Greetings My Beloveds of Heart,
“Celebrations are in order today, as you have successfully moved through the sacred portal, leading you onto the steps of further enlightenment. This was a choice you made in your hearts many years ago. So celebrate your grand achievements as you are now positioned to step into the lighter energies which will take you onto the pathways of heart reaching the greater wisdom and understanding that you so desire.
Begin to notice the gentle nature of life and of those around you. In doing this you will become aware of the frequencies that uplift your greater awareness. Yes, though before you may have felt more resistance, now you are capable of seeing and feeling the softer side of everything. It is as if you are now viewing and experiencing through your heart’s eye and of course that is what is occurring.
You will develop this way of being and master it. It will become second nature to you, as you continue to elevate and expand your conscious awareness.
Now is the time to truly blossom as you desire. You have the magic wand in your hand. Focus your attention from your heart on what you desire to create and experience. Watch the magic unfold in a gentle loving manner.
With practice comes proficiency. Developing your mastery is a process of recognizing truth, choosing ideal pathways and focusing. Being guided to take the action steps which you feel inspired to take, leads you to fully manifest the desires of your heart. The connection to the truth of you is now more easily accessible. It is mostly a matter of choice, clarity, practice and focus.
As you develop your clarity and focus, you will be able to align with your ideals in a graceful manner. With this alignment, you will begin to notice your desires coming into your reality in a more seamless manner.
Of course as you practice holding the visions of your ideals, you will become aware of what truly is possible. Be patient with yourself as this is a glorious process, a glorious adventure, filled with opportunities to reach beyond what perhaps you thought possible.
Connecting with the higher parts of yourself is now more easily attainable. Just release attachment to the old ways, the old stories that held you in visions of lesser value.
See yourself letting go of the ropes to a heavily loaded wagon that you have felt yourself towing through your life. See the energy threads to the old story dissipate and the beautiful wagon now moving forward in great ease.
Imagine the magic. What was thought to be perhaps impossible for you before is part of the old stories of the past. You are now moving into the new arenas where possibilities are limitless.
You have access to all the answers that you desire. You are always being guided by your higher self as well the masters, angels and guides who stand beside you.
Take some time to connect through your heart to this grand part of self. Feel the love and bathe in the lightness of heart. Here is where you will receive your answers. Here is where that beautiful guiding lightness flows to you and within you, bringing you great joy.
Think of yourself as beginning a new chapter in that amazing story of your life. You are now ready to begin to know yourself as the creator of your own life story. There is no value in the blame of others or circumstances for what is or has been your reality, as you now can recognize that you have the magic wand in your hand.
How wonderful to feel and know the power you hold. You have the power to create what you desire, the life of your dreams.
This power is love. It is the divine love that has offered you this gift of life. What blessings you have experienced thus far. Imagine now what more wonder lies for you to create and experience, knowing you have that power within your heart.
Take some time to ponder on this message today. Breathe it into your heart and know the truth of it.
Seek out the ways of releasing from the old stories, letting go of the ropes. Let yourself begin to blossom in grand ways. As you desire to find the pathways of release, you will be easily guided to reach them.
You are endowed with the gifts and abilities of the divine source. You are my children of light and as such, are capable of being and experiencing all the dreams of your heart, free of any perceptions of lesser value.
The adventure you have chosen is a glorious one. You are now remembering more of your divine nature. What a glorious achievement! We celebrate together your great wonder and advancements.
Now you can easily move forward into the next stages of your personal evolution. You are on your way to knowing and experiencing the greatest of joy.
Joy is your divine nature. Within joy is the peace, serenity, wisdom and all that you have longed to feel and know. It is all within your reach.
Step into your new roles as an awakened master. Let yourself be all that you desire. Go forth accepting the truth, that you are truly magnificent.
Allow yourself to accept and embrace that you are the enlightened one, becoming more enlightened with every breath. The joy is here for you to choose. As you choose joy, more joy will come to you until your reality is all joy.
The wonder of you fills volumes of greatness in the realms above. The wonder of you is known to all. The wonder of you is joy. Let yourself accept and know the sweetness of this truth. Open your heart and receive this message of love from My Heart into yours.
You are the joy of My Heart, My Beloveds. You are joy. This is your time to experience and know your truth. Be the joy of you and live the dreams of your hearts desires.”
With great love,
Your Beloved Mother
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