My Beloved Children of Heart,
“Greetings on this glorious day! I am filled with joy as my messages of heart today will bring to your minds and hearts, a greater awareness of your divine nature.
Your greatest thirst is to know yourself. You seek a constant reassurance of your value and self- worth.
Let me say to you now very clearly, that your value is so great. It cannot even be measured by any standard used to gauge value within your current reality.
Your personal value is of such expansiveness. As I share this message with you today, it will assist you to open yourself to the possibilities of a greater vision, a greater perspective of who you are and how you are known within the realms of truth.
I hold you in my ever loving presence within the sacred heart. You will know the sacred words spoken to you today and always. Our divine communication is a constant. Yet, for a while you have forgotten this truth. However, now is a time of remembering more of your truth and the truth of all that is.
Be in the ever loving flow of peace My Children. As you remember, you open up the causeways of possibilities beyond what you have dreamed up to this point in your personal evolution.
Indeed now it is a time, where you are able to see and know more clearly the truth as it radiates upon you. The radiance is shinning the sweetness of your truth to your heart and mind.
Imagine the greatest love you have ever felt. Perhaps it was in the arms of your mother as a young babe. Perhaps it was when you were holding your own child and gazing into their eyes of great wonder. It might be a time you spent with a beloved, holding each other in a loving embrace.
Whenever you have felt loved and have experienced that sweetness is a wonderful beginning to remember more of your divine nature. It is a pathway of remembering the divine truth that exists for all.
I say it is a beginning because, as you open your awareness to the feeling you experienced and observe it more fully, your heart will bring to your awareness other times you have felt the same feeling. You will begin to thread these experiences together as if threading a strand of pearls. These are pearls of love which shine so bright. As they are linked together, they become even brighter and will thread a sweet awareness of all of the loving experiences you are remembering.
A process of remembering the sweetness in your life, will lead you to a greater understanding of what is the true reality for you. It will become easier to recognize love as you focus on these pearls, experiences of love you are aware of. Soon the pathways of discovery will brighten even more, lighting the way to recognize and remember more loving experiences. Your life journey is a process of remembering your truth. It is a process of developing and expanding your consciousness. It is about living and experiencing the desires of your heart, living your dream. Imagine living that dream with the consciousness of the delightful flavor of your pearls of love.
It all begins with an awareness of your truth and divine nature. How exciting that you have reached a place in your journey where you are ready to accept more light into your life, to accept more of your truth!
The wonders that are waiting to be discovered by you will fill your heart with such joy. You will perhaps wonder, how can I keep my feet on the ground I feel so light-hearted!
I recommend spending some time each day pondering on love and loving experiences. Each time you have a memory or a thought come to mind where you have felt love, imagine stringing a pearl on a golden strand. This strand of pearls will be ready to be worn as necklace of honor.
This will become part of your Master attire. It will show to yourself and to all, that you remember the sweet experiences of love in your life.
These pearls will create a bridge to more experiences and expressions of love. You will discover even greater love in your life, shifting and elevating your paradigm to be filled with great peace and joy.
When your focus turns to thoughts of love, you become that great love, living and loving. What a wonderful way to remember your divine nature, that you are love. And what will you do as you remember your sweet nature? Ah, the possibilities are unlimited.
You are the jewels of my heart. Each one is a precious pearl with your own distinct flavor. The joy you are is exquisite, for you radiate love.
Welcome love into your life My Beloveds. It will fill you up to become more of who you are. You will blossom in the radiance of the heart and create an endless string of pearls of love for yourself and for all to enjoy.
Celebrate your life. It is a gift for you, so that you may experience the greater love. Know that I am the love, loving you, shinning that sweet radiance upon you to light the way. Enjoy the journey and wear your pearls of love proudly.
You hold within your heart the promise of forever love. It is your birthright. Focus on your heart and allow the love to flow. Accept the sweetness into your life and live your dreams of heart.You are destined for greatness. Shamon.”
With great love, Your Beloved Mother
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