My Beloved Children,
“I am flowing in the ripples of joy as I greet you. Today I will share with you a pathway to your heart where you will be able to explore in greater depth your divine nature.
As I ponder on you, each of you, my heart fills with such joy of your sweetness. Each of you holds a special place within my and your Fathers heart. Each of you has your very own song, your own specialness. I know each of you as you dance within my heart always.
Imagine if you will what it feels like to be loved as you are in this very moment, nothing to fix in order to be loved, no weight to shift, no degree to obtain, doesn’t matter the size of your bank account. Imagine what it would be like to feel this love, to know the unconditional acceptance and loving support of you and your journey, to know that you are loved always and in all ways. This is the nature of divine love and is your birthright.
Truthfully, you are on a quest to remember this for it is divine truth. The journey to remember and embrace your perfection has been filled with interesting experiences and expressions of life and living.
As we continue on this glorious journey of life, a new opportunity presents to make some leaps in discovering more of your divine nature and truth. Today I will share with you this glorious opportunity, so that you may ponder as to whether you wish to take this pathway of the heart. Know that your choices are always honored. Also know that your journey is unique to you, adding into your very flavor. Each of you are evolving at your own pace and choosing, and each of you will succeed for the way home is written for all.
Many years ago in the beginning, pathways were set into place that would assist you in remembering your sacred truth, knowing that the time would come when the desire within your heart would become so strong you would search for answers. The quest to fill what the heart seemed to long for, would lead you on a great adventure, a journey of remembering the truth of what is and always has been your truth.
Did you know that I held you in my arms when you were born, looking into your eyes, seeing the sparkle of you. One of my greatest moments I share with you. You can remember this if you choose and I will help you, for as I look into your eyes my love for you was forever imprinted for you to see and feel.
Take a moment to ponder on this allowing it to enter your heart awakening that spark of remembering this glorious experience. Feel the joy as your focus turns to this moment of great love, where you and I embraced in the wonder of you.
It is a most delicious and glorious thought is it not! Let us open up the gateway a bit more so that you can feel and know what this gift brings to you now at this most opportune time in your life.
Many of you have heard that the eyes are like windows to the soul. They are windows to your very heart, where the source of your true self resides. Your light shines so brightly and can be known and recognized with focused intent.
Within the beautiful connection we made at your birth you were gifted with sacred codes that would ignite in your readiness and choosing. It is your time if you choose, to ignite these codes of remembering the lightness of your sacred self. With intention you can use the following exercise and watch the wonder unfold.
Imagine yourself in front of a glorious looking glass, a beautiful mirror with golden trim or you may do this in front of a mirror of your choosing. As you gaze upon your reflection, look into your eyes and hold that focus. You will begin to feel a connection, like a stream of light shining from this beautiful reflection into your awareness now. As you hold this focus, you will begin to see a little spark of light, and as you continue to focus it will become a sparkle as the spark of light begins its dance.
It is a beautiful connection, a transmission of the heart light seen through the eyes. Be with this for as long as you desire and allow the dance to radiate its joy. As you practice this, it will become very easy for you to see this beautiful sparkle every time you look into a mirror.
As you begin to see the sparkle in your eye you will also begin to notice many wonders appearing in your life. You will notice more of the joy of living as you go through your life experiences. This will inspire you and bring you even greater joy as you more easily discover your divine nature and all that is possible for you.
You will also begin to notice the sparkle in the eye of those around you and feel the connection of heart that is the truth that is shared with all of my children. There is great joy in feeling the interconnectedness with all, as you remember your family of heart.
This is a time of celebration for it is time for you to know your truth and to dance in the joy of this awareness. I am forever connected with you, holding the vision with you of all the dreams of your heart that you desire to live and express. It is only for you to choose, design, and take the actions that support. Let go of any limiting thoughts and beliefs, they are of the past. Fully embrace the divine nature of your true self. It is your time to leap forward into living in joy, consciously creating all that you desire.
I am with you always, cheering you on, celebrating in your wonder. You are my children of light, dream your way into your new tomorrows.”
With great love,
Your Beloved Mother
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