My Beloved Children of Light,
“It is a time for great celebrations as you have reached a position in your journey which allows you to receive a greater vision of what can be. You are creators of your reality and though you may wonder how can this be true, for I am not happy with my life? The answer to making the shift to what you desire is simply to allow yourself to receive the gift, for it has been given. Accept the greater vision.
Your mind may say, how can I accept a greater vision? How can I see what seems impossible to me?
Let me share with you a story. There once was a man who had great wisdom. Each day he began with a prayer of gratitude. He looked upon himself and his life as a gift, a gift of such value that he was beyond comprehending the fullness of its wonder. Yet he knew of its value.
As he spent a few moments pondering on how blessed he was, a neighbor came by to bid him a good day. The neighbor brought him some freshly baked bread and a jar of strawberry preserves, made from his garden.
The man was very grateful and thanked him for such a wonderful gift. Now he could have a delicious meal. As he ate the bread and jam, his prayer of gratitude grew until his heart was filled with such joy. Thank you he whispered to his loving Creator.
As the Sun began to rise higher in the sky, he knew it was time for him to make his way down the mountain. He put on his robes and began the long walk. His feet were bare, because he found such pleasure in feeling the ground beneath his feet. He felt a connection to the land as the sunlight warmed and lit up the path of his journey.
As he walked, he thought about the wonder of the sun, how the warmth comforted his body from the cold. He also thought about the rays of light making it possible for him to see not only his way down the mountain but to be able to see all that was along the pathway. Mother Nature had provided a cornucopia of wonder to see and take pleasure in witnessing. Oh, what a blessing to be able to see and enjoy this glorious journey.
As he pondered on this great wonder, his heart filled ever more with joy. He took it all in and allowed himself the expansion and expression of these pleasures.
Soon he was at the bottom of the mountain. He continued to walk towards the village. He had so many friends here. Several came up to greet him and wish him well.
He continued onto the village square. Today, there was to be a great celebration. All had gathered to join together for this glorious event.
It was a Festival held each year to celebrate life. Each one came together to offer gratitude to each other and to the loving Creator for the blessings of life.
As they met together, they shared their joyful bounty. Eating such delicious food, prepared in great joy for this day of celebration giving each of them nourishment and great pleasure.
The music began to play reaching into the songs of their hearts. They began to dance and move in the freedom of spirit. Oh the joy, the great pleasure this brought to their bodies, hearts and minds.
This day was dedicated to uplift and bless everyone both as an individual as well as the whole village. All were filled with such joy, their hearts singing in unison with gratitude and bliss.
As it came time for the festival to complete, the villagers hugged each other. They knew they were all brothers and sisters, truly one family of heart.
They knew the joy of knowing they were loved, supported, appreciated and recognized as a friend, a comrade of heart, in fellowship among this village. They knew they were loved. They were grateful for life. They enjoyed living in the wonder of each moment accepting the glorious gifts from their divine source.
This story is a simple one of truth, for you are likened to the fellow on his journey. You too have the gift offered to you. As you become aware of the greater vision of yourself, the veils that perhaps in the past have kept you from seeing what is around you, are falling away and it is now easier to see with clarity that vision of great wonder.
Rays of light are shining through as if the sun became brighter than ever before. Take a moment to look around you and see the wonder of what is before you.
You are here now, becoming more aware of your magnificence. The brighter light is shining upon you now because you have chosen it.
You are making your way onto pathways of new beginnings. There are new ways and means available to you now to live in greater awareness of joy, peace, unity and the fulfillment of your dreams.
Allow yourself to feel the blessings showering upon you. Receive and know that you are the wonder. The gift is given, receive and know it.
Truly the heavens celebrate you My Beloveds, for within you lies the seeds of promise. You hold the vision of what brings the greatest joy, of what is and what will be.
Your destiny lies within those visions of lightness, held within your heart. Soon you shall know your vision in reality and be the dreams you have dreamed of. It is your destiny.
May you always feel the sun shining upon you and know of my great love for you. We walk this journey together, in our forever fellowship of heart. Shamon.”
With great love,
Your Beloved Mother
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