lies ahead.
Now you may choose to move through the gateway.
Ponder for a moment. Will this bring me greater joy
and peace? As you feel into the answer, you will know
it by feeling a sense of peace that the answer is an affirmative.
You may then choose to pass through this gateway.
Know that you are allowing yourself to accept whatever
gifts and blessings you are ready to receive which
are being offered to you in this moment.
See yourself upon your beautiful ship moving through
the gateway of golden light. Now breathe in the gifts
and blessings by allowing your heart to be open to receive.
Take a moment to ponder on the gifts you are receiving
for there are many. You have called these forth to
assist you at this time on your life journey.
This meditative experience has taken you into the
realms of the heart. The heart knows all truth and is a
place to be in serenity, peace and joy.
It is a place that reminds you of your divine nature,
your authentic self. It is your place of connection to
your home, our home.
You may use this practice whenever you desire to
connect to your heart, your higher consciousness and
soul. It is a tool that can be used to help with discernment
of truth offering greater clarity.
As we move through the days ahead, many opportunities
will present for you to easily find the lighter
pathways. As you connect to your heart, you will find
it becomes easier to more clearly know and see the
pathways of ease, grace, joy and lightness.
There are many pathways and many gateways ahead.
Your ship will assist you to ride through the golden
waters leading you to fulfil your destiny.
Remember always to listen to your heart. It will only
offer you wisdom within the state of peace and joy.
There is no fear within the heart for it is only filled
with the energy of unity, oneness and the divine love
that just is truth.
Use this tool as desired My Beloveds. It will bless you
greatly in the days ahead.
Seek out other tools of mastery. You have laid them out
in your plan you made before your incarnation.
Now is the time to be searching them out so that you
will fulfill all that your heart desires.
You have only to be open and follow the guidance of
your heart.
Many blessings of heart be upon you My Beloveds.
May you hear and know the song of your heart as it
gently guides you to remembering your sweet self, that
beautiful loving essence of purity and love. Shamon,”
With great love,
Your Beloved Mother


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