My Beloved Children of Light,
“I offer you my greetings of joy and sweetness to each of you.
Today I wish to share with you a beautiful thought. “Let us be open to receive the light through the windows of the heart.”
Imagine you are sitting in a beautiful room. This room has a soft rose colored glow. It feels very comfortable here. You can feel a sense of freedom from the many cares and concerns of your life. Here it is quiet. There is an awareness of peacefulness, of serenity.
As you walk about this room, you will notice that there is a beautiful comfortable chair. Take a seat and begin to relax. Let your mind open to encompass the space of this room. Allow the sweet energy to flow into your mind, filling it with serenity, accepting this blessing of loving presence.
As you sit here pondering and enjoying this pleasant space, notice that in the center of the room there is a beautiful diamond heart crystalline jewel. As you look upon it, it feels as if it is speaking to you, perhaps even singing. You will notice that it is very sweet. It brings to you thoughts and feelings of serenity and joyfulness.
Sit here for a while and open your heart to receive these sweet messages. Perhaps your mind will begin to see images of great wonder. You may notice thoughts of possibilities that seem to take flight into new realms of exploration. Just allow yourself to entertain these new ideas, and flow into a greater vision of what might be.
Let yourself bask in the joy of this experience. Within this beautiful room there is much wonder to discover and explore. Allow yourself the opportunity to just be with this for a few moments. It may even seem to be as if you have always known this place. In truth, you are very familiar with it, for it is a place where serenity abides.
You have entered the realms of your heart. Within this sacred place you can access all the answers to the questions you carry in your mind.
Sit in this wonderful energy and ponder, dream and let your mind flow within the realms of possibilities. What would you desire to experience and enjoy in your life? How might you bring into your reality more of the many dreams you hold within your heart? Allow the questions to flow into this beautiful space, touching upon the diamond heart crystal.
See the beautiful glow emanate from this crystal as it sends gentle beams of light into your heart and mind. The answers for possibilities are coming into your consciousness. Let them float in. Be open to receive the inspiration and guidance being offered.
As you begin to imagine with an open mind and heart, the windows of illumination will open into the greater views of possibilities. You may even see and become aware of the bridges of light leading you onto the staircases which will elevate you to the realities you are dreaming of.
Let us expand on this. Imagine yourself surrounded by a group of friends. You are very happy to be with this group. You know they share similar dreams and interests. In fact it feels like they are the most wonderful loving supporting group. They are a team of comrades who also feel about life and your purpose just as you do. They know you intimately and are aware of your many dreams and desires as well as your gifts and abilities.
Within this group you feel comfortable sharing ideas and your personal thoughts about life and your journey. They offer suggestions at times and always are commenting on how amazing you are. Your confidence is assured as you know this group of loving fellows are always supporting and encouraging you on your many pathways.
Think of this group of fellows as your personal team of great masters, angels and guides, whom you have chosen to work with on your personal project, your great mission, your life on Earth. Now knowing this truth, that you have chosen these great ones to support and guide you, with confidence you may choose to consciously direct them for specific assistance. They will only offer the greatest of wisdom for the most ideal outcomes. You can be assured that their guidance will lead you onto pathways that will be for the highest good.
How wonderful to know that you are so loved and supported by these great ones, and to know that you are a member of this team as well. You stand as an equal among them, for you are a great one in the process of rediscovering this sweet truth. See them in a circle around you creating a field of support. They are offering wisdom to lovingly assist you through this joyful process of remembering more of your greatness. Their guidance will help you reach all that you desire to achieve.
Now you can see within this beautiful room there is much available for you to experience and to discover. Take some time to explore the possibilities. Allow yourself to take in the joy and sweetness of this beautiful place. You can enter this room any time at will. All it takes is your desire, focus and intention.
Open yourself to receive through the windows of the heart. Accept the gifts of illumination and swim in the wonderment of sweet love. Share in the fellowship of your team of great ones and let yourself become more aware of your divine nature and your authentic truth.
Remember your greatness My Beloveds, for indeed it tastes of the sweetest nectar. Let yourself spend time within this sacred space. Allow the light to shine upon you as you begin to blossom into a greater understanding of your truth. Remember, you are the dance of my heart, for you are love.”
With great love,
Your Beloved Mother
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