Whispers of The Heart

Greetings My Beloved Ones,

“Today I wish to share with you a truth that will bring you comfort and peace as you journey through your life experiences. It is a gift from my heart, given to all my children.

From the very beginning in the early moments of your life as you began your experience living here on this blessed world, this gift was active. You were receiving constant communication from my heart to yours. Even as a newborn babe, in your little body, adjusting to being in a new environment, experiencing yourself in new way, you were comforted with this heart communication. You understood and knew on very deep levels who you were, what you were about and that you were not alone.

As you began to become more accustomed to being in this world, you found ways of communicating to those around you, with what means they were able to understand, such as crying when you were hungry, tired or just wanted a cuddle. And yet always we were in a constant communication through our hearts.

The first few years of your life you remembered our communication. As you grew a bit older, you began to forget more and more of this sacred language of our hearts, and yet on very deep levels you always knew who you were and that you were never alone.

Now as you are reading these words, your heart is witnessing to you of their truth for it is time for you to begin the process of remembering this sacred language, how to speak and utilize it in your lives. This is the grand time of awakening. This is the time that your heart has been longing for.

The truth I share with you today is like drinking sweet nectar bringing your heart great joy. To know that my love is always with you, that I am singing to you of your sweetness, and that I am lovingly supporting you as you live the many dreams you have desired to experience. This truth offers peace to you.

Your heart longs for you to remember our conversations, to feel that connection consciously in your daily life. You long for this even now more than ever before. It is time to celebrate the truth of my words as today I will share with you how you can begin to consciously remember and recognize this sacred communication of hearts.

For you to make this connection of awareness is an important choice. Every step in your journey of developing your mastery begins with a choice. As you decide to move forward with this quest of remembering, begin to hold a vision of a continuous circle, a golden circle that connects our hearts. Our messages are living in a constant flowing motion, just like your breathing is flowing in and out.

As you hold this vision, focus your mind on your heart and imagine this golden stream of light flowing from your heart to mine and back again. Begin to feel this flowing energy as you hold the vision. This will develop and become a constant as you allow your mind to flow within this golden energy between our hearts.

Now imagine that it is like a dance back and forth, which is uninterrupted. This dance is within a beautiful song within a forever loop of loving. This song is sung in the notes of the heart. The language of the heart is the language of love. The sweetness of this heart language sings a song understood on many levels by you even now.

With your choice to know this connection, you are focusing with your thoughts the desire and intention to remember this beautiful language of heart.

The language of the heart is transmitted telepathically in frequencies and vibrations, coming to you in sweet whispers of the heart. These whispers bring to your mind messages in many different ways. Perhaps in pictures, sounds, thoughts, ideas which can inspire you to make light choices supporting the desires of your authentic self, the self that remembers all truth and your purpose you chose for this life.

To hear these sweet whispers, first you have the awareness that this is a true reality. With acceptance of this truth, you will be able open your mind to allow the receiving in a conscious way.

As you are open to this truth and have the desire to develop your ability to recognize these messages, you can begin to direct your thoughts consciously to pay attention and notice what and when you are receiving. This gift is like other innate abilities which you possess. With practice and focused purpose, you will strengthen and develop your ability until it becomes second nature for you.

To know and recognize the sweet whispers of the heart is a gift that will lead you to remembering more of your authentic self. The sacred messages will guide, direct, and lift you into planes of greater awareness, making it possible for you to see the many pathways of light that are available for you to choose.

A simple practice that you may use to assist you in developing your connection is to spend a few moments each day connecting to your heart. Place your hand on your heart and breathe gently focusing on the flowing in and flowing out of your breath. Feel yourself moving into your heart, this place of peace and joy. Imagine the golden circle of light, our connection of communication from my heart to yours. As you focus, relax into this flowing energy, feeling yourself dancing within the golden streams of light. Allow your mind to let go of the cares of life and just be with this for a few minutes. You are developing your conscious awareness to our connection.

As you go through your day, you will begin to notice thoughts coming to mind. Whispers of the heart are inspiring and uplifting. They bring messages of lightness and joy, for the heart speaks in the language of love and unity.

My Beloveds, I rejoice in this time of awakening, for you are remembering the sweetness of your divine truth. I celebrate with you as each step brings you closer to your destiny of greatness. May you listen to the sweet whispers of the heart; feeling my love, for I am with you always.”
With great love,

Your Beloved Mother

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artwork by Maryam Morrison
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