Message from the Goddess Mother channeled by Jan Diana:
My Beloved Children of Heart,
“I greet you in great pleasure this glorious day. Each day
presents an opportunity to experience the glory of life,
expressed and experienced through the heart.
I feel it is time to share with you an important message
that will assist you to experience the greater joys that life
has to offer. There is much available for you to experience
in your life that is now more easily accessed and will
become ever more so in the days to come.
It is of great value to begin a conscious choice to recognize
what joys you already have in your life. May times
throughout the history of humanity the primary focus
had been the struggle to survive as experienced by ancestors
and fellow beings that touch your life.
It is time to begin to consciously set aside any need to
suffer and struggle. Though you may think, why would
I think or support these concepts, it has been a conditioned
way of living and being throughout the history of
Now the way has been made available that provides for
an easier release of what no longer is relevant or necessary
to experience in your life journey. You can begin to
make choices consciously that will support you in a way
that will bring about a greater awareness of your truth and
the potential to elevate in your consciousness.
Within elevated consciousness and focused thoughts,
you can begin to create and experience the greater joys of
life. To allow yourself these opportunities will bring
delight to your hearts and minds.
Begin to ponder on your life, paying attention to all of
your blessings. As you notice these with an open mind,
your heart will expand to feel the appreciation and gratitude
for what is already offered and experienced in your
Beginning to notice the sweetness will bring you greater
joy. It will assist you to recognize your connection to
that great love that feeds and sustains your very life experience.
As you release from the shackles of the old stories and
experiences that kept you feeling limited, you will begin
to feel the greater freedom from whatever kept you from
experiencing the greater joys of life.
The ultimate goal is to be living in joyful conscious awareness
constantly. To know the greater joy is to know yourself
and your divine nature
Imagine now an experience that brought you great joy.
It could be when you gazed into the eyes of your newborn
babe. It could be when you felt the arms of your beloved
around you, or someone you care deeply for. There are
many to choose from.
Think of a joyful experience that comes to your mind. As
you recall it, allow yourself to feel as if you are reliving
that moment. Feel into it as if time stopped and you are
bathing in this moment of joy.
This exercise will assist you to touch upon an experience
when you felt connected to your heart. Immerse within
this moment and imprint the wonder of it.
Now that you have imprinted this experience into your
present awareness, let yourself move to another experience
when you felt a similar heart connection. Follow the same
steps and recognize the wonder and sweetness of the experience.
Bringing your awareness to these sweet experiences in your
life will assist you to recognize the blessings of your life.
You will begin to notice the joy and the truth of how you
are so loved.
The greater conscious awareness will be brought into your
present moment. You will begin to feel the same feeling in
your experiences today.
Imagine stringing a series of wonderful moments like this
together, like a beautiful strand of pearls or orbs of gold.
Now imagine wearing this strand of golden orbs daily.
They will be like little beacons of lights shining bright for
all to see, attracting more of the same wonderful joyful
Whatever you focus your thoughts on can be fueled into
becoming reality. As your focus turns to joyful moments,
more joy will present.
Living in greater joy is your divine birthright. It is your
destiny as you move into the greater acceptance of your
sacred truth.
Become aware of the many gifts and blessings showering
upon you. Open to receive in loving acceptance and allow
yourself to let go of anything that does not support a joyful
The power to do so lies within your reach. Be open to your
guidance. Embrace the sweetness, knowing that you are
ready for your next steps into the greater joy.
I hold the vision with you of your dreams to experience the
greater joy. We are a family of heart. Remember the joy
and celebrate. Shamon.”
pdf by Eden Magazine
for the full magazine spread click on the photo below