The Greatest Gift

Greetings My Beloved Ones,

“During this time of year there are wonderful celebrations of the many blessings of life. Families and friends gather together to share great food and memorable experiences. Communities of heart gather throughout the world with a unified focus in their own ways to give thanks to the Creator for their many blessings.

As your hearts dance in these many celebrations, sharing gifts and time with loved ones, you may be focusing on what you believe to be the greatest gift to you and the world. And yes, these gifts are indeed recognized as great offerings of love that bless and uplift humanity. We are in great love and appreciation for these always.

And yet today I will share with you a sweet truth that may surprise you. What is the greatest gift? The greatest gift is the gift of you and your life. You chose to express your wonderment by living a life that you planned with Creator, fully knowing of the value of this treasured opportunity.

As you stepped into your beautiful little body, upon this glorious Earth, choirs of Angels sang, heralding in great celebration your arrival.
Your own heart sang with them for you had been waiting for this time in great anticipation and now it was here. You were in great joy.

Your uniqueness, your very specialness, offers a new flavor into the mix of the flavor of all of humanity, to Earth and all of her children.

Imagine that you are that one spark of light which is considered to be the greatest gift! What does this mean to you to hear these words spoken?
You are the greatest gift to you, and to the collective of Earth for there is no one which is quite the same as you. Yes we are one family in heart, in unity, in oneness and yet there is only one you. Ponder on this and let your heart testify to you of its truth.

Imagine what does it mean to be a gift, let alone considered the greatest gift? If you have any doubts about this truth, set them aside for a moment and let your heart guide you.

A gift is a present that brings joy to the hearts of the receivers and to the one giving.

The choirs of Angels sang songs of joy when you were born, knowing of the gift of your presence upon Earth at this auspicious time in the evolution of humanity.

Deep within your heart you know this truth. You know your value and your purpose. You have been on a journey of self-discovery, a process of connecting to your sweet self.

You are a gift of love, of joy, of brightness. You are a great Master in the process of remembering your divine truth. Truly you are a delight to behold.

The journey of remembering is a process of letting go of old stories, beliefs and perceptions that you are less than your truth, that you are not a precious gift, that you are less than perfection. As you let go of the old stories, embracing more of your truth, you elevate your consciousness and begin to remember and accept the greater vision of your truth and what is possible.

Let these old thoughts go and begin to embrace more fully your true nature. You will begin to feel your heart soar to new heights of joy as you let go of any of the bags of sand which have been weighing you down.

You are my children of heart. You are perfect in all ways. Any thoughts less than this truth are just experiences of your journey which can now be released as you travel the road to your destiny of full recognition of divine truth.

Your life is a gift to yourself and to the world. It is an opportunity for you to live and experience, to express your own personal uniqueness and to explore what is your true nature, expanding upon your discoveries.

Your contribution to the collective is of great value. It is priceless gift to you and to all.

Now more than ever it is important to hear these worlds. This is the time of great awakening, when you knew you would make a greater connection to your knowing heart and fulfill your dreams and purpose. As you begin each day, take some time to ponder on your magnificence, celebrating yourself with doing what brings you joy. Joy reminds you of your truth, your divine nature.

When you are in joy, your heart expands bringing you a greater awareness of your truth. Joy fills you with a sense of peace, pleasure and an abundance of flowing love.

Imagine living each day in joy, greeting the day with a song in your heart and with a dance in your steps. Why not bring joy and pleasure into all you do, all the foods you eat, all of your relationships, all your experiences.

It is your divine birthright to live in joy, and to be joyful. It is your destiny. Why not claim this now.

During this time of the year when hearts are turned to love, remember you are the greatest gift. You are a gift of joy, a gift of love. You hold within your heart the promise of the time when all will live their truth, and bask in lightness as they dance in joy throughout the gift of their life.

Chanulanaha my sweet ones, remember you are joy, you are sparkling light, you are love, for you are My children of heart. I celebrate you and thank you for the gift of you.”

With great love,

Your Beloved Mother

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artwork by Maryam Morrison
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