Seeds of Greatness

“Seeds of Greatness” Message from the Goddess Mother channeled by Jan Diana.

My Beloved Children of Heart,
“Today marks the beginning of greater tomorrows for us
all. Soon spring will be upon us in many parts of the
world, ushering in a time of new life and new beginnings.
As we approach this new phase of life, let us draw our
attention to all the many seeds that have been planted
in fertile soil. Soon they will begin to sprout and grow,
ready to fulfill their planned destiny.
Such it is for us all, as many seeds have been planted
waiting until the ideal timing of readiness to sprout,
grow and blossom into the destiny each will reach.
Imagine a glorious field of possibilities holding all the
seeds of desires held deep within your hearts. We share
as a collective these dreams for a New Earth, a new playing
field where all that is desired which brings joy can be
easily experienced.
The dreams of so many have come together at this stage
of Earth’s evolution to fuel the awakening of consciousness.
The seeds of these dreams were planted well before
you incarnated into your Earth experience.
You were fully aware of the plans for Earth’s evolution to
higher consciousness. You eagerly made your choice to be
an active participant in the greatest adventure ever to be.
Certainly you knew there would be challenges and yet
you also knew you were up to meeting them and successfully
moving through in grace. You also knew there
would be great offers of assistance given to help you individually
as well as the whole of the collective of Earth.
To be a part of the grandest adventure thrilled your hearts
with great anticipation of the glory that awaits you and
your brothers and sisters.
Today in this moment of connection of hearts, I share
with you that the time is here for you to step into greater
awareness of your sacred truth and the plan you made for
this lifetime.
Much has changed and is changing. The flow of energy
has shifted to align more with heart consciousness. Living
in the heart, fueling your thoughts and desires from
your heart, aligns and attunes you with the frequency of
love. Divine love is your authentic truth and nature.
Though you may have found it challenging to recognize
your true nature on a planet that holds duality consciousness,
the time is here now to more easily make those conscious
It takes focus with consciously choosing what you desire.
Where your focus is directed, affects your experience and
As you turn to your heart and focus from that loving
perspective, your life experience will shift to greater joy.
Then you will begin to more readily recognize the divine
spark within yourself and within all living sentience and
sentient beings.
Fueling thoughts of joy, manifests joy. With proactive
and conscious choice you will develop this new way of
living. Your connection to your true beingness as well
as your divine nature will become more evident to you.
Celebrate all the many experiences you have had that
have led you to this moment. Be grateful for them and
for your opportunity to live at this chosen time.
As you recognize the value of the journey, you will be able
to more easily release the old stories that offered experiences
that were perhaps of lesser value than your truth.
Now is the time of a greater recognition of what is the
authentic truth. There is no value in having feelings or
judgments of lessness about yourself or the past. It is best
to bless them and let them go, embracing the present moment
and all the wonder that is unfolding into glorious
As you release defining yourself and others to be of lesser
value, you free yourself from mistruth. There is great freedom
in this as it allows you to release resistance energy,
ropes tied to struggle and suffering that fueled experiences
of feeling separation from the source of your truth and
your divinity.
Let the past go, appreciate the glorious journey and open
to receive the blessings that are showering upon you. Let
yourself grow in the greater lightness to a fuller remembering
of the sweetness of your truth.
As spring time unfolds, notice the many seeds beginning
to sprout, and the beautiful new blossoms upon the trees.
Think of yourself as the great master that you are, awakening
to your destiny. Your seeds of greatness are beginning
to sprout and blossom into great wonderment!
Let the lightness fill you, fueling your inner desire to become
fully aligned and attuned with your truth.
Mastery is a process, a glorious journey. Your seeds of
greatness will grow and expand. As you evolve into higher
consciousness and awareness, this will fuel even more
growth and development. There are no limits to your mastery.
These are exciting times for us all, as we collectively and
individually choose the path of mastery, the path of remembering
our greatness. Your choice of timing is given
to you, allowing you the freedom to develop as you desire.
You are who you are no matter what roles you have played
or what your experiences have been thus far. The seeds
of your truth grow to become that glory just as the seed
of an oak tree will grow to become a beautiful tall oak tree.
Enjoy the journey of discovery. Take each moment as a gift
to explore your truth. Embrace the greater vision of what
can be and of whom you really are.
I celebrate you, each of you. You are the jewels of my
heart. You have within you the seeds of greatness. This is
your destiny.
May this message bring joy to your heart. Allow yourself
to receive this truth into your hearts and minds. Enjoy
the sweetness of light as it bathes you in our forever love.

With great love,

Your Beloved Mother


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