My Beloved Children of Light,
“It is with great joy that I greet you this day. We shall share a journey of the heart today which will bring you a sense of great hope for your tomorrows, while living in greater joy in your present time.
The days ahead are bringing to you new possibilities never before experienced by humans on your glorious world. Of course you know this in your deeper level of consciousness. It was the reason you chose to be here at this time on our beloved Earth.
The future is filled with great promise as the elevation of the collective of Earth advances in greater acceptance of the lights of truth. These blessed lights of truth are shining as a constant to lead the way of the heart.
It will become easier to recognize these truths in a consciously aware state of mind. The higher dimensional frames which Earth is now offering you to experience living within, makes this possible.
As you elevate in your conscious awareness, so does your physical make up and reality. Adjustments are made as you are ready to enter new playing fields of existence. Each new dimensional field offers new opportunities for greater elevation and expansion.
Every thought of a lighter value elevates your consciousness. Each time that you love, you elevate. Each time you experience a joyful expression you will feel a greater connection to your heart, elevating the wholeness of you.
Your heart knows the lights of truth. Your heart knows all divine truth and can easily recognize and embrace the lightness of it.
As we elevate together, each one chooses their personal level of acceptance. This allows each one to be guided to reach what their heart desires in their own timing and readiness. Every person’s journey is unique, flavored by choice and desire.
You can begin to flavor your life with greater joy and lightness as you accept the lights of truth.
With lightness comes greater awareness of your personal purpose and life missions. Your personal desires for your life plans were created before you entered the realms of physical existence on Earth.
Now is a time to allow yourself to let the light energies elevate, and inspire you and your choices. It is also a time to discover what no longer resonates with your higher consciousness and light quotient. It is a time to release from the old perceptions that are not your truth.
Opening up the windows of your mind allowing the light to shine onto your consciousness, is likened to a beautiful flower in the sunlight, blossoming in joy. The lights of truth illuminate the sweet memory of your authentic truth.
To remember truth has been a desire of your heart all your life. Isn’t it wonderful that the time has come for this desire to be fulfilled!
Feel the sweetness of the lights of truth as they shower their radiance upon you, blessing, loving and elevating you into joyfulness. Accept the wonder of it all, for truly you are ready to receive and know the flavor of who you really are.
To be in a state of unconditional loving of self and of all beings, is your goal. This is your true nature, to be that sweet love.
When you resist the love with judgments of lesser value, you will experience discord. It is a way for you to know you have slipped off the path of love for a moment, which you can easily shift back onto with a loving joyful thought.
Imagine being in a state of unconditional loving always. This is the peace you seek. It is within your reach more
easily now as you accept the gifts of light being offered on a continuing basis.
Much is being offered to assist and elevate. It is for you to choose whether you will accept these gifts now or at another time when you feel more ready.
As you choose the pathways of light, the truth will manifest before you. This will allow you to reach even greater heights of awareness.
What you focus on receives creation energy. Choose what you desire to manifest and let your focus be fueling those desires with constructive positive supporting thoughts.
There is a simple way to determine if something is of value to place your focus upon. You can ponder on these questions, “Will this focus bring me joy? Will this thought
uplift me and others?”
If you feel that it will elevate, than focus your loving thoughts and let it begin to manifest. Keep the focus free of doubts or any thoughts that do not support your desire and move into joyful focus. In essence, you are loving your dreams into reality.
When you focus on lightness, everything in your life will elevate, because you will elevate.
It is a principle of truth that lightness and love expand and elevate. It is truth because your divine nature, your truth is the essence of love. Divine love is always evolving and expanding, lighting up the universes with such sweetness and joy.
Your loving thoughts combined with all others who are choosing this focus, lead us all into the New World. This is a dream of your heart. To be living in a world where peace and joy abide as a constant has been a driving force for humanity. A world where there is an abundance of all that brings joy and fulfillment is a dream which you desire to experience and enjoy.
Open your heart and mind to allow the lights of truth to guide you. Each step you take leads you into greater awareness of your own lightness. To remember is to taste the sweetness of your divine truth.
Take heart in knowing you will succeed. It is a journey, a progression to remember fully your true self. Each step you take, each breath you breathe leads you closer to this ultimate realization.
It is your destiny My Beloveds. I am with you always shining the lights of truth that your journey will be filled with joy and the lightness of heart. Shamon.”
With great love,
Your Beloved Mother
pdf by Eden Magazine
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