Song of the Angels

Message from the Goddess Mother channeled by Jan Diana:

My Beloved Children of Heart,
“Greetings on this glorious day! Many are present with
us to support this special message offered today, that it
may be received with open hearts and minds.
As we look upon the horizon of what is to come forth in
the days ahead, we are filled with great joy. The beautiful
lights that dance in the skies above are shinning messages
of the wonders about to unfold. Messages that are both
peaceful and yet filled with joyful excitement.
There are many new beginnings for our Beloved Gaia and
for us all as we embark on greater potentials and possibilities
ever known to humanity before. Celebrate these words
My Beloveds for your hearts have been in prayer for the
days ahead for a very long time.
There shall be great singing in the heavens above as choirs
of angels take to expressing this great joy. Your hearts
will lift in song with them for the days of joy which will
Let us talk for a moment about the gift of those blessed
ones who hold positions in the angelic realms. They are not
only messengers of love, truth, unity and joy, but they
also offer to each one to be in service of assisting in their
journeys of life. They live to please and uplift, to remind
of the divine that is the truth of all.
They are of pure in heart and only will take steps to assist
you in ways that are aligned with divine principles of
truth. They are always compliant with the light, and with
the Creator’s
plan. They work in the realms of divine principles of truth,
lightness and love, always honoring and devoted to the
Whenever you desire assistance for anything in life, you
may call upon them. They are already aware of you and
your situation and know how to best assist. They will
never cross the boundaries of free will, for they honor your
choice to experience as well as the divine principles that
are part of the Creator’s plan.
However, if you desire for your burden to be lifted, to have
a clearer vision of what would be a better path for you,
they can assist. All you do is ask and allow yourself to
receive. You can do this through prayer or just with
intention of connecting and make your request with a
grateful heart for their loving service.
Many times you have been assisted in your life. Now you
can become more aware of this loving support. Angels
are here to assist you to remember your divinity. They do
so in love. It is their great joy to fulfill their sacred missions
of heart.
As we move through today and the days ahead, call upon
them often. They will assist you to focus, to recognize the
greater vision of what is possible. They will help to uplift
your spirit, guiding you, helping you find the answers that
you are seeking.
There is such glory that awaits you. To step onto the lighter
pathways is to reach for that glory. It is your birthright,
your destiny and you are ready.
As a gift today I offer you a greater connection to your
angels that are specifically here to assist you. This gift offered
today for you to choose if you desire, is for the song
of the angels to be heard in your heart as a constant.
Imagine when you focus on your heart to feel, sense,
know and hear the song of the angels. How delightful to
know they are with you always. How wonderful to feel
the vibrations and frequencies of the angelic choir present
in your heart!.
To accept this gift gently place your hand on your heart,
and breath into your heart space. Say or think the words,
“I accept the song of the angels into my heart. Thank you.”
Now feel the sweetness of the angelic choir as they sing
to you. They sing the song of truth, of joy and of the great
love that the Creator has for you.
Feel into the bliss. Bask in the lightness of heart and know
you are so loved.
Yes My Beloveds, you are so loved. It is time to remember
and feel the call to be in your heart, where all truth is
felt and known.
The days ahead are filled with great promise. May you
choose the pathways of greater joy offered to you. May
you dance in the song of the angels and remember the bliss
of our love. Shamon.”
With great love,
Your Beloved Mother


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