My Beloved Children,
“My heart is filled with joy as I greet you this day. May your hearts and minds be opened to hear the sweetness of my message to you, as we share these moments together.
As you look upon your life, do you feel that you are experiencing all that you desire? Perhaps you have some dreams that you would like to have fulfilled and yet, you wonder how can I reach these dreams, how is it possible? Please show me the way, your heart calls out.
Today I will share with you a simple, delightful way to bring about some shifts that will assist you in realizing those wonderful dreams you have been holding in your sweet hearts. Today is the time to begin building bridges to those dreams, for it is your time to reach a greater level of understanding.
In your life, you have many choices. With each choice comes an opportunity to have an experience. How you perceive these choices affects how you experience them. If you have a choice and you are in sadness about it, it will likely be a sad unhappy experience. If you have an experience that is sad or unhappy, there is no judgment about it, it just is an experience.
However, there is a way that you can make your experiences become happy ones that bring your heart joy. Imagine if all your experiences were filled with joyfulness, what would your life look like? Imagine if you were able to shift your whole life experiences to be light hearted, illuminating experiences where you felt so much joy and bliss. Imagine if you were in love with your life!
There is a way to create this as your reality. You begin by flavoring your life with joy.
You can begin very simply. Ponder on what brings you joy. Is it taking a walk in nature? Nature has many gifts to offer you which can bring you into a sense of great peace, calm and pleasure.
Perhaps listening to some special music elevates you and brings you joy. It could be some special foods you enjoy, or foods that you love to share with family or friends. It could be helping your neighbor, or writing in a journal. There are so many choices. Ponder on what triggers joyful responses and make a list. These can be your new focus points.
How can I bring more of these triggers into my day? Each day focus on what brings you joy and take action, by choosing to experience some joy.
As you make these choices, you will begin to see the flavor of your life shift. You will awaken each day with excitement. What joy will I bring to myself this day? How will I gift myself with greater pleasures? It is my time to have fun and pleasure in my life.
Let me share with you a moment of great joy, which will assist you to make a heart connection which will open your awareness of your truth. I will take you back to a moment in time where you first experienced joy in your life.
Take my hand as I walk you back to your moment of birth. Relax and breathe into your heart. Know that as we journey to this moment in time, you can open your heart and mind to receive this remembering of this joyful experience.
Here we are now, at your birth moment. You have just been delivered. You are now being handed to your mother. As you open your eyes for the first time, you gaze into the eyes of your mother. Ah, you feel such joy, such peace. Yes, you know joy and you are feeling it even now as we share this sweet moment in your past. Take a moment to feel this truth. Feel the love, the sweetness, the celebration of being welcomed into your life journey.
Within this sacred moment lies the fullness of your dreams you have held in your heart for your life. You know who you are and your purpose. You have planned for this life and now you have arrived. The wait is over. You are ready to live the gift of your life, to create the dreams of your heart that you desire to experience.
Yes in the beginning of your life, you know joy. You remember your sweet nature, your divine truth. You know who you are and you remember your truth. You can ponder on this moment whenever you desire, for it made an imprint of joy within you. Reflecting upon it will bring you a greater awareness of the time when you knew the truth and wonder of you.
You knew joy in that moment. You knew your sweet nature of joyfulness, so being in joy came naturally to you. There were some adjustments, learning how to be on this world, and yet there was such an element of joy that created a surge of sweetness in your heart and mind, for you knew you had pierced the veil of light and entered into the beginning of the journey of your life.
You knew your life was a gift, a great blessing, to be able to live, to dream, to experience and to create. In a way which seems to be beyond the realm of oneness, as an individuated soul and yet knowing in your heart you are always within the oneness.
The seeds of joy are within you. Now as you awaken more to the seemingly forgotten truth of your sacred self, those seeds of joy are ready to blossom and unfold, to present you with gifts even beyond your imagination.
You are even now experiencing a greater awareness of yourself. There is so much wonder for you to discover, recognize and enjoy. It truly can be likened to a treasure hunt and you are the treasure.
As your mind has taken you back to the first moments of joyful awareness, the many pathways of light are waiting for you to choose and experience.
Recognizing the gift of your life will bring awareness to you of your uniqueness, for truly you are the only one of you, with your own specialness, experiences and expressions of wonder.
Ponder on this for a moment. What would you like to remember? What dreams would you like to create? What would you like to experience?
Your mind will fill with many questions as you take time to ponder. When you focus on the questions, you will be guided to the answers. To remember your divine nature, to discover and explore that truth is the greatest of journeys.
The simple way to open to a greater awareness is to focus on joy, to flavor your life with many joyful moments. It is easy. It is only a choice of a new flavor of experiences, just as you would choose a flavor of ice cream that you would take pleasure in tasting.
Each joyful moment is like a precious pearl. As you live your life, connecting these pearls, will create a string of beautiful moments, leading you into living your life filled with joy. More joy will lead to more joy.
As you consciously choose joy, you will begin see windows of possibilities open before you, windows you were unable to see before. Soon you will be living in the golden river of joy, experiencing your life on pathways of great lightness.
As you experience joyfulness, you will begin to remember more of your truth, for your divine nature is joyfulness. When you are experiencing joy, you are remembering this truth. You are recognizing the Creator’s love flowing to you perpetually. You are remembering the oneness, our sacred home of heart.
My Beloved ones, flavor your life with joy. It is time for you to know the sweetness and wonder of you. I am shining my love upon you always.”
With great love,
Your Beloved Mother
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