The Gift of the Golden Rose

Greetings My Beloved Children of light,

“Welcome to our time of sharing. Today I come with a message that will uplift and inspire, leading you to a greater sense of your joyful nature.
Within the realms of Earth there now exists a wonderful new energy. This energy emanates from a Sacred Ray, new to all worlds. It is the Golden Rose Ray.

This is a gift that I now offer to all of my children, which will radiate such sweetness to your hearts. It will assist you to remember the great wonder of you, for truly you are a wonder to behold.

In these times of great change, you are shifting into levels of greater awareness. This growing awareness touches upon knowing your divine nature, your divine source, and your life purpose.

This beautiful Golden Rose Ray can and will assist you in this process of remembering, moving gracefully in your readiness into the higher levels of conscious awareness.

Oh, the glory of these times! Oh, the glory of you, for you have chosen this time of personal expansion!

Take a moment to reflect on my words, Feel into your heart and know this truth. As you feel the truth, your heart will fill with such a sweet wave of joyfulness. Yes, joy validates truth. It is the way of the heart, for the heart only speaks truth.

This gift is offered to all as a gift from my heart to yours. The gift of the Golden Rose Ray has much to offer you in ways of great blessings and opportunities for expansion into the realms of greater wisdom and understanding.

Do you thirst for knowledge about yourself and your purpose? Do you feel drawn to have a greater understanding of you and your life?

The Golden Rose Ray is a Ray of the Sacred Heart. Your heart is all-knowing. You are receiving communication from your all-knowing self through your heart conduit perpetually. You receive and you understand on many levels.

Now you have a greater opportunity to heighten your receptivity to this loving flow. As you recognize this connection and open your mind to receive through the heart, you will be able to develop a greater understanding of these sweet messages of your heart. This will assist you in recognizing your divine nature, your many innate gifts and abilities and begin to utilize them more directly in your life to direct and manifest what you truly desire to experience.

You will be able to use this blessed ray to design your life to be filled with whatever brings you joy. It offers pathways of great illumination and personal empowerment. It is a Ray of great love and wisdom offered to all as a blessing for further advancements in personal development on your life journey.

The Golden Rose Ray will assist the collective of Earth to rise in consciousness and assist with the elevation of Earth into the higher dimensional realms. It is already blessing the whole of mankind and Earth as well as many other worlds.

Now, the beauty of this sacred gift can also be used for your personal development. Let me share with you some ways for you to consider exploring these possibilities.

First, always begin your advancements by centering in your heart. Take a few deep gentle slow breaths, while placing your hand on your heart. Focus with loving intention on connecting to your heart. Notice the flowing love messages that are a constant. Feel the peace, the joy, and the wonder.

You may take the Golden Rose Ray into your personal life by choosing and claiming this blessing. Think or say these words, “I choose to accept the gift of the Golden Rose Ray into my life. I am grateful for this gift and choose the blessings and guidance associated with this gift. Thank you.”

Now feel the flow of the energy from your heart. You will feel the flow of sweet peace. This gift will now begin to manifest more directly into your life experiences, based on your choice, as your free will is always honored.

The greatest way to utilize this gift is to be heart centered and open to receive. Allow the blessings to unfold as they will. Be open to new ideas, and accept the wonder that unfolds. You will be guided by the quiet whispers of the heart.

Celebrate your magnificence, My Beloveds, for you have reached this point of readiness to receive this great gift of love. The Golden Rose Ray will assist in elevating all of Earth into the fullness of the Golden Age. What joy this brings to us all.

Ponder on these words shared with you today, for there is much more being spoken to you through the heart. Allow yourself to receive the love and blessings. It is your time to blossom and become as the beautiful gold rose, blooming in all its glory. May you feel the Golden Rose Ray showering upon you as gentle rain drops of love and know the joy that is your truth.”

With great love,

Your Beloved Mother

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artwork by Maryam Morrison
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