Reflections of the Heart

My Beloved Children of Light,
“Look upon yourselves this glorious day with a happy heart. You are children of light brought forth at this time to celebrate in joy the wonder of life, to celebrate being alive existing in a physical form of great beauty.
In the ancient of time, we planned together for your journey into the realms of beingness. It is your great joy to be living this journey of heart.
Now it is your time to become aware in a greater way of your truth. It is time for you to remember your divine nature and purpose.
Take a moment to center in your heart. Breathe into your heart, in and out, in a gentle flow, relaxing into an awareness of your sweet heart and the sacred presence within.
You each hold a gift of great value within your heart. This gift will lead you to the place of remembering your divine self.
Your heart calls to you now. Listen and feel the sweetness of the song as it whispers to you.
Feel the peacefulness come upon you. Allow that peace to flow from your heart to all parts of yourself. Fill the cells of your body with this sweet peace. Have the focus of intent to allow it to fill you up as if filling up a water vessel. Fill it until it is filled and overflowing with sweet peace.
Continue to breathe into your heart and let the streams of peace flow into all parts of your bodies, minds and energy fields. Let this sweet energy dance within and around you.
Now in this sacred place of peace and joy, allow your self to receive your messages from your heart. Messages from the heart are always peaceful, joyful and uplifting.
You feel as if you are in an envelope of love. It reminds you of home, the place that your true self fully abides within.
Whenever you desire to feel at peace, come to this place of your heart. Herein lays the keys to unlock the truth of you. All guidance from your heart will always be uplifting, honoring, and loving. It is as if you are held in the gentle loving arms of the Sacred Mother, for indeed you are.
We are forever connected through your heart. It is the place to go to re-establish your inner awareness to the vastness of your divine self, your divine nature and sweet truth.
It is my gift to you. It is a fulfillment of the promise made to you, that you will never be alone. A promise given so that you will always have access to the divine truth as well as be receiving the constant flow of the sweetness of my love, our forever love.
Today is a great time to begin to develop and strengthen your conscious awareness of our heart connection. It is the way for you to develop your personal innate gifts and abilities. It is the means to re-discover the wonder of you and what is possible.
Many of you have already discovered the great power and wisdom which comes from your heart. Many are now ready to pursue a greater discovery of this sacred connection.
You may begin to move in greater confidence into your heart flow. The communication is a constant. The world is at a place now where it is even easier to access this flow.
As you allow and accept the sweet messages to flow into your awareness, you will begin to see yourself and your life experiences with new perspective. You and your life will take on a new flavor.
Joy is the flavor that will bring to you a smoother flow within your life and assist you to release from the old stories. Much of these past experiences were flavored with the energy of resistance and struggle.
You are ready now to move into higher states of conscious awareness. These higher states will be like opening up windows, allowing more light to shine onto your life. This light allows you to see more clearly what truth is as well as what greater possibilities are available to you even now.
Yes, with greater vision, you will be able to see clearly the new opportunities for elevated experiences. Life will become an even greater adventure for you as you become aware to a higher degree of how you are creating through your focus. This now opens up the mind to see how with a shift in focus and greater clarity, you can create realities to express and experience more of what you have been longing for.
To be creators, consciously creating the desires of your heart has been your life dream and purpose. What will you choose to experience now, as you begin to remember your personal ability to dream and create? The choices are unlimited.
Shifting your focus to joy and possibility by aligning with your heart will set you free to live your many dreams you planned for your life experience. Yes, you are the great one who chose to incarnate at this time to fulfill and live those great plans.
Think of yourself as a great master in the process of evolving to remember your sacred truth. You are unique for there is none other like you. Your path and life experience is unique and yet you are a part of the one family of heart always.
How glorious to be where you are now. What a blessing to be remembering more of who you are.
Celebrate this My Beloveds, for truly you are filled with the promise of infinite expansion and potential. You are now allowing yourself to witness more truth in every moment.
Continue on your glorious path of discovery. Allow yourself to blossom in the radiance of your heart. Be in joy and discover what wonder is possible for you.
You are my Children of Light. You are endowed with infinite potentials to expand and advance as you desire. It is my gift to you.
Go forth and enjoy your journey. Know that we are always together in the flow of our hearts.
There exists only love for us, for we are truly one family of heart. Shamon.”
With great love,

Your Beloved Mother


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