Message from the Goddess Mother channeled by Jan Diana:
My Beloved Children of Heart,
“Greetings! May you feel my great love for you. As you sense into the words shared today, allow yourself to know
my love for you, know that it is eternal. You are my children of heart, magnificent in all respects. I celebrate
each of you in your splendor.
Now is a time of great celebration. In your heart is a sense of joy that perhaps you have not been aware of before.
The many curtains of the many stages which have been playing out on your glorious world are beginning to fall
away, making room for the new stages of life, with infinite potentials for new experiences to begin.
Yes My Beloveds, new opportunities for new stories to be written and played. Each filled with the possibilities
you have dreamed of since the beginning.
The world is blossoming into its new chapters. The story of us, all who live upon glorious Earth is preparing to
embark on the many pages of new chapters for glorious new stories.
The excitement is elevating and quite contagious. As you remember how easy it really is to choose new thoughts,
new plans will unfold allowing you to live in the world of the dreams of your heart.
Being an active knowing participate in the journey of us, while having your very own story play out. Each story
becomes a part of the masterpiece of our family of heart.
Each role played and each participant holds important pieces to the wholeness of the story of our family. It is
such a great plan and you are very excited about the next steps and stages that are about to unfold.
Celebrations are in order, for you are in a state of graduation as you take these next steps. Know that you are
ready and very capable to move into the higher planes of Earth.
It is such a perfect plan and honors each in their timing. And yet the many hearts are choosing the lighter pathways,
making it easier for those who are perhaps still dusting off the sleep from their eyes.
Loving kindness and being patient will assist you during these times of great transformation. These great attributes
will not only assist you, but bless those sweet ones who perhaps are still in the earlier stages of recognizing
their great wonder.
As we become aware of our important parts played in the journey, we can begin to realize how we contribute to the wholeness. It then becomes easier to see that everyone has important roles.
In recognizing our connection to each other, we also begin to see how we are connected to all of life. We become more aware of our divine nature, our sacred truth and the unity of heart that we all share.
When we recognize that we are all connected in this glorious plan, we begin to see the wonder.
For are we not all of great wonder! Each one is a great wonder, a part of the wholeness of our family of heart.
Our family of heart is forever held in the realms of unconditional loving and oneness. Divine love is the true essence of all that is.
Loving yourself is the pathway to the greater awareness of self. Loving is the way and means to the greater recognition of your connection to our family of heart.
Our family of heart is always in the flow, in the dance of our heart. As we move into the higher realms of greater awareness, we remember more of the dance. We recognize that we are all dancing in the glory of the radiance of our heart, forever connecting in a presence of forever oneness.
As you receive this message from my heart today, let it carry you into acceptance of the love that shines upon your pathways, leading you deeper into your heart. Let yourself know your loving presence within your heart Yes My Darlings, it is time to lift up your feet and dance in the fields of golden light. As you dance, others join until all have found their placement within the grand ballroom of life.
You know this dance. You know how to dance. Be in joy as you feel the lightness of your steps, lifting you further and further into the realms of great joy.
Dance and know your sweetness. Let the music of your heart carry you forward into the dreams of remembering your sweet song as it joins with the songs of the many into the fullness of our symphony of heart.
The rewards of remembering your truth are priceless, leading you onto pathways of lightness that delights your soul. Remembering your song brings you into joy.
Remembering the dance leads you into bliss.
Dance throughout your life, allowing the music to lift you onto the pathways of the heart. Let your song be played on the strings of your heart. Know the joy of you.
Dance My Beloveds, be in bliss. Sing your song. Join with our family in the symphony of our heart. The sweetness is delicious. Let us dance together in our song of forever joy. Shamon”
With great love,
Your Beloved Mother
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