A Day to Remember

Greetings, My Beloved Children of Heart,

“As we share these moments in time, as we experience these moments of change together, though we are individuals, we are experiencing these same moments, all at the same time. How does this make you feel, knowing that each person, each animal, each plant, each rock and tree is experiencing living and being, within these same moments? Is it not a wonder to behold!

As you hear these words spoken to your minds and hearts, you are beginning to realize the greater vision of what each moment brings to you.

Imagine with each one experiencing in their own way each moment, together with all others, what this offers to you. Sharing in the life experience, knowing this truth of what is occurring will assist you to make the greater connections of remembering the truth of our divine nature.

The divine is never separated from itself. We are always in the same moments of time, breathing, living, thinking, and acting. Being, living and experiencing life in our own personal ways, yet all within the one journey of the moments of time. Pondering upon these truths will help you to realize the connection we have with one another.

Today is a day to remember, for as you read these words I offer you a gift, a message from my heart to yours. This gift will allow you to see more easily the bigger picture of life and its grand purpose. You will begin to notice your heart guiding you into this greater awareness of the joys of life and what wonders are awaiting your discovery!

To receive this gift I offer you My Beloveds just close your eyes and imagine before you a golden orb. It is an offering of love and will not create any imbalance, only bring you blessings of joy and peace. If you chose the orb, just say to yourself, yes, I desire this gift of love, and it will flow to you. Take a deep breath and relax, and open your heart to receive.

Today and all days that come will be blessed with a greater awareness, a clearer vision as your gift opens up your heart and mind to receive what is being offered to you always. Now, with this greater awareness, what is possible?

Ponder on this. If we are all experiencing these moments together, what would happen if I choose my focus to be on what brings me joy?

If I love spending time with my pets as it makes me happy, my moments are filled with happy thoughts. What does this offer to everyone and everything which are experiencing the same moments? It adds more of the flavor of joy into your life experience and into the life experiences of everyone and everything. It is there for them to choose to feel it as they desire, but it is there never the less as a reality. Everyone and everything feel the rippling of your happy thoughts in the moment, because of our connections we have in the sharing of moments.

With a simple shift of focused intention of choosing to experience more joyful moments, you add to the flavor of your life, bringing you greater elevations of mind and heart. This also adds the same flavor to everyone and everything which are also living in the same moments.

Now the thought can be, “how can I flavor my life with more joy and also add to the joy of others through my loving choices?” This now becomes a recognition of how your life choices affect not only your life experiences, but how it can affect those of all others as well.

What an incredible opportunity to shift into a life filled with all the peace, joy and an abundance of all that you desire, simply by the focus in the thoughts you choose. Change a thought, change the recipe, change your life, and change the world.

Perhaps you were not fully aware of the great gift that has been given to you and to all to create your reality. You have been given the birthright to be cocreators of your life experience. Now, with a greater understanding of this sacred birthright, you can simply make choices which support the desires of your heart, empowering yourself and watch the magic unfold.

What would you really like to experience? How can I help my family and friends to experience more joy? In what ways may I assist in the world becoming the New World, where peace and joy are what we all experience, and there is plenty for all?

It all begins with the focused intention of the thoughts you choose for yourself and hold into being. This than changes your flavor and the flavor of your life reality, and adds to the recipe for all experiencing living in the same moments. What a gift and blessing to know that with your personal choices to love yourself, to be in joy, to choose thoughts of abundance and plenty, you are also helping your family, your friends and the world.

You are My Children of Heart, each with unlimited potential. You can live your life of infinite possibilities and experience all that your heart desires. You can reach the dreams of heart that you have and that all have. The time of plenty and more is at hand, it is only for you to choose.

Take pleasure in creating your dreams and know the joy of living them.This truly is a day to remember.”

With great love,

Jan Diana

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