Greetings My Beloved Children of Light,
“In joy we meet at this most auspicious time, for truly it is a time of new beginnings. It is a time for your beautiful hearts to open and blossom in the lightness of truth.
As we move forward in time, let us take a moment together to reflect on our amazing journey. We have been on a glorious adventure filled with many experiences and opportunities to live and express ourselves.
As we reflect on the past, we can appreciate the roads that have led us all to this now moment. Each step has offered a flavor and value, adding to the many flavors of our group advancements.
Let us celebrate all experiences and all choices for they have made possible what is now to come. Your hearts have called out for more, more truth, more wisdom, more understanding and more joy.
Your heart knows that it is time for the “more”, more awareness of your divine truth, more feeling of the connection to source, more experiences in the fields that hold a sweet lighter value.
Take a moment and ponder on these words. More is a concept that suggests greater potentials and possibilities.
Imagine having more love in your life, more contentment, more peace and more joy. It is all possible and timely. It is now our time to release from the visions that projected fields of limitations. It is now our time to be free to see and know the unlimited possibilities that are shining before you now, ready for your choosing.
Step away from the old ways of the past. They have served their purpose bringing you to our present moment. Now, as you make conscious choices to release from the old ways and let them remain in the past, you will be able to freely step onto new pathways which will bring you the “mores” that your heart desires. This thought stirs within your hearts a feeling of great excitement.
It is time to be free of anything that is no our truth. It is your time to recognize and accept your amazement and wonder.
A new beginning starts with a new vision of yourself. Spend some time pondering on this concept, “a greater vision of myself” what does this look like? Allow your heart to guide you so that you will begin to grasp the wonder of who you really are.
Imagine yourself as a bright light which has been in a box with small windows that allowed some light in and some light to shine out. The experience felt limited.
Now imagine the windows expanding until the sides of the box are no longer present and you are surrounded only by great magnificent windows, which easily allow the light to flow in and flow out with no perceptions of any obstructions. Notice the feeling of freedom. It is as if you are breathing fully for the first time.
My Beloved Children let your hearts and minds open to these large expansive windows. Let the light shine in and feel the radiance flowing, allowing your sweet truth to be known to you.
Each time you choose the beautiful light, you will feel more comfortable in this wonderful energy. As you choose to allow this glorious radiance to shine onto your presence, things will unfold in the most delicious ways. Watch as the magic happens.
The truth will set you free to know and be who you already are. Divine truth is sweet, gentle flowing love. You will easily recognize it by its flavor for it elevates, and inspires bringing joy to your heart.
I am singing to your heart the truth of you. Your heart sings your truth to you as a constant as well. Follow the notes in your song and be open to receive the sweetness of the new higher harmonics.
This is the time you have been preparing for. It a time of joy and celebration for as you open your heart and allow the music into your life, you will begin to know more of the sweet truth.
It is your time to dance in the sweetness of life, free of the past, being in the beautiful present moment and letting the dreams of your heart begin to blossom into reality.
I dance with you in every moment within the rainbow streams of forever more. This dance of our hearts is our way as our divine nature is light and filled with such joyfulness. We are the forever more and in that truth is the greatest of wonders and joy. Remembering this truth is the way of the heart, the song of the heart and the means to know that you are always in the dance. It is what you have been dreaming about all your life.
It is our time now for more dancing and lightness of heart as we move in a constant flow within the beautiful rainbow streams. Yes My Beloveds, it is our time for more. Let us dance and drink in the wonder of our forever more.”
With great love,
Your Beloved Mother
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